From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX
COPY OF AGREEMENT RESPECTING THE HEBRIDES AND MANN, BETWEEN THE MOST SERENE KINGS, MAGNUS THE FOURTH, HALO THE FIFTH, ERIC POMERANIA OF NORWAY, ALEXANDER THE THIRD, AND JAMES THE FIRST OF SCOTLAND. A.D. 1426. In the name of the Holy and undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen. Let it be known to all and to every one, as a perpetual remembrance of the circumstance, that in the year of our Lord 1420, on the 29th day of the month of July, that is to say, on the day itself of St. Olave king and martyr, in the city of Bergen, kingdom of Norway, were convened the most serene prince lord Eric, of the kingdoms of' Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and of the Sclavonic and Gothic nations, illustrious loing and duke of Pomerania, by his accustomed ministers, namely, the venerable fathers and lords Astacus of Bergen, John Astoens chancellor of the lord the king and kingdom of Norway: Anbernus Hamarens, Thomas Orchadens, by the grace of God bishops of the churches [of the same] and the noble lord Endridus Erlendi knight, Swalonem Johannis Harnikinum Hinrici, Olavum Haquini, Guthormum Benedicti, and Nervam Jacobi, Esquires, councillors of the king aud kingdom of Norway, for the transacting and recognition of all things written below, that the said lord the king could do if personally present, having full aud sufficient power on the one part. And the most Serene Prince lord James, by the same 'grace illustrious king of the Scots, by his usual ministers William de Cricthon, baron of the same, knight, his chamberlain, master. William de Feules, provost of the collegiate. church of Bothnill, his almoner, Thomas de Cranstbon, his shield bearer, having like and sufficient power, as far as relates to the things written below, on the other part. There were exhibited, recited, and cordially recognised by and on the part of both, certain safeguards respecting the composition and final agreement made in times past, first, between the magnificent and illustrious princes of good memory, lords Magnus the Fourth, and Alexander the Third, Kings of Norway and Scotland, and their heirs. Secondly in order, other safeguards and indentures of the illustrious princes of celebrated memory, lords Haco the Fifth, by his usual ministers, namely, that noble man lord Berner de Barkeroe, baron, and the discreet man lord Ivar son of Olave, canon of the churches of Bergen and Orkney, and of Robert the First of Norway and Scotland, icings, in the year of our lord 1312, in the dominical days next after the festival of the Apostles Simon and Jude, in the town of Inverness, settled respecting the confirmation and renunciation of the aforesaid composition and final agreement, fully according with the former, so that the second tenor of renewal contained the form of the first composition inserted in a clause thereof, of which indeed the aforesaid composition and tenor of the final agreement follows in these words : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen
EXEMPLA TRANSACTIONIS DE IIÆBUDIS ET MANNIA INTER SERENISSIMOS REGES MAGNUM QUARTUM, HACONEM QUINTUM ET ERICUM POMERRANUM NORVEGIÆ, ET ALEXANDRUSI TERTIUM ET JACOBUM PRIMUM SCOCIÆ. Ex TORFEO. In nomine Sanetæ et iudividuæ Triuitatis Patris et Fiiii et Spit itus Sancti, Amen. Ad perpetuuam rei memoriam, universis et siugulis innoteseat, quod anno Domini MCDXXVI vicesimo nono die mensis Julii, videlicet ipso die Sancti Olavi Regis et Martyris in civitate Bergeu regni Norvegiæ, convenientibus Serenissimo Principe Domino Erico Dei gratia Norvegiæ, Daciæ, et Sueciæ regnorum, Slavorum, Gothorum, rege et duce Pomeraniæ illustri, per solennes nuncios, videlicet venerabilis patres et dominos, Astacum Bergensis, Johannem Astoensis, domini regis ac regni Norvegiæ cancellarium, Anbernum Hamarensis, Thomam Orchadensis, dei gratia ecclesiarum episcopos, et nobilies dominum Endridum Erlendi militem, Swalonem Johannis Harnikinum Hinrici, Olavum Haquini, Guthorum Benedicti, et Nervam Jacobi, armigeros, dictorum regis ac re.-ni Norvegiæ consiliarios, ad omuia facienda ac discernenda, quoad infra scripta, quæ dictus dominus rex facere polset, si pcrsonaliter praesens interesset, pleuam et sufficientem potestatem habentes, ex parte una. Et Serenissimo principe domino Jacobo eadem gratia rege Scotorum illustri, per solennes nuncios Wilhelmum de Cricthon, baronem de eodem, militem camerarium suum, magistrum Wilhelmum de Fcules præpositum ecelesiæ collegiatæ de Bothnil elemosinarium suum, Thomam de Cranstbon, scutiferum suum, etiam consimilem et sufficientem potestatem habentes, quoad singula infra scripta, parte ex altera. Exhibita fuerunt, recitata et recognita coneorditer per utramque partem, quædam munimenta super compositione et Øali concordia, primo inter magnificos et iilustres principes, bonæ memoriæ dominos Magnum Quartum et Aiexandrum Tertium, Norvegiæ et Scotiæ reges, et eorum hæredes, retroactis confecta temporibus. Secundo consequenter alia munimenta et iudentura illustrissimorum principum celebris memoriæ, dominorum Haquini Quinti per solennes suos nuncios, videlicet nobilem virum dominum Bernerum de Barkeroe baronem, et diseretum virum dominum Iwarum filium Olavi ecclesiarum Bergensis et Orcha. densis canonicum et Roberti Primi Norvegiæ et Scotiæ regum sub anno Domini MCCCXII. in dominica proxima post festum apostolorum Simonis et Jndæ in villa de Ifvernes confecta super confirmatione et renunciatione præfatæ compositionis et finalis concordiæ; prioribus penitus consona, ila quod secundus tenor renovationis primæ compositionis formarv in se clausam et insertam continebat, cujus quidem prætactæ compositionis et finalis concordiæ tenor sequitur in hæc verba : In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Saneti, Amen. |
* Vide preceding document, folio 210. |
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