The book Andreas by Sally McCambridge, priv pub 2005 (available via shop at Manx Musem) is a history of the people of Andreas from about 1740 onwards - it is based on the work of the late Dr Dugdale - however the book does not contain a name index thus seriously reducing its utility for the family historian. The following family name index was given to me by Peter Redhead with permission to publish.
Dugdale worked mostly from property records, parish records and census information - family recollections etc add much to 19th Century and later descriptions. Sally McCambridge also scoured references to Andreas held by the Manx Museum and also online (particularly my site ManxNoteBook), and provided many early photographs as well as creating a series of useful maps. Several of the relationships derived by Dugdale via the parish register and censuses had errors as he did not make much use of wills which are generally crucial, especially with the earlier families to provide names for wives. Dugdale was in the process of correcting errors when he died.
This index was compiled for my own use and I did not include adopted or nicknames. Generally it is as found with no alterations or corrections, however to help those unfamiliar with Manx names, variations in spelling etc. (in brackets) have been added in some cases. The custom sometimes used of using two names or dropping the surname in mid paragraph has been recognised and only the last (surname ) has been used. Also recognised is the occasional interchange of Christian (given) name and Surname (family). It is drawn to your attention that the same name can occur more than once on the same page. All details should be verified before being copied or repeated in any way (eg. Printing errors). I do know that there are a number of errors in the text of this book
Surnames | Place or Page No. | |
Adams | Authors Note,64,66,67,68 | |
Alexander | 13 | |
Allen | Authors Note, 13,15,17,50,123,133,159,167,168,234 | |
Anderson | 243 | |
Antill | 66,119 | |
Armroyd | 216 | |
Armstrong | 73 | |
Arundale | 47 | |
Ashbee | 239 | |
Athol (Duke of) | 169,183,186,188,248 | |
Avent | 49 | |
Bagnall | 8,9 | |
Bain | 34 | |
Balfour | 196 | |
Ball | 66,69,153 | |
Bannan | 119,175,230 | |
Barker | 166 | |
Barr-Hamilton | 27 | |
Barry | 167 | |
Baston (Vastyn) | 133 | |
Bateman | 71 | |
Battery | 73 | |
Beattie | 14 | |
Beaumont | 78 | |
Beecroft | 22, | |
Bell | 84 | |
Bennett | 133 | |
Bignal | 95,109,139,140,142 | |
Bing | 217 | |
Bishop | 239 | |
Black | Authors Note,231,233,240,241 | |
Bonnyman | 15,183 | |
Bony | 209 | |
Bottomley | 196 | |
Bourne | 28 | |
Boyde | 139,153 | |
Brabin | 14 | |
Bradley | Authors Note | |
Bradshaw | 15,16 | |
Braine | 54 | |
Breadner | 13 | |
Brew | Authors Note, 14,25,31,36,47,63,66,69,70,73,74,75,76,77,88,91,97,99, 102,108,111,116,123,135,139,141,142,152,153,161,162,163,164,166, 170,171,177,178,187,203,204,210,222,225,233,236,240,241,247,248 |
Bridson | 35,46,241 | |
Briggs | 26 | |
Brinkley | 172 | |
Broderick | 210 | |
Brooke | 66,118,119 | |
