[From Manx Soc Vol 15, 1868]





THE ruins of Rushen Abbey, or of the Abbey of St. Mary of Russin, are situated on the western bank of the Silverburn, close by the village of Ballasalla, in the parish of Malew, and Sheading of Rushen, two miles north of Castletown, Isle of Man.

This abbey was an offshoot of the Abbey of St. Mary of Furness, which received a grant of lands in the Isle of Man from Olave Godredson, King of Man and the Isles, in or about the year 1134. The original charter of Olave, granting these lands to Furness Abbey, does not appear, but reference is made to it in another charter of the same king, and of that same year (1134), which is preserved amongst the Chartae Miscellaneae in the office of the Duchy of Lancaster (vol. i, fol. 30; see also vol. vii, Manx Society, p. 1), granting for ever to the Abbey of St. Mary of Furness the election of the Bishop of Sodor and Man. These grants were subsequently confirmed by Godred and Reginald, Kings of Man in 1154 and 1188, and by a bull of Eugenius III to Furness Abbey in 1152, and further by bulls of Urban III in 1186, and Celestine III in 1194.

It is also stated in the Chronicon Manniae et Insularum (written by the monks of Rushen Abbey), under date 1134, that "Olavus Rex dedit Yvoni Abbati de Furness, partem terre sue in Mannia ad abbatiam constituendam in loco qui vocatur Russin". It appears, however, from the chartulary of Furness, that this grant of lands had in the first instance been offered to the Abbey of Rievalle or Rivaulx,–" Certa terra in Mannia data fuit Abbatie de Rievalle ad construendam Abbatiam de iRussin, postea tamen data fuit Abbatie Furnesie ad construendam cam de ordine Cisterciensi ubi modo scituata est et sic non de Rievalle sed de Furnesie exivit."

In the aforesaid bull of Eugenius III mention is also made of a monastery of St. Leoc in the Isle of Man,–" In Mannia ex done nobilis viri Olavi, Regis Insularum, terras de Carneclet usque ad Monasteriam Sancti Leoc cum appendiciis suis"; from which we must conclude either that the Abbey of Rushen was originally known by the name of St. Leoc, or that another monastery had previously existed in the Isle of Man, which became absorbed in that of St. Mary of Rushen. Some countenance is given to this latter supposition by the statement of Sacheverell in his Short Survey of the Isle of Man (p. 34, vol. i, Manx Society), that "one Mac Marus, a person of great prudence, moderation, and justice, in the year 1098 laid the first foundation of the Abbey of Rushen in the town of Balla salley"; and he goes on further to say (p. 36) that "Olave, the third son of Goddard Crovan, anno 1134, gave the Abbey of Rushen, some years before begun by Mac Marus, to Evan (Ivo), Abbot of Furness, which was to serve as a nursery to the church." Unfortunately, Sacheverell has not referred us to his authorities in support of this statement.

It appears, however, not improbable that some religious house had existed on the site afterwards occupied by Rushen Abbey, and at a date prior to 1134, from the circumstance that in the Chronicon Manniae, though mention is made of the grant of lands in 1134, no notice occurs of the erection of buildings until 1192, when the monks transferred themselves to Douglas for four years, during which they were engaged in enlarging their accommodation at Rushen. The church of the fraternity was not completed and consecrated until 1257, in the episcopate of Richard Bishop of the Sudereys, in the fifth year of the reign of Magnus Olaveson, when Simon was abbot. (See Chronicon Manniae, anno 1257.) We have, however, the records of interments, within the Abbey, of several illustrious persons prior to this last date, who were chiefly connected with the royal family in Man. Thus Reginald, Bishop of Sodor and Man, nephew to Olave Kleining, King of Man, was buried here in 1225; so were King Olave Godredson (Olave the Black) in 1237, and his son Reginald in 1248; also the Norwegian, Jarl Gospatrick, in 1240. After this, the last Norwegian King of Man, Magnus, was interred in the abbey in 1265.

It is not improbable that Olave Kleining himself was transferred hither after his barbarous murder by his nephew, Reginald Haroldson, at Ramsey in 1154, as there is no account given in the Chronicon Manniae of his interment elsewhere, and the monks of that religious foundation would doubtless feel anxious to have within the precincts of their house the body of their chief patron.

The so-called "abbot stone" of Rushen is evidently the coffin-lid of some military person, and of the fourteenth century, as will be seen on referring to the representation of it given in my Runic and other Monumental Remains of the Isle of Man, plate xiii, fig. 43. Its original site is not known, as it has been shifted from time to time in the garden where it now lies buried. It was, however, dug up for the inspection of the members of the Cambrian Archaeological Association on the occasion of their visit in the year 1865. One would have thought it more desirable to place it in the vaulted passage, shortly to be mentioned, where it would be protected from the rain; and might, if necessary, be also secured from mischievous persons by an iron railing.

