Andreas - The Book - Name Index

The book Andreas by Sally McCambridge, priv pub 2005 (available via shop at Manx Musem) is a history of the people of Andreas from about 1740 onwards - it is based on the work of the late Dr Dugdale - however the book does not contain a name index thus seriously reducing its utility for the family historian. The following family name index was given to me by Peter Redhead with permission to publish.

Comments on Accuracy of the Book.

Dugdale worked mostly from property records, parish records and census information - family recollections etc add much to 19th Century and later descriptions. Sally McCambridge also scoured references to Andreas held by the Manx Museum and also online (particularly my site ManxNoteBook), and provided many early photographs as well as creating a series of useful maps. Several of the relationships derived by Dugdale via the parish register and censuses had errors as he did not make much use of wills which are generally crucial, especially with the earlier families to provide names for wives. Dugdale was in the process of correcting errors when he died.

Indexer's Notes (by Peter Redhead)

This index was compiled for my own use and I did not include adopted or nicknames. Generally it is as found with no alterations or corrections, however to help those unfamiliar with Manx names, variations in spelling etc. (in brackets) have been added in some cases. The custom sometimes used of using two names or dropping the surname in mid paragraph has been recognised and only the last (surname ) has been used. Also recognised is the occasional interchange of Christian (given) name and Surname (family). It is drawn to your attention that the same name can occur more than once on the same page. All details should be verified before being copied or repeated in any way (eg. Printing errors). I do know that there are a number of errors in the text of this book



Surnames Place or Page No.
Adams Authors Note,64,66,67,68
Alexander 13
Allen Authors Note, 13,15,17,50,123,133,159,167,168,234
Anderson 243
Antill 66,119
Armroyd 216
Armstrong 73
Arundale 47
Ashbee 239
Athol (Duke of) 169,183,186,188,248
Avent 49
Bagnall 8,9
Bain 34
Balfour 196
Ball 66,69,153
Bannan 119,175,230
Barker 166
Barr-Hamilton 27
Barry 167
Baston (Vastyn) 133
Bateman 71
Battery 73
Beattie 14
Beaumont 78
Beecroft 22,
Bell 84
Bennett 133
Bignal 95,109,139,140,142
Bing 217
Bishop 239
Black Authors Note,231,233,240,241
Bonnyman 15,183
Bony 209
Bottomley 196
Bourne 28
Boyde 139,153
Brabin 14
Bradley Authors Note
Bradshaw 15,16
Braine 54
Breadner 13
Brew Authors Note, 14,25,31,36,47,63,66,69,70,73,74,75,76,77,88,91,97,99,
Bridson 35,46,241
Briggs 26
Brinkley 172
Broderick 210
Brooke 66,118,119
Brown 8,38,39,40,51,63,81,91,92,148,170,186,188,Back Cover
Browne 163
Brundred 101,225
Burnett 239
Burns 203,247
Burnside 235
Burrows 216
Burton 225
Butler 49
Cadman 118
Cain(Caine) 12,15,21,25,35,63,64,70,71,90,135,139,147,152,159,160,161,165,170,187,215,216,219
Caine 25,96,134
Caldwell 147
