
Manx Genealogy

Re: stone masons
In Response To: stone masons ()

When first purchased the stone mason would work on the MI in "comfort " in his shed /workplace before transporting it to the grave. Later subsequent names would be added

at the grave. I have heard a mason tapping away while partially hidden by a little shelter of canvas on a bleak , windy day working on another line. I wouldn't be at least surprised if some

insisted on taking down at least a small stone & taking it away to work in the dry . If a very cheap stone was all that could be afforded after early deaths later family might replace it with marble

& then of course the MI could be completely re worded .It can obviously have been made more concise one hopes no important info. was lost. My Great Grandparents heavy , cheap , first stone is face

down on the grave. I would like to read it but it would cost a fortune to raise & this might cause damage. The IOMFHS record book would only have the second MI copied by someone on their

knees. What dedicated people they were.

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