Brown | 8,38,39,40,51,63,81,91,92,148,170,186,188,Back Cover | |
Browne | 163 | |
Brundred | 101,225 | |
Burnett | 239 | |
Burns | 203,247 | |
Burnside | 235 | |
Burrows | 216 | |
Burton | 225 | |
Butler | 49 | |
Cadman | 118 | |
Cain(Caine) | 12,15,21,25,35,63,64,70,71,90,135,139,147,152,159,160,161,165,170,187,215,216,219 | |
Caine | 25,96,134 | |
Caldwell | 147 | |
Caley | Authors Note,28,34,47,52,109,132,147,148,151,156,159,162,163,214,216,231,239,245,247 | |
Caly (Caley) | 199 | |
Callister | 1,7,26,34,52,69,70,75,76,93,96,105,108,113,115,116,117,119,120,130,142, 144,151,152,153,159,166,181,188,193,205,208,215,219,223,229,230,233 |
Callow | 13,26,30,43,45,60,66,69,70,76,80,83,84,85,86,88,89,93,105,111,115,120, 135,144,155,163,167,171,181,182,194,208,216,221,222,246,247 |
Camaish (Comaish etc.) | 71,72,74,112 | |
Canell (Cannell) | 68 | |
Cannan | 23,34 | |
Cannell | Authors Note, 9,27,29,30,33,42,47,49,91,124,143,169,176,177,178,180,182,184,197,201,204,206,240,241 | |
Cannon | 124,237 | |
Carey | Authors Note,161,166,181 | |
Carran | 88 | |
Carrott (Garrett) | 96 | |
Casement | 45,91,117,146,150,164,197,198,201,208 | |
Cashen | 70 | |
Cashin | 201 | |
Chaney | 84 | |
Childe | 147 | |
Christen (Christian) | 198,199 | |
Christian | 9,12,20,24,27,28,29,30,31,33,40,41,42,43,46,48,50,51,56,68,69,70,73,76,78,80,81,84 ,86,87,94,96,99,102,105,106,108,109,111,114,115,116,118,130,131,133,144,151,156, 160,161,162,163,170,176,179,180,182,183,186,187,190,193,195,197,198,199,200,201, 202,204,207,210,216,219,220,222,223,224,225,226,230,235,238,240,241,242,243,244,245,247,248,249 |
Christory | 10,11,34,165,170,235,236 | |
Clague | 8,126,127,161,182,216 | |
Clarey | 135 | |
Clark | 75,154,206 | |
Clarke | Authors Note, 13,33,64,69,76,83,107,112,115,130,131,141,152,166194,197,203,205,206,217,218,226,244 | |
Claythar (Cleator) | 90 | |
Cleater (Cleator) | 91,135,159 | |
Cleator | 11,12,14,20,26,30,32,43,52,65,69,72,76,77,78,81,84,85,88,89,94113,114,119, 120,124,125,163,165,176,177,180,193,213,217,221,235,246 |
Cletor (Cleator) | 92 | |
Clegg | 13,21,26,27 | |
Clinkard | Authors Note, 42,49,51,55,56,57,156 | |
Clucas | 9,12,24,34,35,45,46,64,70,76,91,103,115,116,169,170,171,193,215,221,225 | |
Coakley | Authors Note,61 | |
Coates | 115 | |
Cochrane | 57,196 | |
Cojeen | Authors Note,238 | |
Collins | 32,69,194 | |
Collister | Authors Note,11,45,46,54,103,133,143,162,177,198 | |
Colquit(t) | 23,45,233 | |
Colvin | 217,218,222 | |
Comaish (Camaish etc.) | 153 | |
Comish (Camaish etc.) | 45,66,72,74,111,204 | |
Condra | 175,246 | |
Connor | 8 | |
Conchcrane | 23 | |
Cooke | 50 | |
Cooper | 193 | |
Corjean | 245 | |
Corkill | 18,23,27,28,48,73,96,103,107,116,142,145,148,149,155,156,166,201,220,221,226,237 | |
Corkhill | 103 | |
Corkish | Authors Note,26,64,74,98,100,159,165,197,218,222,25 | |
Cormoad | 77,144,149,151,153,154,155 | |
Cormode | 11,21,25,28,35,43,61,70,72,73,76,80,85,87,90,91,93,94,95,96,97,98105,106,108, 109,116,123,124,130,131,132,133,139,140,141,143,144,145,147,148,152,153, 154,160,164,169,171,185,204,205,206,217,223,225,232,247 |