The present remains of the Abbey are in such a state that, without an extensive exploration of foundation walls, any satisfactory assignment of its various portions seems hopeless. The establishment must, however, have been very extensive. There are undoubted evidences of its having been fortified. Chaloner's drawing, made about two centuries ago, is so rude and imperfect that little more is to be learnt from it of the original arrangements, than from an inspection of the existing ruins. There were, according to the drawing, five towers, all of them pierced with square-headed openings, built of rude masonry, and exhibiting no decided architectural details.

arch rushen abbey

Of these five, three alone now remain, which have been partially converted into appendages to two modern dwelling-houses. The only decided architectural detail is the plain chamfered arch given in the cut, existing in one of the towers which formed a part of the church. Making allowance for the nature of the building materials found on the island, and the little progress which architecture could have made in such a remote and inaccessible spot, it may be assigned, in spite of its older appearance, to the period when the monks restored or rebuilt the church, namely the middle of the thirteenth century.

A small, single light, of more doubtful date, is also here given. It exists in the exterior face of the wall above.

At a spot which we might conclude to be the western end of the Abbey Church, we have a remarkable portion of a vaulted passage. It may have been simply the substructure of some part of the domestic buildings, though there are appearances about it leading to a suspicion that it may, in some way, have been connected with the crypt.

window rushen abbey

On one of the key-stones of the arch there are traces of a socket, from which might have been suspended the iron hook of a corpse-light; and it is, moreover, certain that the remains of bodies have been found in the same spot. Here also is said to have been the entrance to a subterranean passage leading to Rushen Castle. To make such a passage must have caused no little trouble to the excavators in those days, as they would have had to tunnel through two miles of hard mountain limestone. There are, however, few abbeys or castles without a similar legend, and of the same amount of credibility.

A large, well-proportioned hall remains nearly intact, save a part of one of the sides, which has been rebuilt. At first sight it might be taken as the refectory, but was more probably in tended for the use of the lay brethren or strangers.

 Ruined Tower, Rushen Abbey

There is also remaining one well-proportioned tower, of somewhat moderate dimensions, engaged in the curtain wall which once surrounded the monastery. On each of two of its sides, commanding the onintain, has been an opening which projected on rude but bold corbeling. (See the cut.) Whether these openings were simply windows, or intended for defence of the curtain, or even used as latrinae (although the situation would in that case be singular), is a matter of doubt.

As already stated, it is by no means easy to form any opinion as to the date of these remains of the Abbey, from the absence of all safe indications, the rudeness of the material, and the scarcity of contemporaneous structures in the island. The tower at Bishop's Court, although somewhat different in proportions, is probably of the same date. Rushen Castle itself, notwithstanding the antiquity popularly assigned to it, is probably not older than the thirteenth, and more likely, is of the fourteenth, century, although its original form of a plain, square keep, before the additions to its four faces, points to the period of Newcastle and Rochester Castles. The discrepancy may be, perhaps, explained by the circumstances of its builders being Scandinavian. It has, at least, been said to bear a striking resemblance to the Castle of Elsinore.

With regard to the other ecclesiastical buildings which may have to be compared with Rushen Abbey, we may note that, whilst no portion of the Cathedral at Peel [nb old Cathedral on St Patrick's Isle] appears to be earlier than the thirteenth century, the tower and nave belong to the fourteenth. The only remaining portions of the Friary of Bechmaken, in Kirk Arbory (or Kirk Cairbre), founded by the Grey Friars in 1373, are evidently of fifteenth century work.

On the whole, it may be suggested that the remains at Rushen Abbey, or at least the greater part of them, belong to the thirteenth century. We may assign, perhaps, some small portion to the fourteenth. A few tiles have been found which are nearer the fifteenth than the fourteenth.

As to the original extent of the buildings, although not as to their age, some information may be obtained from the account of the lead, timber, slate, etc., of the Abbey sold at its dissolution, and which are given in Rolls 32, 34, 36, 37 Henry VIII, formerly at Carlton Ride, and now doubtlessly in the Record Office.

In one of the Rolls is given an interesting account of the silver plate sold to the Earl of Derby for the sum of £38 8 8; amongst which occur the following items, viz., "four chalices, one cronche (i.e., the abbot's pastoral staff), one censer, one cross, two little headless crosses, one ship (navicula), one hand and one byshope's head (probably reliquaries), four cruets, eleven spoons, with two standing cups, two pocula (called ale-pottes) with covers, one fiat pece, one salt, two masers (wooden drinking cups silver mounted), and one pix of silver."

A computus of the demesnes property of the Abbey, occurs in a Roll, 1540-41, a transcript of which is in the possession of Mark Quayle, Esq., the present Clerk of the Rolls in the Isle of Man, and which I had printed in extenso in my Story of Rushen Castle and Rushen Abbey. It is given below.

