
Manx Genealogy

Re: Ellen Kneale
In Response To: Re: Ellen Kneale ()

Up until 1878 when civil registration began church baptism records were all there was. Marriage registration was even later. Have you seen Ellen's marriage entry in the parish records which, unlike the IGI, would show her father's name? I see Philip has replied with the name of John for her father.

The index I referred to is part of a huge, very useful database compiled by the late Brian Lawson which can now be found under 'Research' 'Lawson's BMD microsite' -


The Ancestry website is well-known for it's surprising transcriptions which can make searching for people quite an adventure. They had 3 different versions of the name including the right one (Joughin, Jonghin & Loughin), although I could mostly understand it as some of the handwriting is atrocious.