Averil, you've mixed up Looney (Lowney) and Lowey. It was Daniel Lowey who married Kath Callow 1 July 1701 Maughold. There are a handful of baptisms following with varying spellings including Jon Lowwy 1 Oct 1706 s/o Danl Lowwy. Catherine Lowey als Callow's 1754-2 Maughold will is on the marriage index and the extract in MNB. Daniel Lowey of Ballasloe's 1734 will is transcribed. Son John isn't mentioned in either. He probably matches the burial 16 May 1817 of John Lowey s/o Danl Lowey.
The John Looney who married Margaret Kelvie abt 1742 remains unsolved.
One thing I hadn't considered before is whether some of our missing Looneys/Lowneys are mixed in with the Loweys in the IGI or in Brian's indexes. The names are very close.