Crossag Bridge, Rushen Abbey

If, however, so little can be ascertained of the age and extent of Rushen Abbey, the same, fortunately, cannot be said of the little adjoining bridge called the "Crossag," -built, no doubt, by the improving Cistercian monks. From its retired situation, fortunately, it has been spared improvements, or any serious alterations; so that we have here an example of a thirteenth century bridge nearly in the same state as it was left by the builders. On account of its picturesque position at the foot of the mill-dam, which may have been raised by the Cistercians themselves, it is well worth the notice, not merely of the antiquarian, but also of the ordinary tourist. Its breadth in the centre does not exceed three feet three inches in the clear,– a space evidently pointing to times when ordinary carts were not in use.

One of the arches on the opposite side to that given in the accompanying accurate illustration by Mr. Blight, has been subsequently repaired and a plain semicircular arch substituted for the pointed one (see plate).

At one end (the western) of the bridge will be seen a small subsidiary arch somewhat of the Caernarvon type, but an original portion of the structure. From its smallness, as well as from the material at hand, such an arrangement is so natural that it may be assigned to any time, and may well give the idea of the more regular Caernarvon (or, as it is sometimes called, the square-headed trefoil), which subsequently was in many cases adopted, for its appearance as well as for its convenient form. We have several doorways of this type in the Castle of Rushen.

The following is the computus above referred. The original is not at present to be found. Rolls of a similar nature are preserved amongst the Ministers' Accounts, with the Augmentation Office Documents, in the Record Office: viz., a Computus from April 15th to Michaelmas, 32 Henry VIII; Michaelmas, 33 Henry VIII, to the same feast 34 Henry VIII; the like accounts, 36 to 37 Henry VIII, and 37 to 38 Henry VIII; and a series of Rolls, five in number, from the accession of Edward VI to the sixth year of his reign. The original Roll, of which the portion relating to Rushen Abbey is subjoined, may have been lost at the fire at the Houses of Parliament, the records of the Augmentation Office having been at that period kept at Westminster. A portion of the Roll, as to the Demesne Lands, has been printed in Caley's edition of Dugdale's Monasticon, vol. v, p, 256.

Russhing nuper Monasteriuin
infra Insulam do Man.


COMPUTUS Roberti Calcott deputati prenobilis Comitis Der bie, occupatoris terrarum et possessionum ibidem, a festo Sancti Michaclis Archangeli, anne regni Henrici, Dei gratia Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie Regis, fidei Defensoris, ac in terris supremi capitis Anglicane et Hibernice Ecclesie, xxxiijdo,1 usque idem festum anno regni Regis predicti xxxiij, scilicet per unum annum integrum. [1540-41.]

Arreragia nulla. Quia primus Computus dicti Computatoris.

Summa nulla.


FIRMA Terrarum Dominicalium. Sed respondet de xj. 1. xvj. 5.

x. d. de firma scitus nuper monasterii cum edificiis, graungiis, stabulis, ortis, pomeriis, infra precinctum dicti nuper monasterii existentibus, videlicet, pro firma scitus dicte nuper domus cum edificiis, graungiis, stabulis, ortis, pomeriis, cidem pertinentibus, continentis per estimationem j. aer. dim. iiij. s. et une clause terr~e arrabilis vocate the Kreketts, ac uno clauso vocato Bole Makketts continentibus per estimationem xl. acr. xx. s. cam uno clause vocate Garland Hill continente per esti mationem xxiv. acr. xij. s. ac uno clause vocato Wynowehill continente per estimationem xviij. acr. ix. s. cum une clause vocato Bouleton continente xxiv. acin. pasture arrabilis xij. s. uno clause vocate Grete Close jacente subtus Kirkuialewe ac ij. parvis clansuris jacentibus juxta aquam in orientali parte earumdem, continentibus per estimationem lx. aer. pasture xxx. s. cum uno clause vecato Dalerache continente per esti mationem xxxiv. acr. pasture xij. s. uno clause vocate Grete Barley fielde continente per estinlationem xxx. acr. pasture xv. s. cum uno clause vocatoDepefold continente per estimationem acr. pasture iij. s. uno clause vocato Littill Barlefold continente per estimationem iv. acr. ac uno clause vocato the Cot continente per estimationem xvj. acr. x. s. uno clause vocato the Brome continente per estimationem x. acr. v. s. uno clause vocato Reynehullett continente per estimationem viij. acr. iv. s. uno clause vocate the Nuttfolds, et uno clause vocato Cotters grounde cum campo jacente sub le Broome ac the lawe Gayre Skynnershill diviso in iij. clausis, continentihus per estima tionem xv. acr. vii. s. vi. d. cum une clause vocato Stockfeld continente per estimationem xxiv. acr. pasture arr' xij. 5. uno clause vocate the Horse Close continente per estimationem xv. acr. vij. s. vj. d. uno clause vocato White Fold cam una parcella vocata Symondes Grounde, cum una parcella vocata Corens Grounde, cum nna alia parcella de le Horse Close, continenti bus per estimationem vij. acin. terre arrabilis et pasture iij. s. vj. d. ac une clause vocate Grete Belownde cum una parcella prati eidem pertinente continentibus in tote xxvj. acr. xiij. s. et une clause vocate Whynny Close cum una parva clausura continen tibus in tote x. acr. v. s. ac uno clause de Corse Meadewe vocato Denysc Close continente per estimatienem vj. acr. nj. s. cum uno clause vocate Littill Belowude continente per esti mationem xx. acr. tern. x. s. et uno clause vocate the Lend Folds ajacente Skiprig, cum une clause vocate Calf Close, ac cum une alie clause vocato Guley Felde, ac une parcella prati adjacentis, centinentibus in tote xvj. acr. viij. s. ac cum une clause vecate Skiprig centinente per estimationem xx. acr. pasture arr' x. s. ij. clausis de Corse Medowe called the Grete Medowecontinentibus per estimationem xx. acr. xx. s. et cum une parvo clanse jacente juxta le White Stone continente per estimationem ij. acin. tern. xvj. d. In tote ut supra.

