[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]
Comprising the summe of all Intelligence, with the Affairs and Designs now on foot in the three Nations of England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Commonwealth, and for Information of the People.
- Ità vertere Seria.- Hon. de Ar. Poet.
From Thursday, Novemb. 6, to Thursday, Novemb. 13, 1651.
Take first, an exact Relation of the manner of our Enterprise upon the Isle of Man, with the successe it pleased God to give there unto our Forces, as it was drawn up for a satisfaction of some persons of Honor, by a Gentleman that was an Eye-witnesse, and present in the whole Action.
Right Honorable,
Were I furnished with the best preparations of strength and study that I could desire, yet I should account myself altogether unfit for this imployment, which upon severall disadvantages (being surprised with this unexpected command, and very much unfitted by a tedious journey, besides the hardships which, with those that sent me, I have been a sharer in) your Honors have commanded me to; in obedience to which I shall indeavor from first to last, with as little roaving or impertinent discourse as may be to give you as full a Relation as I can.
Upon the sixteenth of the 8 Month Colonell Duckenfield Commander in cheife of the forces appointed for this expedition set forth from Chester, about 3 in the morning, and that night came on board the President frigot in the Point of Air, at which place and upwards toward Liverpoole all our forces were ships (viz.) my Lord Generall's Regiment of foote under Lieutenant Colonell Charles Worsley, Major Generall Deaues regiment of foot under Lieutenant Colonell William Mitchell, and Colonell Duckenfield's own regiment of foote, with two troopes of horse.
The 18 day the winde beginning to favour our voyage, we struck sayle towards the Isle of Man, but having passed the barres with some difficulty and danger, which is a passage in Chester water, we were forced by a contrary winde into Beaumaris harbour, wherein was marvellous providence; for had we reach't the Island with that winde that set on us on Anglesey, the violence of the storm which arose within few howres would not only have kindred the landing of our men upon such rough shores, but have scattered us into severall countrys, to the disparaging and retarding if not altogether frustrating our intended attempts at least for this winter.
Upon the 20 day while we lay in Beaamoris harbour, came in Major Fox a Lancashire Gentleman that had been long imprisoned by the Earle of Derby in the Isle of Man, and with him one Mr. Broyden the Countess's servant, bringing letters from her Ladyship, hearing of preparations m England against her, and not hearing of the death of her Lord who was beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire the fifteenth of that instant (a remarkable peice of divine justice seene in the very appointing the place) treating about the rendition of the Island upon condition the Earle might be released; but all too late, Broyden was therefore deteyned till the fleet moved which consisted of 44 saill besides some vessels ,with passengers for Ireland.
The 24 day about noone, the winde beginning to change soniewliat southwardly, we were all one boord againe that night, and about midnight it breatltitti; a very fresh gale, about 2 in the morning the 25 day we set saile and by 2 or 3 that afternoone we came to have a clear view of tile calve of Man, Castle Rushen, Darby fort, Dowglas fort, and almost the whole Island. We saw also the country people in what numbers they could make (for they have no trees to hide them) both horse and foot, in variety of motions, mustering up what strength they could possibly ingage, which for ought we knew was against its. Now it is controverted, whether to summon the Island, or to make a forcible entry first, and then afterward to scatter declarations more properly among them, and only summnon the Castles. This latter was resolved upon, which probably, had it been attempted, would have cost the effusion of much blood; but it pleased God (whose ways and thoughts are above ours) that there suddenly arose a very great storme for a short time, that most of our vessells could not possibly come up to the foremost of us, or at least fearing they should split, durst not ride neare the shore, so we staying to have altoogether and it growing darhe, were prevented from landing that night, and consequently from so bloody an assault, as in all reason the Islanders might have expected then in opposition against us, and having the day before mule an agreement with tile Countess, and some of them offered to take oaths of faithfalness to be true to her against tile forces approaches (meaning us), promising her Ladiship their assist ance with their lives and estates. We steered therefore towards the North end of the Island and with some difficulty fetch's Ramsey bay by 10 of the clock that night, where we cast anchor, Captain Young having placed a party only to face some of their forts southward : but no shot was exchanged, though some of our vessells seemed to invite them to it, by waving up and down so neare them as they could well saile.
