James / Helen - The 9th Batt. Lancashire Fus took a German strongpoint at 'MOUQUET FARM' on the 26th Sept. 1916 .The stongpoint had resisted efforts by Australian troops to take it in late August and by Canadian troops on the 16th Sept. Two tanks had been allocated to assist but had been ditched The 9th Lancs Fus.of the 34thBrigade were heavily involved in the fighting in the ruins of 'MOUQUET FARM' which eventualy fell on the 26th Sept 1916 -Commonwealth WGC gives 2388 Private Albert Pearson 9th Batt. Lancashire Fus. Died 13 Sept.1916 age 22 Buried at Blighty Valley Cemetery - Authuile Wood -this cemetery is in the area of MOUQUET FARM (Mucky Farm to the troops)where the actions described took place-- Although he was killed before the final outcome of this battle it is almost certain that he was involved and that he was killed in the battle for the farm -- Regards John Callow