Summa. xj. £. xvj. s. x. d.


Parochia de Kirkmalewe infra Sheddinge de Russhinge.–Tenentes ad voluntatem.

Er de xxviij. £. xiiij. s. vij. d. de Redditibus et Firmis Tenencium ad voluntatem Domini Regis ibidem, solvendis qualibet septimana, quantuni capi petest, per collectorem voca tum Le More, ad hujusmodi recipienda assignatum, juxta anti quam censuetudinem Insule predicte; ita quod collecta perso luta foret inter festa Sancti Michaelis Archangeli.2
Videlicet de Willelme Quayle pro uno tenemento cum pertinentiis per tempus Cemputi vj. s.
Johanne Brideson pro uno tenemento ibidem per idem tempus, vj. s.
Nicholae McQuayll pro tene mente xv. s.
Marke McStoyll pro tenemente iiij. s.
De relicta Gilberti Symyn pro tenemente ix. s.
Johanne Kayecowe pro tenemente vj. s.
Johanne Andrewe pro tenemente xij. d.
Gilberte Kewyne pro tenemente vij. s. iiij. d.
Patricco Quy deake pro tenemento iiij. s.
Johanne Symen pro tenemento ix. s. vj. d.
Gybbon Gellyne pro tenemente vj. s.
Paulo Qaydeak pro tenemento iiij. s. viij. d.
Johanne Dogane pro tenemento iij. s. iiij. d.
Johanne McQuayll pro tenemento xv. s.
Donoldo Fergher pro tenemento vj. s.
Johanne Bell pro tenemento xviij. d.
Donold Symen et matre sna pro tene mento vj. s. iij. d.
Waltero Bell pro tenemento vj. s. iiij. d.
Johanne Taghertt pro tenemente xij. s. vj. d.
Johanne Bell pro tenemente ix. s.
Waltero Bell pro tenemente viij. s.
Donald Brideson pro tenemento per annum ix. s.
Nele Dog- ham pro tenemento vj. s. viij. d.
Uxore Ricardi Brideson pro tenemento vj. s. viij. d.
Uxore Ricardi Brideson pro tene mento ix. s.
Willelme Andrewe pro tenemento iij. s. iiij. d.
Waltero Harrison pro tenemento x. s. viij. d.
Fynlee Makk krollott pro tenemento iiij. s.
Thoma Harrison pro tenemento viij. s.
Waltero Bell pro tenemente iiij. s.
Thoma McKeyn pro tenemente vj. s. xj. d.
Relicta Finglo Fergher pro tene mento xij. s.
Johanne Bridesen pro tenemento vj. s.
Fynglo Brideson pro tenemento iiij. s. vj. d.
Waltero Taghert pro tenemento iiij. s. vj. d.
Fynglo Bell pro tenemento iiij. s. vj. d.
Fyngle Fergher pro tenemente x. s. vj. d.
Esotto Inequisten pro tenemente ij. s.
Johanne Andrewe pro tenemento ix. s.
Marke Fergher pro uno tenemento ij. s.
Finglo Fergher pro une tenemento vj. s.
Reginald Harrison pro une tenemento xviij. s.
Ricarde Fergher pro uno tenemento viij. s.
Johanne Blayne vj. s. viij. d.
Relicta Roger Mackelewe pro uno tene mento iij. s. iiij. d.
Edmund McClewe pro nue tenemento iij. s. iiij. d.
Danald Blayne pro uno tenemento vj. s. viij. d.
Johanne Brideson pro uno tenemento vj. s. viij. d.
Mold Russell pro une tenemente xij. s.
Willelmo Stephenson pro uno tenemento ij. s.
Johanne McFinloo pro uno tenemento ij. s.
Patric McFayll pro uno tenemento iiij. s.
Johanne Fargher pro uno tenemente iiij. s.
Willelme Kayne pro uno tenemento v. s. vj. d.
Thoma Edwards pro uno tenemento iiij. s.
Johanne Gracye pro uno tenemento iiij. s.
Johanne Quy Deake pro uno tenemento iiij. s.
Thoma Fergher pro une tenemento v. s.
Walter Kayn pro uno tenemento vj. s.
Henrico Ratcliffe pro uno tenemento vj. s.
Thertia Harrison pro uno tenemento vj. s.
Relicta Henrici Quanlye* pro une tenemento xviij. s. iiij. d.
Jacobo Taylor pro une tenemento v. s.
Uxore Willelmi Smythe pro uno tenemento iiij. s.
Reginald Barett et Johanne Blyct pro uno tenemento v. s.
Ricardo Halfall pro uno tenemento v. s.
Philippe Skylleskorn capellano pro uno tenemento xxvij. s. vj. d.
Thema Russheton pro tenemento cum pertinentis x. £. vj. s. viij. d.
Roberto Litter Land pro tenemente et terris xxxij. s. iiij. d.
Johanne A. Moore pro tenemento et terris xxxiij. s. iiij. d.
In tote nt supra; annuatim solvendis ad festum Sancti Michaelis tan tum.
Et de xij. s. iiij. d. do Firma unius Molendini aquatici Bladorum vocati Tenett Lake, in tenura Lanrencii Kyghley, persolvenda ad festum Sancti Johannis Babtiste tantum.
Et do x. s. do Firma nnis Molendini Bladorum Aquatici, vocati Forgher Mill, in tenura Johannis Quidoake, per annum solvenda ad festum Sancti Johannis Babtiste tantum.
Et do x. s. do Firma Molend' Bladeruni Aquatici vocat' Abbay Mill, et Grag