Corrin | 45,170 | |
Corris | 153,218 | |
Corteen | 169 | |
Cotter | 43 | |
Cottier | Frontispiece,13,15,19,20,32,42,43,44,47,48,69,134,156,163,165,166,168,180,194,201,213 | |
Cowell | 165,216 | |
Cowen | 77,128 | |
Cowin | Authors Note,8,22,115,124,134,149,159,162,163,168,170,176,199,205,235,240 | |
Cowle | 14,17,22,24,44,46,50,51,63,68,81,95,96,97,98,99,106,108,111,116130,148, 153,163,165,182,197,199,203,205,206,207,208,209,210,217,221,240,245 |
Cowley | 8,9,14,25,31,33,46,47,69,71,78,83,85,113,115,120,135,152,162,169180,189,194,208,218,219,245,246 | |
Cox | 22,134 | |
Crain (Craine) | 202 | |
Craine | 24,26,69,72,73,76,79,113,134,139,142,146,165,172,182,186,187,189,193,233,235,248 | |
Creaill (Kneen) | 159 | |
Crebbin | 90,166,177,178,237,246,247 | |
Creer | 117,149,150,197 | |
Cregeen | 144 | |
Crellin | Authors Note,29,51,87,100,104,159,166,175,176,180,181,184,199,201,204, 205,208,213,217,241,242,243,244,245 |
Crenilt (Crinolt) | 108,153,241 | |
Crennell (Crenilt) | 7,56,57,108,109,118,153,170,171,172,180,241 | |
Crow | 77,197,223,232,246,247 | |
Crowe | 20,45,150,181,186 | |
Crye | 106,177,186,223,232,247,248 | |
Cubbon | 63,64,96,99,117,149,150,159,161,166,198 | |
Cumming | 180 | |
Cumpsty | 185 | |
Cunner (McCundre) | 143 | |
Cunningham | 26,47,57,113,170 | |
Curlet (Corlett) | 201 | |
Curlet(t)) | Authors Note,7,8,16,20,23,27,28,34,35,42,43,44,48,50,52,56,63,64,65,66,67, 70,71,72,73,75,78,80,81,82,84,86,92,93,95,97,100,106,107,108,109,111,113, 115,116,117,118,120,123,131,132,134,135,136,139,140,142,144,147,148,150, 151,152,153,159,160,162,167,171,178,181,190,197,199,201,203,205,218,219, 223,225,226,229,230,231,232,234,235,236,237,241,244,246,248 |
Curphey | 10,20,21,23,24,26,48,72,73,76,80,83,86,91,108,133,134,135,145,146,147,148, 150,153,163,176,181,189,197,205,221,230,231,233,236,241 |
Curwen | 248 | |
Dakyns | 148 | |
Dalton | 52 | |
Daugherty (Dougherty) | 45,118,163,202 | |
Davies | 22,30,35,216 | |
Dawson | Authors Note,17,31,34,143,151,152,190,230 | |
Deacon | 216 | |
Derby (Earl of) | 159,161 | |
Dhone, Illiam | 159 | |
Dibb | 22 | |
Dinwoodie (Dinwoody) | 188 | |
Dinwoody | 18 | |
Dodd | 240 | |
Donnan | 189 | |
Doran | 108 | |
Dougherty (Daugherty) | 10,133,199 | |
Dowan (Dhowin) | 143,145 | |
Dowing (Dhowin) | 145 | |
Down (Dhowin) | 145 | |
Drinkwater | 166 | |
Drury | 238 | |
Dugdale | Front Cover, Under Picture, Authors Note,19,21,22,23,24,25,36,55,67,74,76,83,94, 103,104,116,123,154,160,165,170,196,210,217,245 |
Edmonds | 209 | |
Ellen | 95 | |
Ellison | 70,163,184,231 | |
Evans | 73 | |
Faichney | 113 | |
Fairclough | 51,210 | |
Fanning | 207 | |
Faragher | 11,14,19,24,32,47,48,51,63,64,79,90,91,142,153,156,183,204,208 | |
Farcher (Fargher) | 92 | |
Fargher (Faragher) | 64,74,96,102,103,108,125,126,139,147,148,149,150,154,240 | |
Farrant | 244,247 | |
Fawcett | 185,237 | |
Fayle | 23,177,178,245 | |
Feasey | 134 | |
Fell | 12,180 | |
Feltham | 123 | |
Ferguson | 217,226 | |
Fitzsimmons | 233,241 | |
Flux-Dundas | 165 | |
