[Transcribed from Kk Andreas Presentments, 1762]
Churchwardens: Charles lace, Jon Kneal, Charles Moore, Wm Tear
Chap Quest: Philip Kewn, Dan: Christian, Thomas Kinread ab:, Wm Christian ab:
Wm Mylrea Rector
A: 29th Nov 1761 being the last Sunday in the Month, The wardens and Chapter Quest present that the rector this day preached an English sermon
[in 1766 Visitation(MM MS00792 C)was a comment by the Rector about how often he preached in Manks - Every Sunday since the new charge to the wardens was delivered, saving 2 or 3 sermons in english tongue; for each of which the rector has been presented but through the kindness, indulgence of ye judges ecclestiastical has not been punished for wch favour he now returns thks]
B: 27th Decembr 1761. Last Sunday in the Month - vide annexed Catalogue of persons presented for not attending divine Service on St Thomas's Day
The Wardens and Chapter Quest present the following Persons, Heads of Families, for not attending divine Service on St Stephen's Day [ie 26th Dec], either by themselves, children or Servants (viz)
Dan Christian Ard:oanan Jon Quark (Talbort) John Quark (beg) John Christian (rhey) Arthur Lace Jon Kewn (Goon) Thos Sayle (Close) Wm Kneal (ned) Sam Kynley Wm Radcliffe (Dalk) Jno Radcliffe (Robin) Mr Dan Christian Ewan Kinney Philip Cleator Eliz Kewn widow John Garret junr Jon Kinney Shoemaker John Lace (mite hill) Gilbert Christian Thomas Christian (Baney) Thos Sayle (Ewan) John Kelly (Mcylecharane) Thos Corlett (Greddah) |
Wm Stephens (Tailor) John Garret senr Thos Kinney junr Margt Keig widow Thos Sayle (Craig) John Sayle (rhey) Pat Keron Thos Kneen James Tear Ballawhane Jno Quirk Wm Tear (Derry) Dan Cermoad Pat Fargher Richd Kneal Jno Joughin Wm Joughin Jon Kee (Leodist) Wid: Tear (Harry) Wm Kneel (Chrink) Edwd Camaish Jon Tear (smeal) James Tear (gemmey) James Tear ?hecklor) Gilbert Tear Jon Sayle (smith) James Fargher John Sayle (smeal) |
Dan Crinolt (Kyll: Kustjag) Dan Lace John Kneen Wm Fargher Pat: Cormoad Phil Fargher Dan: Cormoad Jon Christian Wm Cottier Jon Lace Mich Kaneen Dan Cowle Wid: Kneen Thos Casement Stanley Kneal Pat Kneal Jno Christian Danl: Cowle (sen) Geo Radcliffe Jno Cannell Christophr Sayle Ewan Crow Wm Kermod Peter Lace Pat Cowle Wm Radcliffe Ballakelly Wid Crain Ewan Moore Thos Christian Wid: Cormaish Stephen Brew |
Wm Corlett 94 |
Churchwardens: Charles lace, Jon Kneal, Charles Moore, Wm Tear
Chap Quest: Wm Christian, Dan: Christian, Philip Kewn, Thomas Kinread
27th Decembr 1761 - The wardens & Chapter Quest agreeable to the second article of their Charge present the following Persons, Heads of Families for not attending divine Service on St Thomas's Day last either by themselves, Children or Servants (viz)
Danl Christian ab: John Quark ab: Arthur Lace John Christian John Quark Margt Kneale Thos Sayle John Kneale Wm Kneale John Kewn Margt Crowe John Tear John Radcliff John Xtian Sam: Kinley Wm Radcliff Danl Xtian Ewan Harrison Elizbth Kewn Wm Cleator Phillip Cleator John Garrett Junr Dan Xtian Garry Thos Xtian Jon Harrison Gilbt Christian Michl Sayle Thos Harrison John Kelley Margt Keig Wm Steven Thos Sayle John Sayle John Cleator John Lace Dan: Tear Phillip Sayle Phillip Sayle [second] James Tear Phillip Radcliffe Patt Kewn Ewan Skinner Thos Harrison Wm Kneale |
John Brew Gilgaugh Alice Brew Wid: Ann Lace Wid: Dal Lace Chistopher Sayle Gilbt Stepan Thos Brew Gilbt Kermoad Wm Kermoad Wm Radcliff James Wade Patt Cowll Esther Brew Margt Crebbin Peter Lace Thos Sayle smith Danl Kenneen ? Cath Tear wid: Andrew Joughin Phillip Sayle Wm Daughardy Wm Kneale John Kee Wm Cowll Ewan Moor Esther Crain Wid: Patt Tear Stephen Kneen Thos Christian Elinor Camaish Wm Corlett Wm Cross ? Richd Brew John Brew Wm Radcliff Thos Corlett John Kneen John Garrett Wm Garrett James Lawson David Lawson John Kneale Wm M'nemeer John Lawson Xtophr Skinner Wm Tear Danl Christian |
Thos Kneen Wm Cleator Phillip Crain Wm Quirk Danl Cormoad Dan: Skinner Thos Moor James Tear John Cleator Senr Dan: Cormoad John Cleator Junr James Cleator Wm Killip Wm Joughin John Joughin Dan: Tear Wm Crebbin John Quirk Wm Tear Derry John Martin John Cowll James Garnett Wm Kneen Dan: Tear Richd Kneale Patt Fargher James Tear John Tear Wm Corkill John Sayle Gilbt Tear James Tear James Fargher John Sayle Smeal Dan Crinill top ? Dan: Lace Jon Kneen Wm Fargher Phillip fargher Dan Cormod Thos Fargher Thos Lace John Corkill Edw Camish Elinor Tear Wid Wm Kneale Andrew Kneale Dan; Cormod Wm Tear |
James Tear
172 |
[A few readings I am not confident about indicated ?; it is not clear what the order is, possibly topographic ?]
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received
The Editor |