Caley Authors Note,28,34,47,52,109,132,147,148,151,156,159,162,163,214,216,231,239,245,247
Caly (Caley) 199
Callister 1,7,26,34,52,69,70,75,76,93,96,105,108,113,115,116,117,119,120,130,142,
Callow 13,26,30,43,45,60,66,69,70,76,80,83,84,85,86,88,89,93,105,111,115,120,
Camaish (Comaish etc.) 71,72,74,112
Canell (Cannell) 68
Cannan 23,34
Cannell Authors Note, 9,27,29,30,33,42,47,49,91,124,143,169,176,177,178,180,182,184,197,201,204,206,240,241
Cannon 124,237
Carey Authors Note,161,166,181
Carran 88
Carrott (Garrett) 96
Casement 45,91,117,146,150,164,197,198,201,208
Cashen 70
Cashin 201
Chaney 84
Childe 147
Christen (Christian) 198,199
Christian 9,12,20,24,27,28,29,30,31,33,40,41,42,43,46,48,50,51,56,68,69,70,73,76,78,80,81,84
Christory 10,11,34,165,170,235,236
Clague 8,126,127,161,182,216
Clarey 135
Clark 75,154,206
Clarke Authors Note, 13,33,64,69,76,83,107,112,115,130,131,141,152,166194,197,203,205,206,217,218,226,244
Claythar (Cleator) 90
Cleater (Cleator) 91,135,159
Cleator 11,12,14,20,26,30,32,43,52,65,69,72,76,77,78,81,84,85,88,89,94113,114,119,
Cletor (Cleator) 92
Clegg 13,21,26,27
Clinkard Authors Note, 42,49,51,55,56,57,156
Clucas 9,12,24,34,35,45,46,64,70,76,91,103,115,116,169,170,171,193,215,221,225
Coakley Authors Note,61
Coates 115
Cochrane 57,196
Cojeen Authors Note,238
Collins 32,69,194
Collister Authors Note,11,45,46,54,103,133,143,162,177,198
Colquit(t) 23,45,233
Colvin 217,218,222
Comaish (Camaish etc.) 153
Comish (Camaish etc.) 45,66,72,74,111,204
Condra 175,246
Connor 8
Conchcrane 23
Cooke 50
Cooper 193
Corjean 245
Corkill 18,23,27,28,48,73,96,103,107,116,142,145,148,149,155,156,166,201,220,221,226,237
Corkhill 103
Corkish Authors Note,26,64,74,98,100,159,165,197,218,222,25
Cormoad 77,144,149,151,153,154,155
Cormode 11,21,25,28,35,43,61,70,72,73,76,80,85,87,90,91,93,94,95,96,97,98105,106,108,
Corrin 45,170
Corris 153,218
Corteen 169
Cotter 43
Cottier Frontispiece,13,15,19,20,32,42,43,44,47,48,69,134,156,163,165,166,168,180,194,201,213
Cowell 165,216
Cowen 77,128
Cowin Authors Note,8,22,115,124,134,149,159,162,163,168,170,176,199,205,235,240
Cowle 14,17,22,24,44,46,50,51,63,68,81,95,96,97,98,99,106,108,111,116130,148,
Cowley 8,9,14,25,31,33,46,47,69,71,78,83,85,113,115,120,135,152,162,169180,189,194,208,218,219,245,246
Cox 22,134
Crain (Craine) 202
Craine 24,26,69,72,73,76,79,113,134,139,142,146,165,172,182,186,187,189,193,233,235,248
Creaill (Kneen) 159
Crebbin 90,166,177,178,237,246,247
Creer 117,149,150,197
Cregeen 144
Crellin Authors Note,29,51,87,100,104,159,166,175,176,180,181,184,199,201,204,
Crenilt (Crinolt) 108,153,241
Crennell (Crenilt) 7,56,57,108,109,118,153,170,171,172,180,241
Crow 77,197,223,232,246,247
Crowe 20,45,150,181,186
Crye 106,177,186,223,232,247,248
Cubbon 63,64,96,99,117,149,150,159,161,166,198
Cumming 180
Cumpsty 185
Cunner (McCundre) 143
Cunningham 26,47,57,113,170
Curlet (Corlett) 201
Curlet(t)) Authors Note,7,8,16,20,23,27,28,34,35,42,43,44,48,50,52,56,63,64,65,66,67,
Curphey 10,20,21,23,24,26,48,72,73,76,80,83,86,91,108,133,134,135,145,146,147,148,
Curwen 248
Dakyns 148
Dalton 52
