
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Mylecraine in Ballaugh- Ballamoar

Ballamoar (= big farm in Manx) is a name found in most parishes - usually it is a quarterland farm and several families could be resident (see Manxnotebook tabline above for explanations)
The old Parish church of Ballaugh is near the Cronk (nearer the coast) - again see Ballaugh in Manxnotebook - there are some readable grave markers in old St Mary's but most are too decayed
St Peter's in centre of Peel was the parish church for German (now pulled down) - that on the Island was the Old Cathedral (again see Manxnotebook)
Lonan is on East coast - around Laxey - about 10miles North of Douglas - if you took the tram or bus to Ramsey you passed thro it