OK Lynne, a lot of us have spent a lot of time doing your research for you. I can't begin to count the hours I spent, which I thoroughly enjoy doing by the way. You now have do it yourself, or hire somebody to do it for you. Doing your own research is one of the great joys of this hobby, but even more fun is doing something collaboratively with others, especially when somebody gets a "eureka" idea and we all pounce on it.
To answer this question, which is the last one I'm going to answer because you're asking so many, is:
1. Review the different tabs that are at the top of the site. Learn what each of them does.
2. You will find one that will set preferences. I have increased mine from the default so I can see more, because I often have time periods where I'm away or otherwise busy on other things.
3. You'll also find a great search engine. You can, for example, find all messages sent by a particular person. Or, even better, pick a name such as "Fell" or "Fayle" and it will pick out every message ever posted with that name.
There you go. That's just a start, because there's a huge amount of information out there with more coming our way all the time. You just have to look for it.
Good luck,