Mill, eum uno eroft eidem adjacente, in tenura Rogeri Deacon-son, per annum solvenda ad Festum Sancti Johannis Babtiste tantum, et tenens tenetur reparari (sic) in omnibus.

Summa. xxxj. £. xvj. s. xj. d.

 * Quantyne, in another account.
+ Or Jenet Lake?
++ Bailey, in another account.

Firma Cotagiorum de Ballasalla villa.

ET de xxxix. s. de Firma Cotagiorum in villa de Ballasalla scituatorum, prope et juxta Monasterium predictum; videlicet,
unius cotagii in tenura Ricardi Dogan, x. d.
unis cotagii in tenura Donald Qwynne, xij. d.
j. cotagii in tenura Willelmi McQwynne, xviij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Willelmi Quidake ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Willelmi Smythe ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Ricardi Halsall iij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Johannis Fargher viij. d.
j. cotagii in tenura Nele Bell viij. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Walteri McGarmot iij. s. ,
j. cotagii in tenura Johannis Glover viij. d.
j. cotagii in tenura Johannis Kyrre viij. d.
j.cotagii in tenura relicte nuper Henrici Quantye xvj. d.
j. cotagii in tenura Thome Mason ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Thome McFingloe ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Marke Wodds viij. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Johannis Taylor ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Relicte David McQwayne xvj. d.
j. cotagii in tenura Roberti Kedrawe xvj. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Willelmi McQuayn ij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Stephani McKedrawe xj. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Willelmi Fergher x. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Ricardi Fisher xvj. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Thome Qveynne xviij. d.
j. cottagii in tenura Me gilhonyld iiij. s.
j. cotagii in tenura Roberti Walker xvj. d.

In toto ut supra. Summa. xxxix. s.

Parochia Sancti Germani de Glenfaba Sheding.

