Composition Book - Kk Arbory 1666

The hand is very untidy - thanks to Wally Corrin for his reading and the additional notes

Nich Harrison Colby for a quarter of land 11s 4d rent paid by him for 21 years expired now. Fine [] 15s now to hould for ye life tearme 21 years from Michas [Michaelmas = 29 Sep] 1665 is to pay (havinge paid his [] in the year 1660) Fine paid 20s.

Ann Clague als Kewley for and in behalfe of her self and for Richard Clague her eldest son an infant for 3 parts of a quarter of land of Ballafada rent 18s 9d. Then for a fourth part of anothr quarterland called Ballarobert in Ballacarmin rent 4s 9d. Fine last for both 30s for 3 lives where of only Wm Clague the younger son of William Clague the last compounder is living now to hould for ye lives of him ye said William Clague the younger survinge child of ye said [] Richard her eldest son as afforsaid [] and of Geo Harrison her neighbour paid 30s

[The Clagues of Ballaclague has William Clague’s oldest son Thomas married to Ellin Kewley and they have twin sons William and Richard in 1662. William dies at an early age and Richard inherits Ballaclague in 1703.]

Colby Milne

Last compounded for by William Shurlocke.

Henry Corrin and Wm Corrin for halfe of the milne of Colby rent for ye said halfe 10s. Fine 50s lives only one living which to hould for the lives of Wm Corrin son of the said Henry and of Wm Corrin son of ye said Wm the original compounder and of Richard Tyldesley son of the comptroller. Paid 50s.

Margin comments.

It ye halfe fine by Wm Corrin et Donald Corrin his father. (25s)
It In part fine from sd Henry Corrin 18s.
It To ye received [] 7s from ye sd Henry Corrin payment being for [] fine..

[The Manorial rolls have Willm Sherloke with halfe of the mill in 1650. In 1659 Henry Corrin and Willm Corrin have taken over his halfe of the mill.]

Wm Lowye for 1d rent of new enclosure by Carrans bridge. Fine to hould for ye lives of ye said Wm and of John and Wm his sons. Fine 6d

Jane Quillin als Cubon for and in ye name and behalf of her self and Richard her son for to firstly part of a quarter of land rent 12s 5d and a prcell of quarter of 2d rent. And a prcell of ye cottage [?firstly] and a garden being of the same 2d rent. Bought from Ewan Hingley and [dau] and for a ½d new rent for enlarging the said garden. Fine last 8s for all but ye said 4½d and life for Wm Maddrell only in being [] to hould for ye eldest (insert "William Maddrell and of ye said") and of ye said Richard Quillin ye son and of Richard Tyldesley son of Richard Tyldesley Controller payer ye same. Fine only for ye two lives renewing and including said 3½ d []. Fine paid 8s

[In 1632 John Quillin had a part of a quarterland as well as another property in Ardary and they remain in his name through 1697. Ewan Hingley was the blacksmith in Ballabeg mid 1600’s. The Maddrell’s appear here probably because Jane bought some property from them. (See Manorial rolls Arbory). The Tyldesley family] probably financed it.]

Mr Thos Norris Deemster for 1d of ye 3½d rent last compounded for by Wm Knakell (insert "which was Thos Knakell") tearme three lives in being now only to [] ye said lives and to hould for ye lives of Thos Wm and Henry his sons. [ Payer.]

Then for 1d [ ] he formerly compounded for by John Lowry tearme last 21 years and to limit by ye said lives payed for ye whole 8d.

John Kinley of KK Malew compounded for 4d single rent being part of ye 5s 5d rent last compounded by Richard Corrin of Arbory for three lives. Two wherof are yet in being, the new ye sd John Kinley who hath received ye said 4d rent by verdict of a jury at common law and to enter there upon after ye []of ye said lives as appear by ye said verdict aggrees for ye tearme of 21 years to commence at ye expiracion of ye said lives in ye nature of a lease of Waterson and is to pay 12d.

[This is part of Richard Corrin’s property held in 1632 through 1675. Richard’s son George inherited it and he passed it to his eldest daughter Elizabeth who married Gilbert Waterson. The property passed to the Watersons.]

Jan 1661

Ye John Kewne [] for 1½d of new rent compounded for before tearme 21 years from [] last paid fine 9d.

Lib Plitr Apud May 1660

Willm Corrin quort vers Rich Sherlocke for a bridge and house for which he should pay 16 days labour by condition damages dos qut apart qui din goods given, receivst nil.

(Sworn?) before me. Rich Tyldesley and Cleus Roberts.

Jurers John Quyle, Thos Quorke, John Taylor, John Waterson, Geo Corrin and John Lowey.


July 20 1670

Donald Cottier both compounded for 6s rent formerly one [] fine tearme 21 years. 6s 8d.

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