[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


No. 35.-November 28, A.D. 1351.-p. 255, note a.


Receipt for certain payments due to the Apostolic Chamber.

Innõc. VL, fiber quitanciarum, Archiv. Vat., fol. xlv.  

Universis præsentes literas inspecturis Stephanus miseratione divina archiepiscopus Tholosanus domini nostri papæ Camerarius salutem in domino. Ad universitatis vestræ notitiam deducimus tenore præsentium, quod reverendus in Christo pater dominus Willelmus episcopus Sodorensis in provnca Nidrosiensi pro parte partis sua, communis servitii, in quo est Cameræ domini postri summi pontificis obligatus, ducentos et xv. florenos auri præfatæ cameræ, nec non pro parte partis quatuor servitiorumn familiarium et officialium dicti domini nostri Papa, quadraginta octo florenos auri et xvi. denarios monetæ Avinionensis currentis clericis cameræ supradictæ pro dictis familiaribus et officialibus recipien-tibus per manus fratris Thomæ de Cakan et Alexandri de Carlis familiaris sui die datæ præsentium solvi fecit. de quibus sic solutis ipsum dominum Episeopum, Sodorensem ecclesiam et successores suos ac eorum bona absolvimus tenore præsentium et quitamus.

Verum intellecta mole gravaminum pro parte ipsius domini Episcopi coram nobis exposita, quæ ipsum ad solvendum suum complementum communis servitii et servitiorum, quod sub certis peenis et sententiis ac termino nondnm elapso solvere tenebatur, reddebant et adhuc reddunt verisimiliter impotentem, auetoritate nobis in liac parte commissa usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis proxime venturum terminum sibi duximus prorogandum, ita tamen quod si in dicto termino sibi prorogato non satisfecerit de præmissis peenis et sententiis quibus tenebatur antea sit astrictus. Insuper ipsum dominum Episeopum a suspensionis, excommunica-tionis et interdicti sententiis, ac reatu perjurii et afiis peenis, quod et quas incurrit propter solutionem præmissorum non faetam in termino sibi præfixo, auctoritate qua fungimur in hac parte duximus absolvendum, secum super irregularitate si quam con-traxerit interea sic ligatus se immiscendo divinis vel alias, non tamen in contemptum clavium, eadem auctoritate misericorditer dispensantes.

In quorum testimonium proesentes literas fieri fecimus et sigilli Camerariatus nostri appensioue muniri. Datum Avinione die xxviii mensis Novembris anno domini Millesimo ccc°. liv°. Indictione vii pontificatus sanctissimi patris et domini postri domini Innocentii divina providentia papoe visi. anno secundo.

To all to whom these presents shall come, Stephen, by the mercy of God, Archbishop of Toulouse, Chamberlain of our Lord the Pope, health in the Lord. By the tenor of these presents We bring to the notice of all of you that the reverend Father in Christ the lord William Bishop of Sodor in the province of Nidaros, in consideration of his part of the common service in which he is bound to the Chamber of our Lord the supreme Pontiff, has caused to be paid, on the day of the date of these presents, two hundred and fifteen florins of gold to the said Chamber; and in considera-tion of the part of the services of four domestics and officials of our said Lord the Pope, forty-eight florins of gold and sixteen deniers of current Avignon money to the clerks of the said Cham-ber, for the said domestics and officials, through the hands of brother Thomas of Cakan, and Alexander of Carlis his domestic, for which payment by the tenor of these presents We release and quit the said Lord Bishop, the Church of Sodor, his succes-sors and their goods.

Moreover, having learnt the weight of liabilities, which has been laid before Us on the part of the same Lord Bishop, which rendered him and probably still render him powerless to pay his complement of the service and services, which he was bound to pay under certain pains and penalties and before the ex-piration of a fixed term, We, by the authority committed to Us in this affair, have considered fit to prorogue the term until the next feast of St. Michael, in such way, however, that if he do not satisfy in regard to what has been mentioned within the time so prolonged, he be held by the pains and penalties under which he lay before. Moreover, by the authority com-mitted to Us in this respect, We have considered fit to absolve the Lord Bishop from the sentences of suspension, excommunication, and interdict, and from the guilt of perjury, and other penalties which he has incurred on account of not having paid the amount due within the allotted time ; and by the same authority com-passionately absolve him from any irregularity which he may have incurred by taking part in Divine services when under censure or in any other way, provided there were no contempt of the jurisdiction of the Holy See.

In testimony whereof We have caused these present letters to be written, and confirmed by the appending thereto the seal of Our chamberlain's office.

Given at Avignon, the 28th day of the month of November, in the year of Our Lord 1354, in the seventh Indiction, and second year of the Pontificate of Our most holy father and lord Innocent VI., by Divine Providence Pope.


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