
Manx Genealogy

for Sue re Thomas Radcliffe b.c. 1695/96

Firstly very many thanks for all the work you have done on the Radcliffes.
Can you please clarify something for me from your posting 13 Feb 2010 Re:Radcliffe-Cain(e)
Below 6.i THOMAS RADCLIFFE b.c. 1695/96 in the section attribited to [R. CunliffeShaw} it states
"...This Thomas Radcliffe had a son Thomas, born 1690-95, and married Alice ....."
On working through this, I thought Thomas born circa 1695/96 was the son of John Radcliffe and Margaret Cannell, not another Thomas. Can you point out where I am going wrong?
So much appreciate your help.