Formby | 249 | |
Forster | 247 | |
Forsythe | 68,225 | |
Franklin | Authors Note | |
Fri ell | 243 | |
Froude | 216 | |
Gale | 27,41,70,76,78,83,91,108,113,114,116,131,132,142,147,156,175184,197,201,204,221,237,246 | |
Galloway | 236 | |
Garrat (Garrett) | 98 | |
Garrett | 27,30,42,69,78,84,86,96,98,100,146,147,148,152,177,184,193,201,202,206,217,223,224,226,232 | |
Gaudemard | 184 | |
Gawan (Gawen) | 68 | |
Gawe | 208 | |
Gawne (Gawen) | 1,2,48,49,84,91,98,102,107,109,146,149,150,171,176,206,226 | |
Gell (Gale) | 37,113,114 | |
Gelling | 25,115,187 | |
George | 239 | |
Gibb | 196,239,242 | |
Gick | 30 | |
Gilchrist | 160 | |
Gill | 11,29,33,35,37,40,41,81,96,127,128,130,140,151,168,178,219,221,237,247 | |
Gillespie | 29 | |
Gilmore | 165 | |
Gilray | 73 | |
Glass | 64 | |
Godden | 18 | |
Goldie | 170,236 | |
Goldsmith | 12,22,24,35,52,87,102,103,107,135,142,168,193,194,195,197,199,203 | |
Gordon | Authors Note | |
Greer | 184 | |
Guard | Authors Note,62,216 | |
Hall | 30,46 | |
Hallsall | 45,46,47,48,64,142,236 | |
Hall Caine | 31,126,248,249 | |
Hamilton | 50 | |
Hampton | 28,79,80,84,104,124,150,180,235 | |
Hancock | 73 | |
Hannam | 57 | |
Hardie | 188,189 | |
Harrison | 25,27,32,35,63,96,142,149,161,165,180,189,201,204,213,216,218,226,229,235,240 | |
Havergal | 39 | |
Hawkins | 182 | |
Hawley | 207 | |
Heesom | 1 | |
Hemingway | 30,42 | |
Henshaw | 197 | |
Herdman | 79 | |
Hibbert | 66 | |
Highfield | 209 | |
Hinds | 92 | |
Hodge | 101 | |
Holmes | 169,189 | |
Horne (Governor) | 187 | |
Horrocks | 47 | |
Howe | 160 | |
Howland | Authors Note,7,19,22,23,25,27,34,42,85,95,97,106,120,130,139,142,151,152,155,176,183,186,193,202,203,208,219 | |
Huddlestone | 36,241 | |
Hudson | 8 | |
Hughes | 112 | |
Hughes-Games | 34,40 | |
Humphreys | 21 | |
Hunter | 79,80 | |
Hurley | 109 | |
Hutchinson | 204 | |
Huyton | Authors Note | |
Innemeer (Ininameere) | 49 | |
Jackson | 175,186,205,243 | |
Jamieson | 109 | |
Jenkins | Authors Note | |
Joice | 139 | |
Joughin | 7,8,32,47,106,108,120,135,144,153,171,178,181,225 | |
Kaighen | 11,13,44,84,86,92,109,141,145,152,153,155,187 | |
Kaneen (Keneene) | 24,69,78,83,91,119,147,194,198,199,201,203,204,206,207,208,221,225 | |
Karragher (Kargher) | 90 | |
Karran | 48,78,152,186 | |
Kay | 30 | |
Kee (Key) | 9,13,22,51,77,80,115,116,128,131,132,133,135,169,178,179,189,195,220,237 | |
Keig | 50,69,83,95,116,168 | |
Kellie | 68 | |
Kelly | Authors Note,14,19,23,24,27,30,32,52,54,57,68,78,87,88,92,95,98, 103,104,109,112,117,118,120,123,124,125,127,129,142,147,148,149, 151,152,155,162,168,175,179,181,184,187,197,201,209 |
Kennahan | 209 | |
Kennaugh | Authors Note,8,28,45,46,56,159,205,217,229,230,234,235,236,238,241,247 | |
Keneen (Kaneen) | 208,209 | |
Keneene (Kneene) | 49,91,108,205 | |
Kennish | Authors Note,7,49,69,70,117,150,161,165,176,180,202,204,208 | |
Kenyon | 205,240 | |
Ken ie | 41 | |
Kermeen | 47,101,165,194,197,202,203,232,245 | |
Kermode | 63,67,94,104,107,119,205,248 | |
Kerruish | 101,149,166,189 | |
Kewen | 68 | |