Daugherty (Dougherty) 45,118,163,202
Davies 22,30,35,216
Dawson Authors Note,17,31,34,143,151,152,190,230
Deacon 216
Derby (Earl of) 159,161
Dhone, Illiam 159
Dibb 22
Dinwoodie (Dinwoody) 188
Dinwoody 18
Dodd 240
Donnan 189
Doran 108
Dougherty (Daugherty) 10,133,199
Dowan (Dhowin) 143,145
Dowing (Dhowin) 145
Down (Dhowin) 145
Drinkwater 166
Drury 238
Dugdale Front Cover, Under Picture, Authors Note,19,21,22,23,24,25,36,55,67,74,76,83,94,
Edmonds 209
Ellen 95
Ellison 70,163,184,231
Evans 73
Faichney 113
Fairclough 51,210
Fanning 207
Faragher 11,14,19,24,32,47,48,51,63,64,79,90,91,142,153,156,183,204,208
Farcher (Fargher) 92
Fargher (Faragher) 64,74,96,102,103,108,125,126,139,147,148,149,150,154,240
Farrant 244,247
Fawcett 185,237
Fayle 23,177,178,245
Feasey 134
Fell 12,180
Feltham 123
Ferguson 217,226
Fitzsimmons 233,241
Flux-Dundas 165
Formby 249
Forster 247
Forsythe 68,225
Franklin Authors Note
Fri ell 243
Froude 216
Gale 27,41,70,76,78,83,91,108,113,114,116,131,132,142,147,156,175184,197,201,204,221,237,246
Galloway 236
Garrat (Garrett) 98
Garrett 27,30,42,69,78,84,86,96,98,100,146,147,148,152,177,184,193,201,202,206,217,223,224,226,232
Gaudemard 184
Gawan (Gawen) 68
Gawe 208
Gawne (Gawen) 1,2,48,49,84,91,98,102,107,109,146,149,150,171,176,206,226
Gell (Gale) 37,113,114
Gelling 25,115,187
George 239
Gibb 196,239,242
Gick 30
Gilchrist 160
Gill 11,29,33,35,37,40,41,81,96,127,128,130,140,151,168,178,219,221,237,247
Gillespie 29
Gilmore 165
Gilray 73
Glass 64
Godden 18
Goldie 170,236
Goldsmith 12,22,24,35,52,87,102,103,107,135,142,168,193,194,195,197,199,203
Gordon Authors Note
Greer 184
Guard Authors Note,62,216
Hall 30,46
Hallsall 45,46,47,48,64,142,236
Hall Caine 31,126,248,249
Hamilton 50
Hampton 28,79,80,84,104,124,150,180,235
Hancock 73
Hannam 57
Hardie 188,189
Harrison 25,27,32,35,63,96,142,149,161,165,180,189,201,204,213,216,218,226,229,235,240
Havergal 39
Hawkins 182
Hawley 207
Heesom 1
Hemingway 30,42
Henshaw 197
Herdman 79
Hibbert 66
Highfield 209
Hinds 92
Hodge 101
Holmes 169,189
Horne (Governor) 187
Horrocks 47
Howe 160
Howland Authors Note,7,19,22,23,25,27,34,42,85,95,97,106,120,130,139,142,151,152,155,176,183,186,193,202,203,208,219
Huddlestone 36,241
Hudson 8
Hughes 112
Hughes-Games 34,40
Humphreys 21
Hunter 79,80
Hurley 109
Hutchinson 204
Huyton Authors Note
Innemeer (Ininameere) 49
Jackson 175,186,205,243
Jamieson 109
Jenkins Authors Note
Joice 139
Joughin 7,8,32,47,106,108,120,135,144,153,171,178,181,225
Kaighen 11,13,44,84,86,92,109,141,145,152,153,155,187
Kaneen (Keneene) 24,69,78,83,91,119,147,194,198,199,201,203,204,206,207,208,221,225
Karragher (Kargher) 90
Karran 48,78,152,186
Kay 30
Kee (Key) 9,13,22,51,77,80,115,116,128,131,132,133,135,169,178,179,189,195,220,237
Keig 50,69,83,95,116,168
Kellie 68
Kelly Authors Note,14,19,23,24,27,30,32,52,54,57,68,78,87,88,92,95,98,
Kennahan 209
Kennaugh Authors Note,8,28,45,46,56,159,205,217,229,230,234,235,236,238,241,247
Keneen (Kaneen) 208,209
Keneene (Kneene) 49,91,108,205
Kennish Authors Note,7,49,69,70,117,150,161,165,176,180,202,204,208
