I have finally exhausted my cache of mylrea deeds pre 1745
three I want are SSS May 1737 86 Tho Cain (h/o Ann Mylrea) to Jo Bridson
SSS May 1741 98 Charles senr to Charles junr
and esp
SSS Oct 1750 73 Margt M to Chharles M
if you have Morts then I'm missing
SSM Oct 1731 60 Charles M to Jo Bell
(I should be back in Museum on Weds next week) - all my deed summaries generally go on the CD Rom
Next job is to add the O/S plan of 1868 of that part of Malew to those alsready on the CD
A John Mylrea Cooper in Castletown is the next Mylrea to look for as buys a house on Bowling green side of Silverburn in 1744