[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


No. 46.-September 10, A.D. 1372.-p. 255, footnote a.


Appointing Mactyr to a Parish.

Gregory XI. Cod. Cart., tom. xii. fol. 87. Arch. Sec. Vat.  

Gregorius episcopus, s. s. dei, Venerabili fratri Episcopo Erga-diensi ac dilectis filiis decano sancti Petri Avinionensis ac Archidiacono Ergadiensis ecclesiarum salutem et apostolicam benedic tionem. Vitæ ac morum konestas aliaque probitatis merita super quibus apud nos dilectus filius Mactyr Johannis Judicis clerici Sodorensis dicecesis fide digorum commendatur testimonio nos inducunt ut sibi reddamur ad gratiam liberales. Cum itaque sicut accepimus parochialis ecclesia Sancti Columbæ de Hey dictm dicecesis quam quondam Dominicus Kenniti ultimus ipsius ecclesim Rector dum viveret obtinebat per ipsius Dominici obitum qui extra Romanam curiam diem clausit extremum vacet ad præsens et tanto tempore vacaverit quod eius collatio est juxta statuta Lateranensis concilii ad sedem apostolicam legitime devoluta, nos volentes dicto Mactyr præmissorum, etc., intuitu, gratiam f. specialem, discr. v. per ap. ser. m. q. vos, etc., si præmissa repereritis veritate fulciri, dictam parochialem ecclesiam, cujus fructus redditus et proventus decem marcharum sterlingorum secundum communem extimationem valorem annuum, ut idem Mactyr asserit, non excedunt, dummodo tempore dat. præsentium non sit in ea alicui specialiter jus quæsitum, etiam si ecclesia ipsa sit disp. sedis apost. specialiter reservata, eidem Mactyr cum omnibus juribus, etc., auctoritate nostra conferre et, assignare curetis, etc., contradictores auet. nostra appellatione postposita compescendo, non obstante, etc., seu si ven. fr. nostro Episcopo Sodorensi vel quibusvis aliis communiter vel divisim a dicta sit sede indultum quod ad receptionem, etc., minime teneantur, etc. Datum apud Villamnovam Avinionensis dieecesis quarto Id. Sept. pontificates nostri anno secnndo.

Gregory Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to Our venerable brother the Bishop of Argyle, and to Our beloved sons the Dean of the church of St. Peter of Avignon, and the Arch deacon of the church of Argyle, health and Apostolical benediction. The excellency of the life and morals and other virtuous deserts for which Our beloved son Mactyr the son of Judge John, clerk of the diocese of Sodor, is recommended to Us through the testimony of persons worthy of credence, induce Us to be liberal in granting him a favour. Whereas, therefore, We have been informed that the parochial church of St. Columba of Iona, of the above diocese, which the late Dominic Kenneth, the last rector of that church, held during his lifetime, is at present vacant by the death of the said Dominic, who ended his days without the Roman Court, and has been vacant for so long that the appoint-ment to it has legitimately devolved upon the Apostolic See in accordance with the statutes of the Council of Lateran, We, wishing in consideration of what has been already said, etc., to confer a special favour upon the said Mactyr, by these Apostolical letters commit to your discretion, etc., if you find what has been stated to be founded on fact, the task of conferring and bestowing by Our authority upon the said Mactyr the above named parochial church, together with all its rights, etc., the fruits, revenues, and proceeds of which do not exceed, in common estimation, as the same Mactyr asserts, the annual value of ten marks sterling; provided that at the time of the date of these presents no one has acquired a special right in it, notwithstanding the special reserva-tion of the church to the disposal of the Apostolic See, etc. ; and of restraining opponents by the exercise of our authority without appeal; notwithstanding, etc. ; or if the privilege has been granted by the same See, to Our venerable brother the Bishop of the Sodor diocese, or to any others, collectively or separately, of not being bound to receive, etc.

Given at Villeneuve, in the diocese of Avignon, on the 10th of September, in the second year of Our Pontificate.


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