Marown - recipients of Manks Books of Common Prayer 1765 + 1809
These two lists are transcribed from Parish Register
Mr Thomas Christian | Ballahutchin |
Capt William Cubbon | Ballacallin |
Mr John Cottier | Ballayemmy |
Mr Robert Kelly | of the Rock |
Mr John Kewley | Ballafreer |
For the Clerk's Use | |
Robert Kelly | |
Mr John Clucas | Ballanicholas |
Wm Boyd | |
Wm Clague | Crosby |
John Kermod Jnr | Ballachrink |
Robt Kelly | |
Evan Corkam | Sumner |
John Gellin | |
Jane Creer | |
John Kewley | Braid |
Wm Clucas | Smith |
Wm Killey | Taylor |
Mr Thos Clucas | Gart |
Wm Karran | Ashold |
Wm Karran Jnr | B'karran |
John Quilliam | B'kelly |
John Kelly | Voallin |
Thos Cretney | Taylor |
Thos Clucas | Corvalla |
William Calvin | |
Elizth Bridson | |
Ellinor Killey & her Sister | |
Mr John Clague | |
Wm Caine Jnr | Ballagraue |
Wm Clucas | Smith |
Evan Key | |
John Clague | |
Wm Cubbon | |
John Garrett | |
Margaret Key | |
William Fargher | |
Elr ^Ann^ Karran | Millr |
Ann Callin | |
Margaret Killey | B'yemmy Beg |
James Kelly | |
Thos Kinley | |
John Cottier | |
For The Petty School 3 | |
For Mr Christian (Vicar ?) 1 + 2 For The Church | |
note most paid 1s unless indicated otherwise
Mr J Corlet
Rt Moore
Tho Callow
Phil Kissack 2s
John Hutchin -
Nich Griffin
W Kermott
Rt Quine 2s
Wm Cottier
Paul Fayle
John Fayle -
Rt Garrett
Rt Kelly
Wm Quayle
Wm Fayle -
Jas Creer
John Kelly -
John Cottier
Rt Cowle
Edwd Moore
John Cottier
Wm Moore -
J Kelly B.K.
J Clucas B.N.
J Callister
Xtn Colvin -
John Creer
Rt Cottier
Wm Corkill -
T Christian B.K. 3s (Inc Next)
W Christian B.K.
John Quilliam -
Phil Kelly B.G.
Jas Lewney
Wm Cowle
Thos Lewney
Phil Kissack
John Quayle
T Clucas Can
Wm Cretney
John Kermott
Thos Creer 2s
Pat Kewley
John Kewley
John Kneale -
Rt Kelly -
Thos Craine
John Kelly -
Chas Cottier
Edwrd Kermot
Pat Kelly
John Cannon -
John Cowle
Tho Corkan -
Tho Quayle -
Mrs Stephen
Ealy Teare
John Caine
Thos Caine
Edwd Kermod
Isabel Quirk
T Clucas Gart -
John Crellin -
Mrs Cleator A Pauper Nil
Cathar Mylechreest
John Quayle
Thos Crellin
Mat Caine
John Kermott
Quayle Clucas -
Charlotte Clague
Joseph Cretney
Eliz Cottier
Elr Cottier
Thos Taggyrt
Jane Kermod
W Quirk
Rt Caine
Pat Kewley
John Kewley
John Kewley
Thos Kelly
Rt Ketty
W Fayle 2s
J Stephen
Mrs Corlet
T Faile
Phil Kelly
Thos Kermott
Mrs Caine
W Cannell
Rt Key
Jane Craine
Paul Quayle
Cath Quayle
John Quayle
John Clucas
John Kinrade -
W Karran
John Clucas 2s
Miss C Clucas
John Clucas
Cath Quayle
J Moore Esq
Crane St Johns
W Fayle
John Kewney
John Fayle
Thos Clucas
New List
Dan Stephen 3s
Tho Creer
T Corlett
Cath Kermod
Marown | ||
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2006 |