
Manx Genealogy

stone masons

This time I have looked in mnb but can't find the answer yet. Since looking more closely at headstones I've wondered many times how the stone mason worked. For example a husband dies & his inscription is put on his stone. Several years later his wife dies & she is added to the inscription. Years later one or 2 chn of the above couple die & are added. My simple question is - does the stone get lifted up each time to add more? The engraving always seems to be the same even with years inbetween. I see some stones where I can see that extra names have been added at the bottom part of the stone but I also see many when I have no idea how everything is added as it mentions 2 or 3 children in one sentence. Maybe a completely new stone was bought. Could some kind person clear this puzzling thought for me ? K

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stone masons
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