The 26 day about one in the morning, came one Hugh More an Islander, on board us, employed by M. Receiver Christian, and others the chief of the Island, to assure us we should have no opposition in landing, but might securely come under any of their Forts, which hee said they had already taken possession for us. Only two Castles did yet stand out, Rushen and Peel; the later whereof, they of the country, had once in their own hands ; but not being experienced in war, lost it again, and also one of their own Captains mortally wounded, who is since dead. But this Hugh More, had not so much as a word in writing, to assure us of the truth of his relation, which caused some jealousies ; whereupon, Major Fox boating over to them by way of inquiry, and carrying also with him several papers by way of Declaration, confirms all with certainty at his return, which was about five of the clock the same morning. Thus it pleased God to change their spirits, and restrain their power, partly mollified by something sent in by Captain Young before we came, and by these now; and partly terrified with the suddennesse and formidablenesse of the Forces so near them, that about 8 of the clock the same morning, came some as Commissioners from and in behalf of the Island, whereof DymsterChristian was one (viz.) their Judge, and with him three or four more, seemingly honest and sufficient men, whose businesse it was to move that their poor Island might be preserved from spoil, and the Inhabitants from undoing, by landing onely some part of a Regiment, or one Regiment at most; and upon this condition they would bring provision upon marketable rates to the shoar, to supply the wants of such that are continued on Shipboard, and would assist them that were to land, to the reducing the Castles in a short time; which Proposals in part were accepted of.
Colonel Duckenfield, the Commander in chief, rather studying how to oblige the Country, by the fewnesse of the number, and civilities of other carriage, then to over-power them by the least appearance of a rigorous behaviour.
But on the 27 day, most of our men staying on Shipboard, were in great danger, by a long continued tempestuous storm ; insomuch, that many of our Vessels were not possibly able to ride in the Bay: One run on shoar, and was spoiled, but the lives of the persons in her were preserved ; many others driven severally, among which, a Squadron of Captain Jonson's Horse with their Riders, the most part generally suffered; whereupon at their return, which was the next day, being sensible of the danger at Sea, and the delays by Land, the Castles yet standing out, all the Horse and Foot received Orders to come on shoare (this was the 28 day), who not a little unfitted for present action by reason of their tossings immediately before, having possessed themselves of all the Forts in the Island and Calf of Man, they laid siege to both the Castles at once, Colonel Duckenfield himself lying about Rushen, where the Couutesse was.
The 29 day, a Letter was sent in to her by M. Receiver Christian, and M. Isaac Berkenhead, in answer to what Master Broyden, brought to Anglesey, when we were there, not intending to send a Summons, till the Batteries were fully ready, which could not suddenly be done, the ways being altogether impassable for carriages by Land, and the winds denying a conveyance by Sea.
Take the Letter as follows :
Madam -I presume to return this answer to your Ladiship's Letter sent to me by M. Broyden, that I have earnestly solicited the Couucel of State, and my Lord General, to commiserate the condition of the late Earl of Darby, and his Family; but they have since commanded me hither, for the reducing of this Island; and therefore, according to the trust reposed in me, I shall by the help of God, endeavour to lose no time in gaining such holds as are yet defended by your Ladyship, against those I serve, and hope to manage the same as becomes a Soldier and a Christian: and I really believe, there is no way left for your Family, of avoiding utter ruine, but by a present surrending the castles of Rnsben and Peel to the State of England ; the delaying whereof, will render me unable to approve my self, Your Ladiships servant,
Castle Town Octob. 29, 16 51.
The Countess observing this passage in the Letter, the late Earl of Darby, believed what she had only heard some whisper of, as concerning his death, and seemed to be extrearnly passionately affected, as in a kind of fury, which those that were employed in the Message perceiving, moved for a speedy Answer to the Letter; and M. Rutter, their Arch-Deacon, being a man of a very timerous spirit, urging also to tearms of agreement, the notable spirit of that young Virago, the Lady Molineux (that should be) was observable ; answering Master Rutters motion with this, that she wished that he, and all such as he, were out of the Castle, and bid him and there get them gone, since they were afraid, and leave them alone, who were resolved to sell their lives and bloud at a dearer rate then so, and follow her noble Father. But the Countess her self beginning to clear up her clouds, promised an Answer that night, to be sent by a Messenger of her own. So, they that delive'ed the Letter departed, and a paper was accordingly sent that night by M. Broom, the Ladies steward, intituled,
The Proposals of the Right Honorable the Countess of Derby to the Commander for the State of England of these forces in the Isle of Man.
