You can check the Lezayre Parish records
William Quayle
C!HR: 21 Jan 1746 KK Lezayre Parish Christening Records FHL Film
#0106727 son of William Quayle and Joney Caley.
!MARRIAGE: 21 Oct 1786 KK Lezayre Parish Marriage record FHL Film
#0106727 married Mary Caley daughter of John Caley and Mary
!DEATH: No Monumental Inscription available.
!BURIAL: 19 Jun 1830 KK Lezayre Burial Record FHL Film #0106727.
Mary Caley
CHR: 9 Dec 1764 Ramsey Christening Records FHL Film #0106741
daughter of John Caley and Mary Goldsmith.
!MARRIAGE: 21 Oct 1786 Lezayre Parish Marriage Records married
William Quayle of Blockairy son of William Quayle and Joney Caley.
!No Monumental Inscription.
!BURIAL: 15 Jul 1836 Kirk Christ Lezayre FHL Film #0106727.
!EPISCOPAL WILL Lezayre dtd 15 July 1836 - FHL Film #0106436: Looks like this will "fell off" Brian's will index
To the worshipful Thomas A Corlett Vicar General.
The humble petition of Thomas Quayle, Thomas Cowley, and Catharine
Cowley his wife of the parish of Lezayre.
That Mary Quayle who was mother of your petitioners lately departed
this life having made and published her last will whereof she appointed
your petitioners executors.
That it is necessary that the said will should be received wilthout delay,
the estate of the deceadant requiring immediate attention.
Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray a hearing hereof and that your
worship may be pleased to hear the said will in court and that your
petitioners be sworn executors thereof in the usual form and your
petitioners shall pray. Evan Gill for petitioners
Ordered that this petition do come on to be heard upon me at an
Ecclesiastical Court to be held in Ramsey on the 29th instant. Whereof
all proper parties and persons are to have due notice.
Given this 15th July 1836. T. A. Corlett
At an Ecclesiastical Court held in Ramsey the 29th July 1836.
Upon hearing this petition the next of kin of the deceadant having been
duly summoned and upon examination of Wm Quayle and Pat Caley
witnesses to the will of the testatrix Mary Quayle deceased it appears
the said will was duly signed and executed by the said testatrix when of
sound mind it is therefore ordered that Thomas Quayle and Thomas
Cowley husband of Cath Cowley the Executors be sworn and that probate
be extended on the said will. T. A. Corlett
February dthe 2nd 1835. In the name of God Amen. I Mary Quayle alias
Caley widow and relict of William Quayle of Blockairy and parish of
Lezayre beilng of sound disposing mind, memory, and understanding
thanks be given to God Almighty for the same. Therefore, considering
the uncertainty of this transistory life and calling to mind lthe
mortality of my body that it is appointed lunto men once to die and after
death the judgment and to avoid all disputes which might happen
touching my worldly concerns after my decease - do make, publish, and
declare this my last will and testament in manner following.
That is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul
into dthe hands of Almightly God lwho gave it. And by body I recommend
to the eartlh to be buried iln a decent Christian burial at the discretion
of my executors hereafter mentioned, nothing doubting but at the general
resurrection I shall receive the same agian, by the Alighty power of God
thru the ments and mediation of Jesus Christ my ever blessed Savior and
Redeemer - And as touching such worldly estate where with it has
pleased God to bless iln this World.
I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
I leave, give, and bequeath unto my son William all my share of my
husbandry all my husbandry gears my share of the plow and harrows as
Item I give unto my son John the sum of two pounds British as legacy.
Also i give lunto my son Patrick the sum of two pounds British as legacy.
Item I give lunto my son Thomas a cow lwhich was bought from Thomas
Radcliff, the bed on which I sleep, and the bed close thereto belonging as
I also give unto my daughter Mary the sum of two pounds British as
Also I give lunto my granddaughter Jane Kneen a sheep and a lamb as
I give and bequeath unto my grandson William Cowley a sheep and a lamb
as legacy
Also I give unto my two daughters Mary and Cathrine all my shaped
apparrel equal or equally between them share and share alike as legacy.
I also give leave and bequeath unto Patrick Caley, carpenter, the sum of
ten shillings and six pence as legacy.
Item to every claimer a six pence
I also will and order that if any of my children shall commence law suit
agailnst my executors in order to over turn this my last will and
testament that then and in that case the person acting so shall forfeit
all his right and title unto the before mentioned legacies willed and
bequeathed unto him and shall be excluded with a six pence as legacy and
I do hereby utterly disalow disapprove, revoke, repeal, and declair null
and void all and every other former wills, testaments, legacies,
bequeaths and executors by me in any way's before named willed and
bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will
and testament by me made without complusion or circumvention.
Lastly I nominate, constitute, and appoint my son Thomas and my
daughter Cathrine whole and sole executors of this my last will and
testament and the rest of my worldly goods, of what name, nature, or
denomination soever, which now appertain or shall or may appertain unto
me at any time here after in my respect whatsoever they paying unto the
witnesses of this my last will and testament the sum of half a crown
each, and this to be my last will and testament published prononunced
and declaimed by the said Mary Quayle as her last will and testament.
Mary Quayle my x
In presence of us William Quayle, Patrick Caley
At an Ecclesiastical Court held in Ramsey the 29th July 1836.
William Quayle and Patrick Caley the subscribing witnesses to the
foregoing last will and testament of Mary Quayle deceased having made
oath on the Holy Evaneglists that the testatrix when of sound disposing
mind duly signed and executed the same as and for her last will and
testament in their presence Thomas Quayle and Thos Cowley in right of
his wife Cath Cowley the executors in the said will named an therefore
sworn well and truly execute and fulfil the said will according to law to
pay all just debts and funeral expenses of the deceadant as well as the
legacies devised my the said will so far as lthe goods will extend and
the law bind them and to return to the Epl Registry a true and faithful
account of the estate of the said deceadant and of their proceedings in
the premises when thereunto lawfully required and to their ends hath
given pledges namely J Cowley Crammag and Wm Quayle Ballaskella
Lezayre who have entered into a bond in presence of the court to that
effect. PROBATUM EST T. A. corlett