Kenyon 205,240
Ken ie 41
Kermeen 47,101,165,194,197,202,203,232,245
Kermode 63,67,94,104,107,119,205,248
Kerruish 101,149,166,189
Kewen 68
Kewin 28,78,79,98,109,112,124,145,171,181,189,206,213,214,232,248,
Kewish 175,209,218
Kewley 7,14,15,17,40,42,45,47,52,79,81,153,156,161,175,208,247,248,
Key (Kee) 115,116
Killey 21,22,37,52,98,103,140,165,185,205,233,237,241,247
Killip 71,84,88,95,118,139,140,141,159,164,180,217,233,245
Kilpatrick 244
Kinley 176
Kinnin 11
Kinrade 7,28,42,45,46,47,48,52,56,60,61,64,66,68,70,72,73,76,77,79,83,8889,91,92,97,
Kinread 176,195
Kinrey 203,240
Kinry 108,181
Kinvig 48,169
Kissack 12,25,28,32,48,49,52,56,69,78,80,82,83,84,95,132,134,
Kissage 70,246
Knaele (Kneale) 167
Kneal (Kneale) 145,167,187,193,194,195,199,220,221
Kneale 13,14,15,19,22,23,25,26,27,32,33,34,35,40,42,43,45,49,50,51,57,67,
Knele (Kneale) 248
Kneen (Creaill)(Keneen) Authors Note,20,47,48,60,64,67,69,70,72,81,95,96,104,108,111,115,130,
Knight 11,34,67,78,83,170,181,186,219
Kniveton 52
Knowles 54,207
Knox 42
Lace 18,19,21,23,24,27,30,32,46,60,66,67,68,69,71,72,77,90,98,117,119,
Lancaster 13
Lamothe 7,8,31,37,40,148,236
Lane 101
Laughton 46,50,161
Lawson 15,46,68,70,74,78,83,116,226
Leatham 50
Lee 234
Leece 12,167
Legge 14
Leigh 101
LeMaitre 23,184,239
Leneghan 7,230
Litherland 1
Little 120
Lochore 66
Lockett 184,240
Logan 86,87,88,103,129
Lomas 96
Long 196
Longworth 210
Lord 24,25,32,47,117,148,186,216,233
Lowther 84
Lyall 43
Lyons 50
MacMaster 225
McAdam 242
McAdoo 57
McBrew (Brew) 166
McCambridge Front Cover, Flyleaf, Under Picture, Authors Note, 250,Back Cover.
McCristen (Christian) 198,199,248
McComaisse (Camaish) 112
McComas (Comish) 112
McConachie (Conaughey) 80
McCormick 182,215
McCundre (Cunner) 143
McCurry (Curry) 198
McEmere 73
McFee 79,182
McFrost 213
McGilcowle 98
McGilhast (Lace) 186
McGuire 209
McGurren 31
McHelly (McHaliy)(Kelly) 68,118,168
McInay (McInnag) 100
MacKelly 15
McKissack (Kissack) 202
McMahon 207,209
McManus Authors Note
McMartyn (Martin) 92
McNameer 70,73,83
McNele (Kneale) 112,167,221
McQuane (Quane) 123,153
McRenylt (Crenilt) 108
McRobyn 177
McSimonds 112
McSymond 112
McSkally (Skaly) 77
McTaggart 1
McTere (Teare) 105
McWhannell 160
McKenzie 41
Madrell(Maddrell) 18,72,81,86,210
Manson 246
Martin (McMartyn) Authors Note,10,21,25,28,42,46,49,54,62,77,90,91,92,93,94,102,103,
Mathews 205,222
Melvin 219
Meredith 146
Milburne 45,193
Minto 135,188,203
Mitton 235,241
Moffat 30
Molroy 11
Monier 73
Moor (Moore) 116
Moore 8,23,29,33,34,38,39,40,41,61,63,70,74,98,104,111,112,113,116,118,
Morrey 55
Morrison 14,43,57,64,116,118,125,180
Mughtyn 77
Mullineux 194
Murphy 46,103,142,143,198
Murray 13,19,243
Murrey (Murray) 244
Mylcraine 61
Mylecraine Authors Note,171,237,246
Myles 10,136
Mylrea 11,13,20,36,50,79,141
Nelson 27,62,167,193,201,222,233
Nettleton 89
Noble 62
Oates 23,169,243
Ockford 239
Ormerod 123
Owen 13,242
Pantin 56
Parkinson 12
Parsons 243
Pascoe 12
Patton 203
Payne 104
Pettit 133
Philip 34
Phillip 245
Phillips 30,199
Philpot 12,37,38,49,50,51,61,104
Pimblott 225
Place 189
Pogson 13
