
Manx Genealogy

Re: M. I. Lookup please
In Response To: Re: M. I. Lookup please ()

Hi Helen, If it was from the internet (or anywhere else) which gave no source, you have no proof that it wasn't just a guess to fill a gap in someone's family tree. If there is no age at burial, no M.I., no definite link to another Looney family (for example being named in a will as from Ramsey, or his wife and/or children being named), and he died before the censuses, he will be very difficult to place. As well as the parish register, wills are often the best bet - if you read enough of them you may find him mentioned by a sibling or other relative. I would start by reading all the Ramsey, Maughold, and Lezayre wills on LDS film for Looney during the time he was alive (assumed dead by the 1841 census - but only an assumption).