ET de x. 1. xix. s. v. d. de Redditibus et Firmis Tenencium Domini Regis ad voluntatem, infra parochiam predictam. Videlicet,
Johannis Clerke pro urro tenemento cum pertinenciis, ad xij.* solvendis septimanatim, quantum capi potest.
Henrici Smythe pro uno tenemento xij.
Willelmi McKayne pro tenemento xv. s. iij. d.
Johannis Qwynne pro tenemento xij. s. vj. d.
Finlo McGilcroste pro tenemento vij. s. vj. d.
Donold McQwayn pro tenemento Vi. s. iiij. d.
Thome Howardpro tenemento iij. s.
Johannis Haliwall pro tenemento iij. s.
Relicte Johannis Me gwayn pro tenemento iiij. s. iiij. d.
Gilberti Colbyn pro uno tenemento iiij. s. iiij. d.
Donald Qwhayn pro uno tenemento iiij, s. iiij. d.
Reginald McQwheyn pro urro tenemento xviij. s.
Willelmi McCayn pro uno tenemento vij. s. iij. d.
Johannis McKeyn pro uno tenemento vii. s. iiij. d.'
Willelmi Stephenson pro uno tenemento xxxiij. s. iiij. d.
Reginald McCayn pro tenemento vj. s. vj. d,
Johannis McGybrayce pro tenemento vj. s. vj. d.
Reginold McCayn pro uno tene-mento xij. s.
Willelmi McGilcrist pro tenemento iiij. s.
Thome McGilcrist pro uuo tenemento ix. s.
Uxoris Petri Colbyn vj. s. vj. d. pro tenemento suo.
Roberti Colbyn pro tenemento vj. s. vj. d.
Donold McQwhayn pro tenemento viij. s. j. d.
Johannis Me gwyane pro tenemento viij. s. j. d.
Hugonis Parker pro tenemento xxij. d.

In toto ut supra.

* Sic, probably xij. s. The like omission appears to occur in the following item.

[Peel Town]

ET de xvij. s. j. d. de Redditibus et Firmis Cotagiorum in Holme towne, in Glen faba ; viz., de
Richardo Ithell xx. d.
Uxore Petri Brevell iiij. d.
Johanne Haworthe xvj. d.
Willelmo Norias xiiij. d.
Johanne Hutchon ij. d.
Maryano Hynckye ij. d.
Willelmo Ascogh, xiij. d.
Willelmo Kerrett iiij. d.
Roberto Alayne vij. d.
Johanne Bolland iiij. d.
Constabilar' viij. d.
Cristiana Inecayne xxij. d.
Rogero Thompson iiij. d.
Hugone Prescote v. d.
Rogero Dawson xix. d.
Thoma Holland iij. d.
Recept' de le Pale xvj. d.
Hugone perker ij. d.

In toto ut supra.

Summa. xj. 1. xvj. s. vj. d, ,


ET de xj. 1. iiij. s. viij. d. de Redditibus et Firmis Tenencium

Domini Regis ad veluntatem ibidem, solvendis do septimana.
Videlicet, do Paulo McKrawe pro tenemento viij. s.
Willelmo McKrawe pro tenemento viij. s.
Edmund McCrawe pro tenemente vj. s.
Paulo McCrawe pro tenemente v. s.
Huyn Standish pro tenemento xxiiij. s.
Demyster pro clausura viij. s. viij. d.
Thoma Trowthton pro tenemente iiij. s. vj. d.
Gilberto McCarre pro tenemento iiij. s. vj. d.
Gilberte Gawen pro tenemente iiij. s. vj. d.
Willelme Caysmyn pro tenemente vij. s. vj. d.
Patric Cash pro tenemento v. s. viij. d.
Gilberto Casy mound pro tenemente ij. s.
Donold Kyllycoinne pro tenemento xij. s.
Willelmo Kyllop pro tenemente ix. s.
Paulo McKarram pro tenemento xij. s.
Johanne Therman pro tenemente xij. s.
Willelmo McKewn ix. s.
Willelme McCashe ix. s.
Patric McKillope pro tenemente vj. s.
Ricardo McKillop pro tone- monte viij. s.
Thoma McKillop pine tenemente vj. s.
Thoma McGainret pro tenemente vij. s. iiij. d.
Willelme McKillop pro tenemento viij. d.
Roberto McKerran pro tenemento v. s.
Edmund McKeinron pine tenemente ix. s.
Gilberte McOtter pro tenemento v. s.
Danold Kyllop pro cottagie xviij. d.
Marin' Ine Crayne pro cetagie vj. d.
Relicta McQwyne pro cotagie vj. d.
et Bahe Calywoinre Ine Casse vj. d.
De vj. s.de firma unis molendini ibidem hic non respondet, eo quod jacet vastum et ineccupatum, et nil inde levatur per tempus unis compoti, ex sacramento computatoris. In tote ut supra.

 Summa. xj. l. iiij. s. viij. d.

Skynscowe in parochia Sancti Lonani do Garf Sheding.

ET do lv. s. viij. d. do redditibus et firmis tenencium Domini Regis ibidem, solvendis septimanatim.
Videlicet, do Gilberte McCleyne pro tonemento xvj. s. iiij. d.
Roberto Lownye pro tenemente xij. s.
Johanne McOtter pro tenemento iij. s. vj. d.
Patric McFelys pro tonemento viij. s. iiij. d.
Johanne McFelys pro tenemento iij. s. vj. d.
Donald McFelys pro cotagie xviij. d.
Gilberto Lewneye pro cotagie xiiij. d.
Patrick Lownyc pro cotagie ij. s. ij. d.
Johanne Lownye pro cotagie viij. d. et
Willelmo Lownye pro cotagie vj. d.

