
Manx Genealogy

In Response To: MI BRADDAN MOORE ()

Lesley, that's a very tough question you have asked Donna. Have you looked at Brian's burial index to see whether there are any likely entries?
Do you know whether they were alive in 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901? If you don't have access to censuses, you can look up 1881 on FamilySearch, and at Brian's census indexes where you can see who was in the same household. These searches, with possible burial dates - or at least between x and x - would make it much easier for Donna to locate an M.I.

This date might be worth a try - if he wasn't in the 1901 census?
MOORE, Robert 63 Bra 17 Nov 1898


You wrote:
Can you do a lookup Braddan
for Robert Moore born abt 1833
Jane Moore nee Cowley born abt 1837
Margaret Jane b abt 1861
Catherine Ann abt 1863
Robert Stephen abt 1866
Elizabeth Eleanor abt 1865