[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]



Charles II., Vol. lxxxi. No. 81-1.

Earl of Derby to Secretary Bennet to Release the two Deemsters.

Ormskirke 13° Oct. 1663.

Sr-I doe humbly thanke you for the honour of your Letter I this day receaved, having the allarum first from Mr. Copley & after from Sr John Armytage I thought my duty to putt the two Countys of Lancashire & Cheshire into posture of defense & in all things I shal be ready to observe yr commaunds. Yesterday in the afternoone I receaved a Letter from Coll. Nowell one of my Deputy Lieuetenants for the County Polatine of Lancaster in wch Letter he sent me one he had receaved from Coll. Ambrose Pudsey a copie wherof I give you in thes paper as followeh verbatim. Sr-This night I came from Yorke to Skipton & has orders to keepe my men together, these sixe dayes, the Duke of Buckingam is certainly at Yorke this night & the foote in the West Riding is up & if you acquaint, my Lord of Derby as much it will not be a misse for Munday next is certainly designed the day to rise & they are soe fully resolved of it that they rise though they be certaine to dy, so it behoves all to have a care, the maine rising wilbe about Bristol. I have not time to write you the discovery of the designe but if you please to send either of your sons or some Officer you can trust I shall lett you know all, soe I ame Yrs faithfully to serve you, AM. PUDSEY.

Oct. 10, 1663.

As soon as I had receaved it I dispatch'd away to Coll. Ambrose Pudsey, Coll. Nowell's son that serves me to desire Coll. Pudsey to lett me know the uttermost of his Intelligence to the end that if all be quiet I may dismisse the three Regiments of foote & troupes of horse of this County that the Country may be as little harrassed as may be. I am alwayes much rejoiced when I receave your commaunds & directions for then I cannot erre. I had intended a journey this day for London to have followed my owne businesse concerninge the two Manks Deemsters the terme being now at hand, but I must preferre his Majesty's service to my owne occasions alwayes & I hope I shall not be ever a sufferer for serving my king.

If his Majesty would now at last be pleased to remitt these two poore men from his displeasure & theire restraint it would be a greate comfort to Sr Yr very affe humble servant DERBY.

I rely very much upon your goodnesse & friendshipp to your servant, DERBY. Addressed.

To the right hobl Sr Henry Bennett Principal Secretary of State These.

' Endorsed. Octob. 13, 63 My Ld of Derby d answa 17.

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