[From Mannin #5 1915]



(‘ Divided by sea but joined by kin ‘).

THE second number we have issued since the beginning of the War finds us still in the midst of the mighty struggle; and we are proud of the part our Manxmen are taking. It is recorded that from 1776 to 1815 the Island sent above 3,000 seamen to the British Navy out of its population of less than 28,000, and to the Army not less than 1000. Lord Teignmouth, who visited the Island in 1829, declared—’ The Isle of Man has perhaps furnished a much larger number of able and excellent seamen to the public service, in proportion to its population, than any other individual district of the British Empire. This tradition has not been lost. We are still sailors first. Many and many a Manx name is seen today in every naval list, and our Naval Reserve men are the pick of the Island. It will never be known how many Manxmen have fought at the Front in this Great War besides all those who live in other parts of Great Britain, young men whose parents had emigrated, others who had emigrated themselves, have come from all parts of the world to fight under the flags of Canada, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand, and it is estimated that about 2,000 have enlisted in the New Army from the Island itself, as well as 250 Volunteers, and four or five hundred sailors and soldiers who have joined their ships and regiments. There are also many men serving in the Steam Packet Company’s boats which have been commandeered by the Admiralty, and at least 600 in the Loyal Manx Association,our civilian guard. Non-combatants, too, are doing their part ; there are Belgian refugees in hostels throughout the Island, and 20,000 aliens in the camps at Knockaloe and Douglas. The response to appeals for war funds of every sort has been generous and ready. We should not, however, end on a note of too confident self-gratulation, but would reiterate Lord Raglan’s words in his speech at the Music Festival Concert,—’ Let us give ourselves, give everything that we can, to the service of our King and Country.’

It is earnestly to be hoped that one of the good results of the Great War, so far as the Island is concerned, will be the revival of Agriculture. It would be a happy thing, indeed, if some of the erstwhile fruitful acres, now lying waste, could once more become fine crop-bearing land, and if the ruined tholtans, so sad a feature of the landscape in many places, could again be prosperous homes. Were such a consummation possible many of our strong young men who cross the seas in search of work might remain in the homeland. And apparently it is more than possible. The War certainly offers an opportunity to farmers. There has been, and still is, an unprecedented demand for foodstuffs of all kinds, especially grain, with consequently high prices. Let us hope that we shall realize henceforth what bad statesmanship it is to devote all our energies to catering for the visiting season, and so develop the resources of the Island that she shall once again be sufficient unto herself as of old.

Miss E. E. Moore, sister of our late Speaker, and for twenty-five years treasurer and secretary to the Isle of Man Fine Arts and Industrial Guild, has left the Island, with her sister, to reside in London. She will be greatly missed in Mann. Her work for the Guild was done most thoroughly, though so unobtrusively, and the success of the Guild has been due chiefly to her energy and powers of organization. As a slight token of appreciation for her services, Lady Raglan,on behalf of the committee and helpers of the Guild, has presented her with a beautiful painting of Douglas Harbour by the late J. M. Nicholson, and a gold brooch set with pearls and diamonds. Miss Moore will also receive a book containing the names of the donors, the cover designed by Mr. A Knox, and worked in silk by Miss Graves. We should like to see her work perpetuated by the foundation of a prize or scholarship for Guild work.

On February 12, the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society celebrated the centenary of the birth in Douglas of Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S. At the monthly meeting of the Society held that day in the Town Hall, Douglas, the President (Mr. C. T. Hughes-Games), in the chair, Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., the biographer of Edward Forbes, was elected an honorary member ; and after the transaction of formal business, a public meeting was held, his Excellency Lord Raglan presiding. Professor Herdman’s gift of £100, for the purpose of establishing a Forbes Exhibition in connection with the Port Erin Biological Station, was announced, speeches referring to the event were made by his Excellency, the Speaker, the Mayor of Douglas, and others, an address on Forbes was given by Mr. P. M. C. Kermode, and among resolutions passed was one to the effect that a stone slab memorial should be erected on the wall of the Public Library to mark it as the site of the house in Douglas in which Edward Forbes was born. On the proposition of the Rev. J. J. Davidson, a Committee has been appointed to consider also whether a sum of not less than £200, can be raised to endow prizes for science at King William’s College, and at the Secondary School, as a further commemoration. A further resolution was unanimously passed, which was strongly supported by various speakers at the centenary celebrations both in Mann and in London, that as a final and larger memorial the name of Edward Forbes should be associated with the building of a Manx Museum. We heartily wish success to this scheme.