That she may remove with her children and all her goods whatsoever within the Island, Peele and Calfe, aud have a safe convoy and provision of shipping to transport her and them for England, and from thence to France or Holland, at her Ladiships pleasure, or to dispose of them here to her best advantage.
That she may have a convenient time for the removal of her goods, and a convenient place or places of her own choice within the Island for the disposure thereof, and for her Ladiships residing in, till she can be ready to remove, and in the mean time the benefit of the rents of the Island. That she may have her Joynture in England, and portion due unto her, according to the covenants of marriage, and that her daughters in England may be set at liberty (if they be in restraint) and to live with her Ladiship if she please.
That my Lords Wil which he made before the war, for the advancement of his younger children, and payments of debts with the conveyances thereupon executed, may stand in force and be performed according to the tenor thereof.
That all manner of evidences concerning the Earldom, may be disposed of to the heirs use, at her Ladiships discretion.
That all her Ladiships servants, Chaplain or Chaplains, and such others as shall go with her, together with their goods, be suffered to passe with her to England, or elsewhere, and some one or more of them in the mean time bee suffered to stay in the Castles to look to the goods.
That all her servants may have the benefit of, and enjoy their estates in England or elsewhere, without any impediment ; and whatsoever they, or any of there, hold by lease from the House of Derby, that it may be made good and effectual unto them.
That all her Ladiships Souldiers and servants who have continued with her, and in her service here, or in any of her Garrisons, since the landing of the English Forces, may have and enjoy their pensions during their lives, paid unto them out of the revenues of the Island.
That Sir Philip Musgrave the Governor, and all Knights, Gentlemen, Sea Captains, Souldiers, Merchants and Mariners, who are in this Island, and all prisoners taken since the 19 of this moneth, and Mr. Henry Broylen, may have liberty for the space of one year, either to stay here or go into England or any other place, with their personal goods and proper Arms, and to have liberty also to compound for their estates, and not to be questioned for any thing they have acted since the time of the war; and that all such Gentlemen, Merchants, or other persons, who have any debts due in this Island, may have the liberty of the Law to recover the same.
That such Arms and Ammunition as his Lordship brought and provided at his own charge for the defence of his Island, may be transported by her Ladiship with the rest of her goods, or that she may have a considerable value for the same.
That her Ladiships children, servants, and all others mentioned or included in the former Articles, shall have protections for their safe and quiet living and abiding accordingly during the space of 12 moneths from the date hereof, without either oath or engagement, any question, trouble, or damage for any past act or thing done in the time. of war, or in the prosecution thereof.
That her Ladiships Chaplains, Mr. Samuel Rutter, and Mr. Hynd, may have and enjoy the fruits of the next yeare, which will be due upon Easter day next, after twelve a clock at noon, according to the custome of the Countrey, whether they engage for the State of England or no, and to have power to make sale before hand of those fruits, and to have such sale confirmed by those in power from the State of England; and if both or either of the said Chaplains, shall within one yeare engage with the said State, then to enjoy their livings in as full manner as any other within this Island, or any where else : If otherwise they, one or both of them, shall have sufficient passes to transport themselves and goods into forraigne Countries; and for the space of one yeare, not to have any oath or engagement enforced upon them.
That the Holland ship belonging to Amsterdam, now at Peele, be restored to the Owner, and her Ladiship to have command thereof for her money if she please.
That all Officers, Souldiers, and Gentlemen, and others, upon the surrender of the Garrisons, shall march out with their travelling Arms, clothes, monies, and other necessaries, and them to enjoy without impediment or interruption during the foresaid time.
