From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

A.D. 1590.


RIGHT Honorable, pardon me; I am forcyd to be troblesom.
I came the last somer to Wales, having byn the yere
affore in Man, as I am cõmonly between boath not of my one
choise and wyll, butt things are so; and causes I might alleadge
to satisfie the wise, butt to long, for yõ honors affaires, neth bath
any bisshopp my predecessor byn othrwyse thus for yeres my
lyving ys but lxxxxti in mony whey w' I travell by sea and by
land. Landing here seven yeres since and finding my frindes in
pryson, I lent them my stock for y yere, and borowyd them as
mutch more, I have lackyd ytt ever since, and wolde give the
one hollfe to be payd the oth, and am in debt to others all Y
wholl, and dyd affore the last parlemët assigue the same mony
to others for my dischardge. Yet in respect of thys, the sessons
for ye temporalltie in Anglesey, envying my frinds that benefytt,
have ratyu me in goods worth more than all thys Ile ys beside.
And of truth; as I shall prove, I have nothy horose nor whom
here, no othr debts, goods, butt sutch as I cary about for my
necessarie expense, and to bring me over agayne, no kinde of
benefytt ecclll or temporall, butt iij troweling nagges to cary
me to, and from ye water side; where lying since, and Ovayting
for passage, being loath to cõtynew subject to proces, or to be
thought to have fraudulently cõveyed or eloynyd any goods, I
am well willing to be tried, and am cõstraynyd thus to signyfie
to your honour, humbly beseeching yõ L. that I may not be
wrongfully vesyd ; as I shall pray the alliniglity god to give yõ
honor abundantly de rore celi et pinguedine terrae, increase yõ
spurall and temporall gifts to prosper yõ publyke doinge and
blesse you and yõ posteritie. Anglesey the iiij' of Ap;''.

Your honors most humble,
Jo : Meryck,

of ye Ile of Man.
To the right honõrable my Lord

thresorer of England, thes
be delyveryd.


4 Apr. 1590.
Bishop of the Ile of Man to my L.
Charged, above his ability and any of his


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