Many thanks for the information you sent. My husband and I are very grateful.
You got further than we did. We only got as far back as the 1881 Census without any details of Susannah’s surname. We did see that a Henry Williams lived with them at 42 Cranmer Street in Liverpool so now know that he was Susannah’s brother.
Now we are talking about 1800-1810 that my great, great grandparents John Mylecharane and Elizabeth Garrett were born. They were probably farmers, living in the Lezayre area, St. Michael or Ballaugh on a Ballamoar. Is it possible to get any further back.
My great, great, great grandfather (probably another John Mylecharane) could have been born around 1770-1780.
Before that, we found John Mollecharane married in 1762 in Ballaugh.
The oldest name we found was Robert Mylkiarrain, christened 9-2-1696 as a son of William Ballimore.