On February 13, the London Manx Society, under its President, Mr. W. Radcliffe, also celebrated the Edward Forbes’ centenary with conspicuous success. The inaugural address at Burlington House was given by Sir Archibald Geikie, and addresses were also delivered by many other noted men of science. There was an interesting exhibition of Forbes’ relics and MSS., and a visit to the Geological Museum, Jermyn Street, by invitation of Dr. Strahan, F.R.S. A beautiful programme, characteristically Manx, was designed by Mr. W. J. Radcliffe, son of the President,who is an assistant to Mr. Willy Pogány. Our delegates from Yn Cheshaght Gailckagh were Mr. C. Paton and Mr. G. W. Wood, F.T.C., of Streatham. A review of the book containing the full transactions of the London Manx Society during the celebration, and published by that Society, will be found under ‘ Notices of Books.’

It was most fitting that such celebrations as the above-mentioned should be held, for Edward Forbes was not only our greatest Manx scientist, but one of the greatest of all scientists. He has been called the father of Marine Biology, and the originator of Palæontology, and he did no less valuable work in Botany. Had not his brilliant career been cut short in his thirty-ninth year, his name would no doubt have been as well known to the world in general as it is to scientists.

The first book of Borrow’s diary of his visit to the Island is concluded in this number, his adventures in Mann being continued in Dr. Knapp’s book. Mr. Frank Farrell, M.Sc., the well-known Borrow collector and the organizer of the Borrow Celebration at Norwich in 1913, has kindly sent us a copy of a diary of the same tour by Henrietta, Borrow’s step-daughter, which is in his possession. We hope to publish this diary, which is charming, in a future number of MANNIN.

A letter has been received from Mr. Tearlach Loch, a near relative of the late Lord Loch (Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Mann 1862-82). Mr. Tearlach Loch is a mining expert at Marvel Loch, via Southern Cross, Western Australia, and writes that he is compiling a little book about Gaelic mining terms used in the three Gaelic countries. He is anxious to be put into communication with some person who can send him a list of the Manx terms, and we hope that one of our readers may be able to help him. We believe that Cornish terms were mostly used in the old days when there was mining in the Island. Nowadays mining has almost ceased, though it still goes on in Laxey.

The Manx classes at the Music Festival in March obtained the approval and commendation of the judges, and though the entries were somewhat fewer than usual the quality of the work gave much encouragement to lovers of the national music. Mr. J. A. Rodgers, conductor of the Sheffield Festival Choir, who judged the music, was especially pleased with the junior choir piece ‘ Ushag Veg Ruy ‘ (Mr. W. H. Gill); he remarked that it was a lovely bit of music, that he had been charmed with it, and that he would certainly try to make ‘ this beautiful little cradle song ‘ better known so far as he could. He also praised the performance of ‘ Carval Abban Rushen ‘ (J. E. Quayle, Mus. B.), the senior choir piece, and of ‘ Arrane Vannin ‘ (Mrs. F. P. Corlett), the soprano solo. The judges of the language, Mr. J. Moore and Mr. J. J. Kneen, considered the Manx of all classes excellent.

The Peel Players, instead of using the proceeds of their plays as heretofore for Manx Society work, i.e.,the publication of Manx books and music, music prizes, and so forth, have this season given their profits to war funds, or for gifts to Peel men on active service and in training; £10 went to Douglas Needlework Fund, £10 to Douglas Belgian Hostel, £5 8s. to Ramsey Belgian Hostel, and the rest to Peel men serving on sea or land.

We have to announce the election of Mr. A. K. B. Brandreth, Birkenhead, and Miss E. Gile, Portland, Oregon, as life members, and of Councillor H. Derwent Simpson, Manchester, as an ordinary member of the Manx Society ; also the enrolment of Accrington (per Mr.W. F. Cain),and Victoria, B.C.(per Mr. B. B. Temple), Manx Societies, as subscribers to MANNIN. One of our hopes in starting MANNIN was that it might provide our countrymen at home and abroad with a means of publishing matters of interest to all Manxmen, an so keep them in closer touch with each other. It is pleasant to think that our little journal has become so well known and that our object is assured.

Roll of Honour :—Later on we may be able to give a full list of members who are serving their country. At present we have the following:

A.S. Collard, J.P., has driven his own motor at the front since the beginning of the war.
L.Eastwood, M.A., 2nd Lieut., King’s Own Lancasters.
L. G. Meyer, Sergt-Major, 16th King’s Liverpool.
A.K. B.Brandreth, 21st (Service) Batt., Royal Fusiliers.
W. H. Crellin, Lance-Corporal 3rd. King’s Liverpool.
A.Knox and J. J. Kneen, on duty at Knockaloe Camp.

We should esteem it a favour if our readers would send in any other names, with particulars as to the regiment, and so forth. Dy row barriaght lesh ny ard-ghunnalee.


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