In tote ut supra.

Summa, lv. s. viij. d.


ET do vij. l. vj. s. viij. d. do Firnia totius Rectorie do Kirke cristo in Sheding; neonon eninium terrarum et tonementorum quoinumcumque infra parochiam do Kirkecriste predictam, dicte nuper Domni pertinontium, nencon emnes et omnimodo decime allecium' oxcopt emnine et resorv' emnes et emnimodo percienes Episcopi exeuntes do Rectoria predicta, aceciam Decime j. ba telli Domino reservat' per annum ut supra; sicut dimiss' Owino Norresse Clerico, per Identuram pro termino (blank) datam anne Domini M D xxvto; selvond' ad Festurn pasche tantum. Do decimis allecium capteruin infra parochiam predictam, vide licet, do qualibet cimba xij. d., hoc anne nil, quia nulla piscaria ibidem accidobat. Et do iiij. 1. xij. s. do Firma Recterie Ec clesio parochialis do Kirk harbary, alias do Sancto Columb, sicut dimisse Johanni Gardiner ad voluntatem Domini, tantum mode exceptis ot reservatis porcionibus Episcopi et Vicarii per annnm ut supra, solvend' ad Fostum Pasohe tantum. Et do xvj. 1. xiiij. s. do Exitibus Rectorie do Kirkmalowe nuper in manibus dicti nupor Monasterii, per annum ut supra. Et do liij. s. iiij. d. do Exitibus et proficuis Rectorie ecolesie pare chialis do Kirke Santon per annum, nt supra, sicut nuper in manibus dicti nuper Monasterii, per tempus hujus compoti. Et do lxvj. s. viij. d. do Firma Rectorie do Kirke lownan, in tenura Jacobi Clerke per Indenturam, ut assent, minime adhuc visam, omnes ot omnimodo proficue Rectorie, oxceptis per cionibus Episcopi et Vicanii per annum ut supra, solvend' ad Festum pasche tantum.

Sumina, xxxiiij. 1. xij. s. vii]. d.
Summa Totalis oneris, cvj. 1. ij. s. iij. d.


Feoda eum Salariis.

IDEM computat in Feodis prepositerum, videlicot, Lez Sergeaunts, videlicet infra parochiam Sancti Lupi xiij. s. iiij. d.; Glenfaba vj. s. viij. d.; Solbye vij. s. vj. d. et Skynscowe iiij. s.; in tote pro uno anne integre finiente in Festo Sancti Michaclis Archangeli infra tempus hujus Compoti accidente, xxxj. s. vj. d.

Et in Sallarie Capellani celebrantis infra Castellum do C s tell Towne, ox antiqua Fudacione, ad liij. s. iiij. d. per annum, videlicet, in allecacione hujusmodi per tompus hujus compoti, liij. s. iiij. d. Et in Feodo Theme Norrisse capitalis senoscalli Terrarum ibidem, ad 1xvj. s. viij. d. per annum, videlicet in allocacione hujusmodi, per tempus hujus compoti lxvj. s. viij. d. Et in Feedo Theme Sainesburye occupantis officium do le Deinester ibidem, ad xx. s. per annum, videlicot, in allocacione hujusmedi per tempus hujus compoti, xx. s. Et in Feodo (blank) Contrarotulatoris Insule pro Factura Libroinum dicta- rum, ad xx. s. per annum, videlicet in allocacione hujusmodi per tempus hujus Compoti, xx. s. Et in Feodo dicti Theme Sainesburye subsenescalli terrarum et Curiainum ibidem, ad xx. s. per annum, videlicet in persolucione hujusmodi per tom- pus hujus cempoti, xx. 5.; et in Feodo Roberti Calcott Recep tons terrarum dicti nuper Prioratus, ad liij. s. iiij. d. per annum, videlicet, in allocacione hujusmodi per tempus hujus competi, liij. s. iiij. d.

 Summa. xiij. 1. iiij. s. x. d.

ET in denariis in Compete Willelmi Blithman Recepteris Domini Regis ibidem, onorati ut pro totis denarieinum summis rocoptis per Thomam Comitem Derbie, do Exitibus et Reven cienibus Officii dicti Receptoris, ac per ipsum Thomam miunne solutis super Determinacienem hujus Cempeti,-~iiij.xx xij. 1. xvij. s. v. d.

Summa, iiijXX xij. 1. xvij. s. v. d.

Summa Allocacionum et Liberacionum predictarum cvj. 1. ij. s. iij. d.

 Quo Summa Correspondet Summe totali predicte.

Et equ'.*

* Probably for equat, or equetur.


