State of Chancel of Cathedral 1774

From the following petition found in Lib Canc it would appear that although the nave of the old cathedral was useless the chancel was still maintained until at the Revestment in 1765 the possession of the Cathedral Church being within Peel Castle passed to the Crown.

St Peter's church in Peel was certainly there by early 15th Century as it is mentioned in the Garrison Roll so the inconveniency of the location was long felt.

[From Lib Canc 1774]

[note some damage to margin and a very tight binding give some minor loss of text]

To his Excellency John Wood Esquire Governor in Chief Captain General and chancellor of this Isle

The Humble petition of Hester Hildesley and James Wilks Executives of the last will and Testament of the right Reverend Father in God Mark Hildesley Lord Bishop of Sodor and Mann late deceased.


That the Cathedral Church of St German within the Garrison of Pele Castle in the said Isle was by experience found not to answer the end of a parochial church as well from its being situated upon an Island always surrounded by the sea as from its being inclosed within the Walls of the Garrison and Subject to the military Discipline exercised in the said Garrison.

That in order to remedy the said Inconveniency a church was Erected in Peletown called St Peters for the parishioners [of] KK German to congregate therein.

That upon the building of the said church the said Cathedral church was rendered quite useless and the Body thereof some afterwards for want of repair fell into ruin.

That notwithstanding the ruin of the body of the said Cathedral church, the roof of the chancel thereof was always kept up by the Lord Bishop of this Isle for the time being [though] the said Chancel was of no manner of use whatsoever.

That the said Testator for several years after his [installation] kept up the roof of the said Chancel in the Customary [manner] and intended so to do during his continuance in the S[ee].

That by an Act made in the 5th year of the reign of [his] present Majesty the Sovereignty of the said Island and Castles of Rushen and Pele together with all Forts and Garrrisons in and belonging to the said Island were vested in his Majesty [his] Heirs and Successors and accordingly possession of all and [] the premises was taken for his Majestys use.

That soon after the passing of the said act the said B[ishop] attempted to exercise his right to the said Chancel and [to] repair the said roof as formerly when the said Testator [was] informed by some of his Majestys principal officers in the Island that he had no right to the said chancel nor Any matter or thing whatsoever within the Limits of the said Castle nor to enter therein under pretence of right as [it] was totally vested in his Majesty as aforesaid and the [said] Testator for that reason and in regard the said Chancel [was] altogether useless did not afterwards visit the said Chancel [or] repair the same as usually during his life.

That upon the death of the said Testator he was Succeeded in the said See by the right reverend Father in G Richard Richmond present Lord Bishop of the said Island who [some] time ago preferred his petition to your Excellency stating that several parts of the said Bishoprick were in a delapidated state and prayed for an order to Impannel and Swear Juries to view and report the same.

That your Excellency accordingly granted agency for the purpose aforesaid and the said petitioner was convinced that your petrs were not lyable to make [good] Dilapidations upon the chancel of the said Cathedral as the same was not meant or intended to be comprehended premises mentioned in your Excellency's said order [and] said petitioner did not for thirteen months after he [obtained] possession of the Issues and proffits of the said Bishoprick take any steps towards viewing the said dilapidations [of] the said Chancel and nevertheless your petitioners were summoned to appear before a Jury to view and Estimate the dilapidations upon the said Chancel upon Friday next.

That your petitioners humbly submit that your petrs ought not to be accountable for any Dilapidations upon the said Chancel as the same has been rendered quite useless beyond the memory of man and more especially for that the said Castle of Pele is particularly vested in the crown of Great Britain and his Majesty possessed of the same accordingly and therefore the said Testator could not enter into the said Castle to make any reparations upon the said Chancel and your petitioners charge that in Case they were at the death of the said Testator subject to make good any of the Dilapidations upon the said Cathedral (which your petitioners do not admit they were) that your petitioners cannot be compelled at this distance of time to make any Satisfaction for such dilapidations and that therefore the said Jury for that reason only ought to be suppressed.

In tender Consideration whereof your petitioners humbly pray that your Excellency would be pleased to appoint a day for hearing this petition and that for the reasons herein beforementioned your petitioners may be by your Excellency's Decree be exonerated and discharged from any Demand on account of the said pretended Dilapidations upon the Chanel of the said Cathedral with such other relief in the premises as [the] nature of the Case may intitle them unto and that [in] the mean time all proceedings to swear a jury for the [said] purpose hereinbeforementioned may be stayed and your petitioners shall pray &c

May 18th 1774

Ordered that the Matter of this Petition come on to be heard upon [Thursday] the 2d Day of June next Whereof all proper parties & persons are to have due Notice And in the mean time all proceedings be stayed.
Given at Castle Rushen this 19th May 1774 John Wood

At Castle Rushen the 2nd June 1774

Upon hearing this petition in presence of the Attys as well as the petitioners [and] of the the Right Reverend Richard Lord Bishop of this Isle and upon Consideration of what was offered argued and alledged by each party and also upon Consideration that the Castle Peel wh[erein] the Cathedral Church in this petition mentioned is situated hath been in Obedience to his Majestys special Command without any reservation taken possession off by me in behalf of Our Sovereign Lord the King and the same hath been so reported to his majesty I cannot permit any act of ownership professed ot Reparations to be made or Exercised within the Limits of the said Castle peel without having his Majestys pleasure [known?] Behalf

John Wood

 Parish Index

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