
Manx Genealogy

Re: Shimmin
In Response To: Re: Shimmin ()

In response to the 1861 census mentioned earlier -
was looking through Patrick MI's which may shed some light on the Ann Eastman, Margaret Cubbon - William Shimmin issue

Patrick MI #343
In memory / of / Philip Quayle/ of this parish who died on / 11th June 185? / aged 39 years / also of Margaret Cubbon / relict of the above and daughter / of Thomas Shimmin formerly of Ballabrooie in this parish / who died on the 19th of April 1861 / aged 57 years / also William son of the / above who died on the 14th of March / 1841 aged 4 years / also Catherine daughter of the / above who died on the 26th of Febry / 1864 aged 21 years.
