[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


No. 24.— March 23, A.D. 1262.— p. 1208.


On some questions between Scotland and Norway, etc.

Rymer, Foedera, 1. i. 417.  

Rex Angliae Regi Scotiae salutem et sinceræ dilectionis affectum. Accedens ad nos Johannes de Londors, clericus et nuntius vester, negotia, quæ sibi pet vos fuerant injuncta, nobis laudabiliter exposuit et diligenter ; quibus auditis et plenius intellectis, ea jussimus expleri, prout ipse vobis referre poterit viva voce. Scripsimus namque Regi Norwegiæ pro nuntiis vestris vobis remittendis, et pro facto quod vertitur inter vos et ipsum. Similiter etiam domino Papæ pro vestris negotiis scripsimus, veluti pro nostris. Pro facto autem ecclesia-- de Salkhull, ad nos vocari fecimus episcopum Karliolensem usque ad unum mensem post pascha futurum, ut negotio, quod inter vos agitur, per viam pacis sen justitiae, quatenus poterimus, consilium apponamus. Caeterum, quia vestra negotia nostra non minus reputamus, et in iis, quæ vel ad securitatem vestram, vel ad commodum pertinent, vestris desideriis armuere vellemus, libenter præfatum nuntium vestrum nobiscum tam die retinuimus, ut vobis solutionem illius pecunim, quam satis nostis, si ad hoc nobis via pateret, fieri provideremus. Verum quia pro variis et urgentibus negotiis nostris, quæ vos credimus non latere, multa nos oportuit effundere, et impensas intolerabiles facere anno prxsenti, nec exitus see proventas nobis debitos, recepimus, prout temporibus aliis fieri consuevit ; et insuper cum jam dilecto nobis Alexandro, seneschao ScotiT, de quingentis marcis, nomine vestro, satisfecerirnus prout rogastis (per quod nobis petunia non extat ad manus) sinceritatem vestram requirimus et rogamus, quatenus molestum non habeatis, si vobis, ad prinsens, non satisfecimus de petunia supradicta ; et greia nollemus vobis terminum vel terminos ulterius assignare, nisi cos observari faceremus in totum, rogamus ut unam medie-tatem pecuni;m prmdictae in festo sancti Michaelis proximo futuro, et aliam medietatem ad Pascha, absque mentis vestror taedio vel gravemine, recipere velitis, hujusmodi nobis rogatum concedendo benigne, quia terminos prmdictos vobis faciemus modis omnibus plenius observari. Teste Rege, apud Windlesoram, xxiii. die Martii.

The King of England to the King of Scotland, greeting, with the expression of sincere love. John of Londors, the clerk, your envoy, has been with Us, and in a praiseworthy and diligent manner has explained to Us the matters with which you entrusted him; and having heard and fully understood them, We have ordered them to be carried out, as he will be able to relate to you.

For We have written to the King of Norway upon the subject of sending back your envoys, and upon the matter at issue between you and himself. In like manner We have written to our Lord the Pope, on your affairs, as if they had been our own. As to the affair about the church of Salkhull, We have summoned the Bishop of Carlisle to appear before Us within one month after next Easter, so as to provide as far as possible for the business between you, either by agreement or by award. But, because We consider your affairs to be Ours also, and are desirous of meeting your wishes in everything which affects either your security or comfort, We have willingly retained your above named envoy with Us till now, in order to make arrangements for the payment of that money, which you well know We should pay if we had the means.

But, inasmuch as on account of various urgent affairs, with whichWe believe you are acquainted, We have been obliged during the present year to make a great outlay, and to incur intolerable expense, whilst We have not received the due income or revenue to which We have been accustomed at other times; and because in compliance with your request We have paid over in your name five hundred marks to our beloved Alexander, seneschal of Scotland (on account of which payment We are left without any money at hand), We request and ask your Sincerity not to take it amiss if We do not pay you at present the above named money; and because We should be unwilling again to assign a term or terms unless We could observe them exactly, We ask you to consent, without annoyance or chagrin, to receive one half of the aforesaid money on the next recurring feast of St. Michael, and the other half at Easter. Kindly grant Us this request, for We will by all means provide for the exact observance of the above named terms.

Witness the king at Windsor, the 23d day of March.


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