Kewin | 28,78,79,98,109,112,124,145,171,181,189,206,213,214,232,248, | |
Kewish | 175,209,218 | |
Kewley | 7,14,15,17,40,42,45,47,52,79,81,153,156,161,175,208,247,248, | |
Key (Kee) | 115,116 | |
Killey | 21,22,37,52,98,103,140,165,185,205,233,237,241,247 | |
Killip | 71,84,88,95,118,139,140,141,159,164,180,217,233,245 | |
Kilpatrick | 244 | |
Kinley | 176 | |
Kinnin | 11 | |
Kinrade | 7,28,42,45,46,47,48,52,56,60,61,64,66,68,70,72,73,76,77,79,83,8889,91,92,97, 100,107,111,113,124,132,134,142,145,147,153,155,159,169,176,185,193,194,204,208,221,225,245 |
Kinread | 176,195 | |
Kinrey | 203,240 | |
Kinry | 108,181 | |
Kinvig | 48,169 | |
Kissack | 12,25,28,32,48,49,52,56,69,78,80,82,83,84,95,132,134, 159,165,177,197,201,204,205,239,245,247 |
Kissage | 70,246 | |
Knaele (Kneale) | 167 | |
Kneal (Kneale) | 145,167,187,193,194,195,199,220,221 | |
Kneale | 13,14,15,19,22,23,25,26,27,32,33,34,35,40,42,43,45,49,50,51,57,67, 71,72,74,76,77,78,79,80,83,86,89,99,100,102,103,106,113,115,119, 123,131,132,133,134,135,136,142,144,145,146,147,149,150,153,154, 156,159,162,163,164,165,166,168,170,171,172,175,176,177,178,180, 182,186,187,193,194,195,196,197,198,202,204,206,207,209,216,217, 218,219,220,221,222,224,231,235,239,245,246 |
Knele (Kneale) | 248 | |
Kneen (Creaill)(Keneen) | Authors Note,20,47,48,60,64,67,69,70,72,81,95,96,104,108,111,115,130, 139,140,146,147,159,165,168,169,170,175,179,194,201,204,209,218,232,235,236,237,241 |
Knight | 11,34,67,78,83,170,181,186,219 | |
Kniveton | 52 | |
Knowles | 54,207 | |
Knox | 42 | |
Lace | 18,19,21,23,24,27,30,32,46,60,66,67,68,69,71,72,77,90,98,117,119, 148,153,160,167,168,169,178,179,186,187,189,199,201,202,203,205,206,208,218,221,222,225,233,240,244 |
Lancaster | 13 | |
Lamothe | 7,8,31,37,40,148,236 | |
Lane | 101 | |
Laughton | 46,50,161 | |
Lawson | 15,46,68,70,74,78,83,116,226 | |
Leatham | 50 | |
Lee | 234 | |
Leece | 12,167 | |
Legge | 14 | |
Leigh | 101 | |
LeMaitre | 23,184,239 | |
Leneghan | 7,230 | |
Litherland | 1 | |
Little | 120 | |
Lochore | 66 | |
Lockett | 184,240 | |
Logan | 86,87,88,103,129 | |
Lomas | 96 | |
Long | 196 | |
Longworth | 210 | |
Lord | 24,25,32,47,117,148,186,216,233 | |
Lowther | 84 | |
Lyall | 43 | |
Lyons | 50 | |
MacMaster | 225 | |
McAdam | 242 | |
McAdoo | 57 | |
McBrew (Brew) | 166 | |
McCambridge | Front Cover, Flyleaf, Under Picture, Authors Note, 250,Back Cover. | |
McCristen (Christian) | 198,199,248 | |
McComaisse (Camaish) | 112 | |
McComas (Comish) | 112 | |
McConachie (Conaughey) | 80 | |
McCormick | 182,215 | |
McCundre (Cunner) | 143 | |
McCurry (Curry) | 198 | |
McEmere | 73 | |
McFee | 79,182 | |
McFrost | 213 | |
McGilcowle | 98 | |
McGilhast (Lace) | 186 | |
McGuire | 209 | |
McGurren | 31 | |
McHelly (McHaliy)(Kelly) | 68,118,168 | |
McInay (McInnag) | 100 | |
MacKelly | 15 | |
McKissack (Kissack) | 202 | |
McMahon | 207,209 | |
McManus | Authors Note | |
McMartyn (Martin) | 92 | |
McNameer | 70,73,83 | |
McNele (Kneale) | 112,167,221 | |
McQuane (Quane) | 123,153 | |
McRenylt (Crenilt) | 108 | |
McRobyn | 177 | |