Prew 30
Priestland 39
Quark 15,32,102,135,183,186,189,190,199,222,223,225
Qualtrough 14,39,239
Quane (Quarrie) 83,114,117,153
Quarrie 12,77,96,123,131,153,169,189,206,208
Quarry (Quarrie) 135,143,188,189
Quay (Quarrie) 188,233
Quaye (Quarrie) 145,225
Quayle AuthorsNote,20,23,26,35,41,42,44,45,47,48,50,52,56,65,67,70,76,
Quiggin 145
Quilleash 9,87
Quilliam 234
Quirk 15,28,32,72,83,145,148,149,202,210,240
Quine 26,46,87,88,100,124,125,129,134,135,177,202,216,244
Radcliff (Radcliffe) 168,202
Radcliffe 8,10,12,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,27,29,30,31,32,39,40,41,42,
43,44,46,47,48,50,54,64 ,66,67,68,69,70,71,77,78,79,80,81,84,86,87,
88,91,93,99,106,107,111,112,119,124,125,130,131,134,136,140 145,
Raglan 16
Rainford 22,23
Ratclif (Radcliffe) 15,16
Ratcliff (Radcliffe) 118,144,182,183
Ratliff (Radcliffe) 181
Rawdon 88
Raworth 66
Redfern 221
Redhead 171
Redman 73,113
Redpath 181
Richardson 160
Ring 112
Roberts 199
Robertson 18
Robinson 10,30
Roe 56,229
Rolleston 239
Rossel 240
Rhys 2,130
Russell 235
Rutherford 194
Saile (Sayle) 26,159,160,213
Sansbury 1
Saqui 136
Sayle Under Picture, Authors Note, 9,10,11,12,15,18,20,26,28,31,32,43, 48,49,
52,76,79,83,87,88,89,95,96,98,100,102,106,107,108,109,113 114 ,117,
118,119,123,124,132,134,135,136,141,142,144,145,146,159,160,164 ,
Scarffe 232
Scott 106,147,188,189,219
Shallcross 55
Sharpe 237
Shaw 163
Shawcross 13
Shearman 27
Sheffield 236
Shepherd 232,233,234
Sherwood 215
Shimmin 8,32,43,64,95,139,142,150,163,234,240
Simms Authors Note
Simon ? 66,88,109
Simpson 10,24,49,102
Skaly 77
Skealey 77
Skelly 165
Skeoch 123
Skillan Authors Note,36,185,216,236
Skillicorn Authors Note,10,78,81,82,118,136,177,237,246
Skinner 52,54,77,89,118,125,152,170,172,246
Smale 31,205,240
Smith 217
Sommers 15
Sparks 179
Sparrow 194,195,196
Sprainger 238
Stafford 11,22,23,63
Stanford 11
Stanley 36,61,77
Stavely 208
Steaon (Stephen) 111
Stevenson 183,243,245
Stephen 18,19,23,30,86,111,148,160,164
Stothard 7,9,13
Stowell 104,112
Strickett 160
Stringer 39
Sumner 239
Sutherland Back Cover
Swift Authors Note
Swindell 18
Taubman 168,208,248
Tear (Teare) 56,60,70,95,100,105,109,123,148,155,167,170,180,202,235
Teare (McTere) AuthorsNote,1,2,8,10,12,14,15,17,20,24,26,32,34,42,43,44,46,47,48,49,
182,183,184,187,189,194,197,201,203,206,208,214,217,221,223,225,226,230,231,232,233,236,245,246,Back Cover
Thorburn 34
Thorn Authors Note,133
Thompson 197,239,Back Cover
Thwaite 61
Tier (Teare) 1
Tompson 68
Townley 242
Train 126,127
Trainer 193
Tridlie 37
Troweeke 243
Tuffin 132,139
Turner 42,49,51,56,57
Vartyn (Martin) 113
Vastyn (Vastin)(Baston) 133
Vondy 23,82,99,117,222,232
Wade 25,47,71,87,95,97,99,100,152,167,230
Walker 32,47,139,210
Warren 8
Warmisham 14
Waterhouse 56
Watson 193,241,242,243
Watterson 199
Wattleworth 95,185
Wesley 103,132,225
Whannell 28
White 26,239
Whitehead 216
Whittaker 202
Wilde 12
Wilkinson 239
William(s) 9,111
Wilson 37,99,116,159,166,187,219
Wilton 27
Winder 7
Winter 33
Wood(s) 74,197,202,213,214,215
Young 210

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