[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


No. 42.— April 17, 1368.— p. 255.


Confirms Grant made in No. 39, page 374, supra.

Urban V. ut supra, tom. xix. fol. 345.  

Urbanus episcopus servus servoruin dei. Dilecto filio Johanni Donegan Archidiacono Dunensi salutem, etc. Laudabilia probitatis et virtutum merita, super quibus apud nos fide dignorum commendaris testimonio, nos indncunt ut te favore apostolico prosequamur. Dudum siquidem de Archidiaconatu ecclesim Dunenis, quem venerabilis frater noster Willermus episcopus Connerensis tempore promotionis per nos de ipso factor ad Connerensem ecclesiam tune vacantem obtinebat, per hujusmodi promotionem et mums consecrationis de mandato nostro, ut asserebatur, apud sedem apostolicam impensum eidem, apud sedem eandem, ut asserebatur, vacante, et per nos antea dispositioni apostolicm reservato, tibi duximus per nostras litteras providendum, prout in eisdem litte-ras plenius continetur, tuque deinde, sicut asseris, vigore litterarum earundem ipsius Archidiaconatus extitisti possessionem assecutus ; Cum autem, sicut exhibita nobis postmodum pro parte tua petitio continebat, ad tuam de novo pervenit notitiam, quod eidem episcopo non apud sedem præfatam sed extra Romanam curiam extitit munus consecrationis hujusmodi de speciali mandato nostro impensnm, nos, qui etiam diu ante vacationem hujusmodi omnes dignitates, personatus et officia, ceteraque beneficia ecclesiastica, quæ promovendi per nos ad quarumlibet ecclesiarum cathedralium regimina tempore promotionum hujus-modi obtinebant et imposterum obtinerent, cum ea vacarent, cum similis interpositione deereti duximus reservanda, volentes te præmissorum meritorum tuorum intuitu favore prosequi gratioso, tuis in hae parte supplicationibus inclinati volumus et apostolica tibi auctoritate coneedimus, quod litteræ præfatæ ac processus habiti per easdem et quæcunque inde secuta valeant et plenam roboris firmitatem obtineant, non obstantibus præmissis et omnibus aliis quæ in dietis prioribus litteris voluimus non obstare. Nulli ergo, ete. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum, xv. kal. Maii pontificatus nostri anno sexto.

Urban Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to our beloved son John Donegan Archdeacon of Down, health, etc.

The laudible deserts of your probity and virtue, in regard to which you are commended to Us by the testimony of persons worthy of credence, induce Us to cherish you with Apostolical favour. Whereas some time since We considered fit to make provision for you through Our letters (as is more fully contained in the same Letters), by the archdeaconry of the church of Down, which was held by our venerable brother William Bishop of Connor at the time We promoted him to the church of Connor then vacant, and which, by this promotion and the rite of con-secration said to have been imparted to him at the Apostolic See in virtue of Our mandate, became vacant at the said See, as was set forth, and had been already reserved by Us for apostolical disposal ; and whereas you then, as you state, by virtue of the same Letters obtained possession of the said archdeaconry ; and whereas according to the petition sent to Us afterwards upon your part, it came to your notice unexpectedly that the rite of con-secration administered to the said bishop by Our special mandate was preformed not at the said See, but without the Roman Court ; We (who a long time before this vacancy had considered fit to reserve also by a similar decree all dignities pre-eminences and offices and other ecclesiastical benefices when they might become vacant which were then held or which in future might happen to be held at the time of their promotion by persons whom We should appoint to the government of any cathedral churches), wishing to treat you with gracious favour in consideration of your above men-tioned merits, and giving ear to your request in this regard, Will, and by apostolica) authority Grant, that the aforesaid Letters and the proceedings instituted in virtue of them, and everything else con-sequent, shall have full force and effect ; notwithstanding what has been above stated, and all the rest which in Our former Letters We Willed should be no obstacle. Let no one therefore, etc.

Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, the 14th of April, in the sixth year of Our Pontificate.


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