
Manx Genealogy

Re: Manx Y-DNA Project
In Response To: Re: Manx Y-DNA Project ()

Dear Mr. Creer,

Thank you for responding as others have also, I would not want a generalization type test, as you mentioned, I always go for the juglar vein, I want the facts of the CAINE BLOOD LINE, back to ADAM CAINE, and that would take exhumation, and for that would be the only way of definite identification of bone of my bone, I would like to know off my line, the exactness of DNA, so even so the test you mention would do so if we did not know our line, a general population of someone who you may think perhaps would be in your line, we know our line, I would like ADAM'S DNA for diseases in the family , my daughter is built like a VIKING, tall, red haired and big boned, no one in our family is made structually as she, and peaches and cream skin, with green eyes, she was a genetic throwback on the third generation, our doctor stated to us. My husband is SICILIAN, and yet my children took my eye color and skin, but not my structure, my son is 6'2, my grandaughter is 16 and is 6'4 so I still think VIKING BLOOD came through our CAINE LINE, and NORSE BLOOD, for sure. William CAINE was on the ISLE in 1600 , our CAINE'S go back that far. Well, I must say I have never found a short CAINE, our women are medium to tall women and our men are tall, ADAM must have been a tall man, I wish there more data in PARISH RECORDS on the families, I am reading A book now of the CELTIC HISTORY, AND WITH SO MANY BLENDINGS OF DIFFERENT TRIBES, I SUSPECT that the CAIN/e's could have many blood origins.

Can I ask this, under your Project, do you have biogeneticist working on the project? Will this not be an on-going project for years to come, for in gaining all the data from the male, MANX decendants, left on the Isle and around the world, it would take years to come up with proper analization? Do you plan to have a test group of a smaller collection of DNA participates, whereby you could have the data out in more expdedious fashion? I would still llike to include my brother and come back to him with the data, whereby he may consider giving his DNA.

Well, surely, you have taken on a behemoth project and it will be time consuming, but with much rewards in the end of the study. Great success to you and your wonderful undertaking of such a project.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa