[From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX]




THE King to his beloved Thomas de' Drayton of Great Yarmouth, Greeting.

For certain reasons we command you, firmly enjoining you, to cause the bishop of Man in Scotland, whom, together with certain other men from Scotland, ye have caused to be arrested at Carlisle, togevner with their goods and chattels, in a certain ship, in which the said bishop was, and to be detained under arrest; to come under safe escort, with all possible dispatch to our city of London, to be there examined touching matters concerning us, and to act farther as our Council may ordain.

And ye shall cause the said other men of Scotland, so arrested by you, together with their goods and chattels, and the ship aforesaid, to be kept safely and securely, and without any division, until ye shall receive further commands from us, and that ye make us clearly and fully acquainted with the value of the goods and chattels and of the ship aforesaid, and in what the goods and chattels consist, without delay.

And in this ye shall in no wise fail. Witness the Keeper* of the Peace in England at Walyngford, 24th November.

By the Council.




14 ED. III.

REX, Dilecto sibi, Thome de Drayton, de Magna Jernemuthâ, Salutem.

Quibusdam certis de sausis vobis mandamus, firmiter injimgentes, quod Episcopum de Man in Scotia, quem una cum quibusdam aliis Hominibus de Scoti ââ ac Bonis et Catallis suis, in quâdam navi, in quâ idem Episcopus erat, apud Kerkele arestari et sub Aresto detineri fecistis, usque Civitatem nostram Londoniam sub salvo Conductu, cum omri celeritate, qua fieri poterit, venire faciatis, ibidem, super aliquibus nos tangentibus, examinandus, ulteriusque facturus quod per Concilium nostrum contigerit ordinari.

Et dictos allos Homines de Scotia, per vos sic arestatos una cum Bonis et Catallis ac Navi prædictis, salvo et secure, et absque Distraetione aliqu L custodiri faciatis, quoasque aliud a nobis inde habueritis in mandatis, et nos de Pretis Bonorum et Catallorum ac Navis prædictorum, ac quæ, et cujusmodi Bona et Catalla illa fuerint, distincte et aperte sine dilatione reddatis certiores.

Et hoc nullatenns ommittatis. Teste Custode Angliæ apud Walyngford vicesimo quarto die Novembris.

Per Concilium.



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