McSimonds | 112 | |
McSymond | 112 | |
McSkally (Skaly) | 77 | |
McTaggart | 1 | |
McTere (Teare) | 105 | |
McWhannell | 160 | |
McKenzie | 41 | |
Madrell(Maddrell) | 18,72,81,86,210 | |
Manson | 246 | |
Martin (McMartyn) | Authors Note,10,21,25,28,42,46,49,54,62,77,90,91,92,93,94,102,103, 104,105,106,113,134,141,142,146,148,150,152,156,178,199,236,237,247 |
Mathews | 205,222 | |
Melvin | 219 | |
Meredith | 146 | |
Milburne | 45,193 | |
Minto | 135,188,203 | |
Mitton | 235,241 | |
Moffat | 30 | |
Molroy | 11 | |
Monier | 73 | |
Moor (Moore) | 116 | |
Moore | 8,23,29,33,34,38,39,40,41,61,63,70,74,98,104,111,112,113,116,118, 130,143,144,145,146,156,169,170,171,178,180,198,207,214,221,222,233,239,244 |
Morrey | 55 | |
Morrison | 14,43,57,64,116,118,125,180 | |
Mughtyn | 77 | |
Mullineux | 194 | |
Murphy | 46,103,142,143,198 | |
Murray | 13,19,243 | |
Murrey (Murray) | 244 | |
Mylcraine | 61 | |
Mylecraine | Authors Note,171,237,246 | |
Myles | 10,136 | |
Mylrea | 11,13,20,36,50,79,141 | |
Nelson | 27,62,167,193,201,222,233 | |
Nettleton | 89 | |
Noble | 62 | |
Oates | 23,169,243 | |
Ockford | 239 | |
Ormerod | 123 | |
Owen | 13,242 | |
Pantin | 56 | |
Parkinson | 12 | |
Parsons | 243 | |
Pascoe | 12 | |
Patton | 203 | |
Payne | 104 | |
Pettit | 133 | |
Philip | 34 | |
Phillip | 245 | |
Phillips | 30,199 | |
Philpot | 12,37,38,49,50,51,61,104 | |
Pimblott | 225 | |
Place | 189 | |
Pogson | 13 | |
Prew | 30 | |
Priestland | 39 | |
Quark | 15,32,102,135,183,186,189,190,199,222,223,225 | |
Qualtrough | 14,39,239 | |
Quane (Quarrie) | 83,114,117,153 | |
Quarrie | 12,77,96,123,131,153,169,189,206,208 | |
Quarry (Quarrie) | 135,143,188,189 | |
Quay (Quarrie) | 188,233 | |
Quaye (Quarrie) | 145,225 | |
Quayle | AuthorsNote,20,23,26,35,41,42,44,45,47,48,50,52,56,65,67,70,76, 79,82,83,86,88,89,91,99,105,113,115,118,135,153,161,162,168,171, 175,181,182,186,189,196,197,202,218,221,222,225,230,232,233,234,236,243,246,247 |
Quiggin | 145 | |
Quilleash | 9,87 | |
Quilliam | 234 | |
Quirk | 15,28,32,72,83,145,148,149,202,210,240 | |
Quine | 26,46,87,88,100,124,125,129,134,135,177,202,216,244 | |
Radcliff (Radcliffe) | 168,202 | |
Radcliffe | 8,10,12,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,27,29,30,31,32,39,40,41,42, 43,44,46,47,48,50,54,64 ,66,67,68,69,70,71,77,78,79,80,81,84,86,87, 88,91,93,99,106,107,111,112,119,124,125,130,131,134,136,140 145, 147,149,150,152,153,156,159,163,164,166,167,168,171,175,177,178, 179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,196,197,201,203,204,205,206,208, 209,213,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,225,231,235,236,237,240,241,244,245,248 |
Raglan | 16 | |
Rainford | 22,23 | |
Ratclif (Radcliffe) | 15,16 | |
Ratcliff (Radcliffe) | 118,144,182,183 | |
Ratliff (Radcliffe) | 181 | |
Rawdon | 88 | |
Raworth | 66 | |
Redfern | 221 | |
Redhead | 171 | |
Redman | 73,113 | |
Redpath | 181 | |
Richardson | 160 | |
Ring | 112 | |
Roberts | 199 | |
Robertson | 18 | |
Robinson | 10,30 | |
Roe | 56,229 | |
Rolleston | 239 | |
Rossel | 240 | |
Rhys | 2,130 | |
