
Manx Genealogy

Re: Cornelly Greeba 1851 Census Quayle

Yes, that's the one Donna!
I tried looking at every entry in Marown as has been suggested.
John Quayle is recorded as tailor in 1841 Patrick, farmer in 1851 German,, 1861 at Kionslieu Foxdale, tailor, in 1871 Margaret is a 'farmers widow', in 1881 Patrick, she is bed ridden, aged 88.
I'm really pleased that I investigated birth of 'Isabella Quayle, aged 8 months, grand daughter, in 1841 Census.
She turns out to be the daughter of John's brother William.
Following this thread, William married Ann Anderson, 1838, and they had 3 children in 2 years! So grandparents, then, as now, helping out.
The best bit is that on William's wedding cert. he states William Quayle as his father...so I've managed to get back another generation.
Looks like that's my quest for today.
Many thanks to all who replied.
Still don't know why I had John Quayle recorded as Tailor, Cornelly Greeba though! Adrienne