1 This obscure passage may be explained by the corresponding statement in another Roll, as follows De firmis tenencium ad voluntatem Domini Regis ibidem, solvendis per eosdem tenentes ad manus Collectoris vocati tez More, ad hoc colligendum deputati, quaJibet septimana, quantum idem Collector de eisdem tenentibus in qualibet septimana colligere potest, ita quod quilibet tenens ibidem solv'at totuna annualem redditum snurn per vel ante festuna S. Michaelis Archangeli anno 34 Regis predicti, in clause hujus corn poti accidente."

* Sic in the transcript, probably for 32nd Henry VIII.

3 Le More, or The Moar, is a Manx parish officer, whose chief duty now is to collect waifs and estrays, deodands and escheats.


(From the " Chronicon Manniae,"Johnstone's Translation.)



This is the line that divides the king's lands from those be longing to the monastery of Russin :–It runs along the wall and ditch which is between Castleton and the Monks' Lands; it winds to the south between the Monks' Meadow and M'Ewen's farm; ascends the rivulet between Gylosen and the Monks' Lands; turns to Hentraoth; goes round Hentrueth and Trollo-toft along the ditch and wall; descends by the ditch and wall to the river near Oxwath; turns up the same river to a rivulet between Ar-os-in and Staina; goes down to the valley called Fanc; mounts up the ascent of the hill called Wardfell; descends to the brook Mouron; ascends from the brook Mouron along the old wail to Rosfell; descends along the same wall between Coinnama and Tot-man-by; descends obliquely along the same wall between Ox-raise-herad and Tot- man-by to the river called Coma. Coma is the boundary be tween the king and the monastery in that quarter to the ford which lies in the highway between Thorkel's farm, other wise Kirk Michael, and Herinstad; the line then passes along the wall which is the limit between the above-mentioned Thor kel's estate and Bally-sallach; it then descends obliquely along the same wall between Cross-Ivar-Builthan, and so surrounds Bally-sallach; it then descends from Bally-sallach along the wall and ditch to the river of Russin, as is well known to the inhabitants; it then winds along the banks of that river in different directions to the above-mentioned wall and ditch, which is the limit between the abbey land and that belonging to the castle of Russmn.


This is the line that divides the lands of Kirkercus from the abbey lands :–It begins at the lake at Myreshaw which is called Hesca-nappayse; and goes up to the dry moor directly from the place called Monenyrsana; along the wood to the place called Leabba-ankonathway; it then ascends to Roselan as far as the brook Gryseth; and so goes up to Glendrummy; and proceeds up to the king's way and the reck called Carig eth as far as the Deep-pool; and descends along the rivulet and Hath-aryogorman; and so descends along the river Sulaby to the wood of Myreshaw; it incloses three islands in the lake of Myreshaw; and descends along the old moor to Duf-loch; and so winds along and ends in The place called Hescanakep page.


This is the line which divides the king's lands from these of the abbey towards Skemestor :–It begins from the entrance of the pert called Lax-a; and goes up that river in a line under the mill to the glynn lying between St. Nicholas Chapel and the manor of Greta-stad; it then proceeds by the old wall, as is known to the inhabitants, along the winding declivities of the mountains, till it comes to the rivulet between Toftar-as mund and Ran-curlin; it then descends to the boundaries of the manor called Orm's-house and Toftar-as-mund, and, as is known to the country people, descends to the sea.

 [see also Ralfe]



From the north corner of Boallion Renny along an old hedgestead to the gill near St. Mary's Well, and from the said hedgestead to the westernmost of the three white stones on the side of Barool in a direct line, and so down by a long slate stone set up as a landmark, and across the old high-road by three slate stones, and so down by the south-west corner of the Folly Rent, and so across the new high-road at a large slate stone on the said road, and another and a white stone on the opposite side of the ditch to the fern hillock in the midst of the Cuinragh, grown over with rushes, by a hillock of soads, to the joining of the rivulet of Sornan Barowle and the Sbinan Rowany, and so down the said rivulet, the Cop, near Barool Mill, and so along the said Cop adjoining Keen Dhowag, and joining Kirk Patrick at Keen Dhowag, and so along the same as far as the same Oxloads, and then along the pathway according to a boundary of the parishes, passing by a great stone opposite to Keen Slew Curragh, so to the south-west corner of Curragh Potmine at two stones there fixed, and so along the ditch and the edge of Pot-mine Cuinragh, joining Kirk Marown to the north-east corner of Rensheant land, and along the Cop from the said corner to Pot-mine rivulet, and so along the rivulet to the corner of Balla Nicholas Rent, and along the same to Shen Valley, and including Ton Vane's, the Bolt Dallys to Monoul Gate, and so adjoining the Largy Intack, and so along the corner of Ballin Renny aforesaid.



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