Russell | 235 | |
Rutherford | 194 | |
Saile (Sayle) | 26,159,160,213 | |
Sansbury | 1 | |
Saqui | 136 | |
Sayle | Under Picture, Authors Note, 9,10,11,12,15,18,20,26,28,31,32,43,
48,49, 52,76,79,83,87,88,89,95,96,98,100,102,106,107,108,109,113 114 ,117, 118,119,123,124,132,134,135,136,141,142,144,145,146,159,160,164 , 165,166,167,170,172,175,177,179,180,187,195,201,204,215,216,218,221 ,222,223,225,230,232,234,235,236,237,238,240,241,246,248 |
Scarffe | 232 | |
Scott | 106,147,188,189,219 | |
Shallcross | 55 | |
Sharpe | 237 | |
Shaw | 163 | |
Shawcross | 13 | |
Shearman | 27 | |
Sheffield | 236 | |
Shepherd | 232,233,234 | |
Sherwood | 215 | |
Shimmin | 8,32,43,64,95,139,142,150,163,234,240 | |
Simms | Authors Note | |
Simon ? | 66,88,109 | |
Simpson | 10,24,49,102 | |
Skaly | 77 | |
Skealey | 77 | |
Skelly | 165 | |
Skeoch | 123 | |
Skillan | Authors Note,36,185,216,236 | |
Skillicorn | Authors Note,10,78,81,82,118,136,177,237,246 | |
Skinner | 52,54,77,89,118,125,152,170,172,246 | |
Smale | 31,205,240 | |
Smith | 217 | |
Sommers | 15 | |
Sparks | 179 | |
Sparrow | 194,195,196 | |
Sprainger | 238 | |
Stafford | 11,22,23,63 | |
Stanford | 11 | |
Stanley | 36,61,77 | |
Stavely | 208 | |
Steaon (Stephen) | 111 | |
Stevenson | 183,243,245 | |
Stephen | 18,19,23,30,86,111,148,160,164 | |
Stothard | 7,9,13 | |
Stowell | 104,112 | |
Strickett | 160 | |
Stringer | 39 | |
Sumner | 239 | |
Sutherland | Back Cover | |
Swift | Authors Note | |
Swindell | 18 | |
Taubman | 168,208,248 | |
Tear (Teare) | 56,60,70,95,100,105,109,123,148,155,167,170,180,202,235 | |
Teare (McTere) | AuthorsNote,1,2,8,10,12,14,15,17,20,24,26,32,34,42,43,44,46,47,48,49, 50,51,52,65,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87, 91,93,95,96,97,98,100,101,102,103,105,107,108,109,113,116,118,119, 120,123,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,133,139140,142,143,144,145,149, 150,152,153,154,156,159,160,161,162,165,166,168,169,170,172,178,179, 182,183,184,187,189,194,197,201,203,206,208,214,217,221,223,225,226,230,231,232,233,236,245,246,Back Cover |
Thorburn | 34 | |
Thorn | Authors Note,133 | |
Thompson | 197,239,Back Cover | |
Thwaite | 61 | |
Tier (Teare) | 1 | |
Tompson | 68 | |
Townley | 242 | |
Train | 126,127 | |
Trainer | 193 | |
Tridlie | 37 | |
Troweeke | 243 | |
Tuffin | 132,139 | |
Turner | 42,49,51,56,57 | |
Vartyn (Martin) | 113 | |
Vastyn (Vastin)(Baston) | 133 | |
Vondy | 23,82,99,117,222,232 | |
Wade | 25,47,71,87,95,97,99,100,152,167,230 | |
Walker | 32,47,139,210 | |
Warren | 8 | |
Warmisham | 14 | |
Waterhouse | 56 | |
Watson | 193,241,242,243 | |
Watterson | 199 | |
Wattleworth | 95,185 | |
Wesley | 103,132,225 | |
Whannell | 28 | |
White | 26,239 | |
Whitehead | 216 | |
Whittaker | 202 | |
Wilde | 12 | |
Wilkinson | 239 | |
William(s) | 9,111 | |
Wilson | 37,99,116,159,166,187,219 | |
Wilton | 27 | |
Winder | 7 | |
Winter | 33 | |
Wood(s) | 74,197,202,213,214,215 | |
Young | 210 |
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received
The Editor HTML © F.Coakley, 2007 |