That during her Ladiships abode here, no violence shall be done or offered to her Ladiship, or any of her Company or goods, or to any the Gentlemen, Souldiers, or others included in these Articles.
That the time and place, and number of persons be agreed upon for a meeting upon the treaty and agreement upon these Proposals, and safe conducts upon both parties.
That the conditions to be agreed upon for her Ladiship, or any other included in the Propositions, shall be confirmed and made good by the Councell of State in England, and the Lord Generall Cromwelll. And that Duchinfield engage for the same.
That every man included in these Propositions, may have his particular Passe when he demands it, from your selfe, or such as you shall leave here to command in chief.
These her Ladiships Proposals (you may imagine) could not be much satisfactory to them to whom they were sent, unless we had been at her mercy as she was at ours. Master Broom was therefore detained that night ; and the next morning being the 30 day, sent away without any answer at all ; onely he brought them such a ltlessage, that they all expected every hour to hear from us in other language, for, as yet no shot had been exchanged, though our seige had been laid several clays close to the wall round about.
The 31 day we compass'd the landing of our Grands shells, Morter pieces, and great Guns, which being most on shore, the form of a civil Summons was resolved upon, which though it were never sent (for we had no occasion) yet take as follows :-
Madam Although our visible preparations is so neer an approach to you, cannot but give sufficient notice whose servant we are, and what we are come about; yet in tender ness towards your Ladiship and some others with you, altogether unfit to be so much as spectators of, much more sufferers in the sad events of undistinguishing assaults, we have condisconded to send you the sum of our resolutions in this more formal way of summons, That being commanded by the Councell of State, and the Lord General of the English forces to reduce the Isle of Man with all the Castles, Forts, and Ammunition for their service, We do in the name, and for the service of the State of England, demand the Rushen Castle to be delivered up with all things and persons therein to the mercy and dispose of the Parlianient of the Commonwealth of England, which the sooner you answer our expectations in (for we are not sent, neither shall we spend many hours in compliments) it will prove much the better for you all, and will render me more capable of expressing my selfe, Your Ladiships servant, ROBERT DUCKENFIELD. Octob. 31, 1651, Castle-Town.
But while this stayd some time, not fully determined to be sent, but rather some sharper Summons, News came that there was a discontent generally among her souldiers in the Castle, partly fomented by the courting of the besiegers without, and partly by a strange kinde of terrour they within were surprized withal. Many, both that day, and the day before, adventuring their necks by desperate leaps got out, others wrenching open a sally-port by the help of some of ours without, as they came forth, so we became possessed of the outward wall and tower, which they might easily have regained to the loss of those, and much to the disadvantage of the rest, and as we have seen since, might have wearyed us out with a full winters siege : but none of those men of might could finde their hands, onely upon this tumult, neither shot or blow striken, they called out for a parly ; and hostages being given, Sir Thomas Armstrong, a Scotch Knight, and Mr. Samuel Rutter, who was formerly their Arch-Deacon in the Island, came forth as Commissioners, and were answered by Col. Tho. Birch, and Lieut.-Col. William Mitchel, which agreement was this as followeth :
Articles agreed upon this one and thirtieth day of October 1651, between Tho. Armstrong Knight, and Mr. Sam. Ratter, on the behalf of the Right Honourable Charlotte Countess of Darby, on the one party, and Col. Tho. Birch, and Lieut.-Col. William Mitchell Commissioners appointed by the Honourable Col. Robert Duckenfield Commander in chief on the other party, touching the surrendring of the Castle Rushen and Peel. Castle as followeth
1. That the Castle Rushen, with all the Arms, Ammunition, Ordnance, and other materials of war, shal be delivered up by 11 a clock to morrow in the forenoon, into the hands of such Officer or Officers as the Commander in chief shall appoint.
2. That Peel-Castle, and all the Armes, Ammunition, Ordnance, and other materials of War, shall be delivered up by 11 of the clock in the Forenoon on Munday next, being the 3 of November, into the hands of such Officer or Officers, as the Commander in chief shall appoint.
3. That all goods in both the above named Castles, belonging to the Countess of Darby, shall at the time of rendition specified, be inventoried, and secured, and further referred and submitted to the dispose and pleasure of the Parliament of England.
