[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]

No. XV.


Chas II, Vol. lxvii. No. 150.

Petition of Ewan Christian, son of Wm. Christian, to the King and Council.

To the Kings most Excellt Mattie and the Lords of his Maties most honorable Privy Councell.

The humble Peticon of Ewan Christian Sonne to youre Made' late Petitioner William Christian. Sheweth,-That your Matie was gratiously pleased upon yo' Petr fathers Peticon to grant a Warrant to the Earle of Derby for the bringing upp his said father to be try'd by the knowne Lawes of this Kingdome before your Matie and your honob'le Privy Councell but that day on which the Warrant was seal'd your Petitoner received the certaine Newes of his fathers untimely and innocent death who (without either having the benefitt of your Maties gratious Act of Indemnity which hath not beene valued by them or an Appeale which hee made to yr Matie) was condemned by the Verdict of six Ignorant and Illeterate Men, three of them being the Earles owne Soldiers and now underpay and most of them not understanding English or the Law of that place And your Peticonr said ffather was thereupon forcibly carried away to the place of his Execution and there against all Law president or former example did shoote him to death the second day of this instant month of Januury. That they have now taken fower more of your Maties Subjects vizt Mr. Evan Curghy Mr. Jo. Ceasar Mr. William Qualtrough and Mr. Samuell Ratcliffe clapt them into Prison and seized all their Goods and Estates who do dayly expect the like if your matie be not gratiously pleased to send a speedy Order for the prevention thereof.

Your Petr therefore most humbly prayes yor matie for Christ his sake That those persons who have beene the Judges and Jurors upon that tryall of his father as alsoe there proceedings may be brought upp before your matie to give an Accompt of their said proceedings and of the life of your Peticoners said father. And that the Execucõn of the aforesaid fower persons now prisoners & condemned may be superseded till youre matie heare the Cause and give further order therein.

And as in duty bound yo' Pet' shall pray &c.

1 See the decision of the Deemster and twenty Keys of the 26th November 1662, also of the 29th December 1662, as to the legality of the sentence

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