[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]

No. V.


Att Castle Rushen 29th of Octobr 1662.

Wm M'YLREA of Ballaugh sworn and examined deposeth & sayth, that being on a certayne tyme in ye company of Parson Robt Parr (and as this examt sayth hee thinks Wm. M'Ylearran was present) the sd Parson tould him this Examt that Jurby men would have sett a guard on him ye night yt ye rising was but sd they were fooles in yt for hee the sd Parson (as hee the said Parson then sayd) knew more then they did (meaninge the said Jurby men) and that the Recevier & him the said Parson was all as one, And this Examt sayth that this expression was after ye English Army came into the Island, And this Examt further sayth that hee knows not wch Receiver ye said Parson meant for at yt tyme Capt. Xtin was called Receiver as well as M` Wm Xtin of Raynoldsway.

Wm M'YLREA, his mrke, X.

Wm STANDISH 1 of Ellanbane sworn & examined deposeth & sayth, That ye next day after ye risinge of ye countrey this Examt coming to ye loyall fourt, Mr. Ewan Curghey of Ballakillingan was there wth a drawne sword, & threatininge Major Tho. Stanley (then Comander of ye said ffourt) & tellinge him that ye Lady Derby had sould all ye countrey for ijd or iijd apeece, and yt all the Garrisons of the Isle were taken ye night before, And sayth yt John Teare Capt. of Jurby & Ewan Xtin of Cranstall in K Bride Wm. Teare Sertfieed amongst divers others & this examt himself who were there the same time ... with drawn swords, & yt ye sd Teare & Xtin were vaporinge & expressing themselves in like maner, as ye sd Ewan Curghey did, And further sayth that ye said Ewan Curghey sent one Phillip Curleod of K Christ Lezayre to burne or sett fyer in the kilne of John M'Sayle who was then in ye said ffourt, & accordingly the said Curleod went & burnt ye said kilne, And also sayth that after condicons made by ye sd Ewan Curghey, Jo. Teare, Ewan Xtin & others wth Major Stanley, & ye ffourt surrendered, they ye sd psons marched to Peele Castle, wth their Companye and this Examt cominge thither (as he sayth out of feare) about ye third or fourth day after ye risirge of ye countrey, Sam. Radcliffe of Gourden sent this Examt by Comand wth a sticke & a handcherchife on itt for a flag of truce unto Major Woods then Comander of ye sd Castle to wish him to leave ye pourt hooles or sally pourts of ye Garrisson oppen, that it might bee taken yt night, And y' this Examt was to tell ye soldiers of ye countrey then in ye sd Garrison, that their houses should be fyered & their goods sequestered to ye said Sam. Radcliffe's Company except they came out of ye sd Garrison, and sayth that Major Woods seemed very much rejoycinge at ye maner of ye message, and yt Wm. Nelson (one of the Lady Derby's Servants) being then in ye said Castle, sayd to this Examt but yt hee wisht him well, hee would just tell him for bringinge or cominge wth such a message, And further sayth, that about three weeks after ye fleete came into ye Island, that ye foresaid Ewan Curghey & Mr. Charles Crow came unto Examt with a written papr desiring him to subscribe ye same, & sayth yt ye contents of y' sd writinge was yt they should certify, that ye countrey did rise only for the Parliamt to suppresse the Lady Derby, & that this Examt denyed to subscribe the same.


WILLM. TEARE Sertfield of Jurby svorne & examined deposeth and sayth That hee knew not of ye risinge of ye countrey till they had rissen, & that the first that tould him of itt was Capt. John Teare & Wm. M'Ylearran & sayd that ye Lady Derby had sould ye countrey for ija or iijd a piece, & yt therefore they did rise agt her Lapp. And sayth yt Wm. M'Ylearran brought yt message from Mr. Wm. Xtin of Raynoldsway & Controller Sharples ye night yt y' countrey did rise, & sayth yt hee wth others were at ye takinge of ye loyall ffourt, & taking of Major Duckenfield & ye Officers & Company of ye Troope then in ye Isle, This exams also sayth yt ye sa M'Ylearran & one Thom. Xtin of Jurby tould Capt. Teare & Capt. Teare told this Exams that Castle Peele was to be taken that night by Capt. Sam Ratcliffe & yt Castle Rushen was to be taken by Comptroller Sharples & ye countrey for Receiver Xtin.

WILLM. TEARE his mrke.

EWAN CURGHEY Ballnacarga sworn and examined deposeth & saith that Wm. M'Ilreane came wth a message to him the Depont from Receiver Xtin and Compty Sharples the night of the rising that hee should goe to Ewan Churghy Ballakillinghan & that he should send forth crosses to raise the pish to come to take the Loyall ffort next morning, wch was promissed to bee done by him, And afterwards this Depont was sent by Capt. Teare to Milltowne to tell that the people were in Armes, and would have the Deemster 2 to goe along wth them to Ramsey to take Capt. Ingram and the Deemster tould him the Deponent that he was not well but would see them in the morning, But withall sd he thought they had noe good buisines in hand, This Depont was after sent by ye sd Teare to some of the people who were neer Ramsey to tell them as is afforesaid and that they were all sold for 2d a piece.

EWAN CURGHY, his mrk, X.

JO. LACE Balodan in ye pish of K Andras svorne & examined deposeth & saith that Mr. Evan Curghy & Captn Jo. Teare were the Chiefest Comanders at taking of the Loyall fforte, & that the sd E`v. Curghy would have had Jo. Kneale to have sett fire in some of the houses of them that were then in the ffort but the sd Kneale refuscing soe to doe, the sd Ewan rode away his horse &.p'sently after the kilne of Jo. Sale who then was in the ffort was set on ffire.


All the examinacons afforesaid were taken before us.





1 He was probably a Cadet of the House of Standish of Duxbury, Lancashire.

2 John Christian of Milltown, one of the Deemsters.


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