4. That all other goods whatsoever, except wearing apparel, in both Castles, be likewise Inventoried, and secured, and referred and submitted to the dispose and pleasure of the Parliament of England.
5. That the Knights, Gentlemen, and other persons whatsoever, in both the said Castles, shall have quarter, and be protected by the Commander in chief, from any harm whatsoever, against their persons, by any Soldier under his command, or any other person in this Island, and shall not have any wearing apparel taken from them, or private monies out of their pockets; and such of the Natives as are in the said Castles shall have liberty to return to their several habitations.
6. That the Knights, Gentlemen, and other strangers, shall have Passes from the Commander in chief, to go to their several Countries or habitations, they acting nothing prejudicial to the Parliament of England.
7. That the Countess of Derby, with her children, and servants, have liberty to transport themselves for England, there to make what application to the Parliament she shall think fit, and from thence to passe into Holland, or France, if she please.
Approved by me. C. DERBY,
An account of Armes, and Ammunition, and Provision in the new Fort or Andrew Fort, delivered to Capt. Fr. Duckenfield, Octob. 26, 51:
1 Saker of Iron. 3 Iron Minions. 2 Iron Falkons. 2 Brasse Rabbinets. 1 Iron Murderer. 24 Muskets. 3 Musket barrels. 4 Fowling piece barrels. 6 Barrels of powder. Neer a Tun of Match. 80 Saker shot. 42 Shot for Minion, and other small pieces. 2 Barrels of Musket shot. 8 Cartarages of shot: 6 Cartarages of Powder, ready for the Pieces, 95 Hand-granads shels. Half a barrel of shot-parings. 38 Barrels of Lead. 14 Bars of Iron. 1 Pair of white Colours.
Provisions. 16 Barrels of Herrings. 10 Barrels of Bay-salt. Neer 3 barrels
of Barley. 2 Hogsheads, one barrel and a half of Oat-meal. 1 Barrel of Vinegar;
half a barrel of Rye ; some few coals, and pieces of wood to burn.
At Ramsie Bay. - 1 Whole Culverirng. 1 Falkennet at the low Fort. 1 Demiculvering
; a considerable quantity of shot.
A particular list of the Vessel called the James, the owners' names being James Robinson and John Mekane
50 Barrels of Wheat. 6 Barrels of Pease and Beans. 12 Barrels of Tar. 2 Cakes of Pitch. 62 Dale boards. One tun of Vinegar. 3 Rowls of Tobacco. 1 Barrel of Tobacco Pipes. One bag of Allum. 3 Cables, and Ankers, with all other necessaries, the Vessell being about 30 Tun. One great Vessel, which is thought to be about 150 Tuns, having in her about 400 Dale boards. 7 Muskets. 3 Cables. 3 Ankers. 1 Forepeak. 1 Top sail, one Missen sail. One other vessel, being about 35 tuns, Cables and Ankers, and all other materials compleat. In the Fort.-3 Guns, a Saker, Falken, Falknet. 4 Sling pieces, without Chambers. 4 Harcubus of Brass. 1 Saker at the Fence. 2 Bastard Saker, and 2 Minion, 45 Skeins of Match. 400 weight of Musket bullet. 100 of Minion shot. 40 of Falken. 26 of Falkeraet. 35 Bills. Dowglas Fort.
In Derby Fort. -Reynoldus. 1 Demy-culvering. 1 Saker: 2 Demy-saker, 1 sling-piece, 10 Muskets. I Musket-barrel. 1 Fire-lock. 2 Muskets delivered to the Parish. 5 pair of bandoleers. 6 Pair delivered in the Parish. 1 Ship red colour. 1 Foot colour delivered to the Par. 2 Black bils. 3 Roundheads. 7 Skein of Match. 17 Cartarages of powder. 4 pound of loose powder. 12Crossbar shot. 8 6 Small shot for sakers. 6 Iron bolts. 1 Crow of Iron. 2 Spades. 1 Bedstead. 1 Feather-bed. 1 Pair of Sheets. 2 Blankets. 1 Boulster.
The particulars of the goods in the Castle are not yet sent up.
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