Index to Journal Manx Museum
VOLUME II. 1932 1934

Abbot of Rushen (1343)    162
Academic professors and scholars    66, 86
Algae, Man    52
Althing, Iceland and the    23
Anthropometric survey    75
Annagh, Bp. of, Hugh MacCawell    106, 107, 108
Arms of Owen of Wales    214
Art Exhibitions. Work by local artists    40, 46 64, 153, 199, 206

Ballacannell Food Vessel    132
Balladoole, Rentals of, 1743    115
Ballahott tumulus    64
Ballaquayle Cinerary Urn    l26, 189
Balthane, Malew, bowl-shaped hollows    64
Barroose beaker    132
Bible, Man    121
Bounty H.M.S    102, 103, 104, 123, 159, 175, 186
Bridgeman, Bp. Henry, 1671-1682    182
Bronze pin, Knoc-y-doonee    88
Bronze spear-head, from Peel    152
Brown, T. E.    35, 52, 88, 189, 194, 195, .1%, 197, 198, opp. 202, opp. 206, 215, 224
Bushell of the Calf    74
Bygones    125, 147, 165

Callow C. T. C., death of    94
Card money, issued by Kelly    222
Cashtal yn Ard    153, 154, 155, 156
Castletown Grammar School    61,    65
Chaloner, Governor    94
Chibbyr-Unjin, examination of    38, 40,47
Chough, the    200
Christiansen, R. T. Vikings in Gaelic tradition    87
Christians of Cumberland    119
Christian Arms at Lanercost Priory    89
Cinerary Urn from Ballaquayle    126
Cist at Orristal. Excavation    91
Clifton College. Visit of Curator to ... 198
Coinage, Manx    14, 140, 139, 180, 181
Collet, Capt. James    158
Copper Riots of 1840    180 181
Corlett, Thos (one of ‘ the Four Horsemen ‘)    125, 142
Cronk yn How engraved stone    88, 92
Cubbon, Sir Mark Administration of Mysore    51, 64, 66, 90, 110, 137
Curwen, J. F. ‘ History of the Ancient House of Curwen ‘    76
Cushag. ‘ Ballafletcher Cup ‘    173

Dawson, Govr    207
Deemster’s ‘ Cairn,’ Slieau Ree    122
Dialects, Irish, Scottish and Manx    89
Dress (lady’s) of 18th century    224

‘Ellan Vannin,’ SS    189
Exhibition of paintings    40, 46, 76

Fairy Cup of Ballafletcher    173,178
Fencing of the Court in Manx    65
Fitzsimmons, Rev. William    137
Flax    94
Fleure, Prof. Anthropometric Survey, Cashtal yn Ard    75, 109, 153
Flowers, Manx wild first dates, 1932    151
Folk-song, ‘ Ec ny kdlaryn ‘    118
Fulmar on the Man Coast    213

Gaelic tradition the Vikings in    87
Gaming board, Manx, of Viking age    164, 165
Grammar, the Manx, J. J. Kneen, M.A    32, 40
Grammar School, the story of the Castletown    61, 65
Graves, Dr. Alfred Percival    117
Guldeford, Andrew de    162

Hathorne, John    94,    95.
Hay, Henry Hanby poem    122
Herristal tumulus, Malew    . 74
Hildesley, Bp., and Rev. Philip Moore
Historical connection between Mann: Cumberland and Westmorland    46.
Holt, Geo. Alfred    210, 211
Holy water stoup from Kerrowgarroo    151
Horsemen the Four    125, 142
Howard, key. T    198.

Iceland and the Althing. P. M. C. Kermode    23
Icelandic medical miscellany, an old    49
Irish dialects with chap. on Scottish and Manx    89


Coinage of the Isle of Man    facing p. 14
Canoe, Chibbyr Unjin    ,, p. 39
Douglas, from oil painting , c.1843 ,    ,, p. 46
Mannanan Beg Mac y Leirr, title    ,, p. 60
Castletown Grammar School ,, p. 61
Whitehouse, Michael, pottery from    ,, p. 74
Mull circle, pottery from    ,, p. 74
Knocksharry, pottery from    , p. 74
Keeill on Corrody, Lezayre, pottery from    ,, p. 74
Garey Meen, Ballaugh, pottery from    ,, p. 74
Ballaugh, pottery from    ,, p. 74
Kermode, Philip Moore Callow ,, p. 80
Knock y Doonee, Kirk Andrea, Bronze Pin    ,, p. 88

Keeill Abban Tynwald Memorial    66
Kermode, P. M. C 23, 75, 77,82,102, 109, 205,206
Keys, the     141,143,144
Killip, Ellsworth P    125
Kirk Braddan Vicarage    196
Kneen, J J., MA. The Manx Grammar    32, 40,124, 158
— Trans. of Rubaiyat Omar Khayyarn in Manx language    166, 176,177,178, 189, 191, 192, 193, 200,208, 209
Knoc-y-doonee Ship Burial    16,88
Knox, Archibald     44, 45,157,224

Lanercost Priory, Christian Arms    89
Land utilization survey    66,110

Library, gifts of T.E Brown's MSS etc ,    125
Library, first in Mann    66
Loghtan sheep    207

Macalister, Dr. R. A. S. Celtic inscriptions    22
MacCaweil, Hugh, Archbishop of Armagh    106
Mammals, Manx names of    200
Manx Algae, memoir of    52
Manx Bible    121
Manx Language. First portion of Scriptures printed in, 1748. Fencing the Court    65
Maps of the Treens, by W. Cubbon    16
Marstander, Prof. Carl, and phonographic records of Manx language, etc.    49, 76, 95. 100, 141
McCullock, Cutlar    66
Moore, R. B. List of members of the Keys 1417 onwards    144
Moore, Rev. Philip (and Bp. Hildesley)    120
Monier, Manx family name    173

Nicholson, John Miller    40, 45
Norwegian Colonisation of Shetland and Orkneys    89
Norwegian place-names of the Isle of Man    49,76

Oates, Jas. Nelson, death of    40
Orristal. Excavation of cist by W. Cubbon    91

Peel Bronze Spear-head, lost    152
Phonographic records of Manx language    49, 76
Pottery from Kirk Maughold, report on    74
Pre-historic oak vessel, Chibbyn Unjin    38, 40

Quayle Bridge House collection of papers    125
Quilliam, Capt. John .    95

Raids (Manx) on Galloway .    66
Ralfe, P. G    116, 142, 158, 200
Ross, Rev. Wm., MA.     30, 63, 66, 86, 122
Rubaiyat Omar Khayyam in Manx    166,176, 178, 191, 208

Sandiulf Cross, Kirk Andreas    165
Sastri, K. N. V. Sir Mark Cubbon’s work in India      1, 64, 66, 90
Shetelig, Dr. Haakon, of Oslo    157
Shetland and Orkneys    89
Shimmin, Christopher, H.K    93
Signature marks, remarkable     30,37
St. Helena and Col. Wilks, 1815-1818     123
Stranger Volunteer Company of Fencibles    207
Swinnerton, Joseph, Sculptor    111
Sword of State, 13th c    171

Taggart’s plan of Douglas, 1834    104
Thor Cross, Kirk Bride    164
Treen maps of the Isle of Man    16
Tree-planting in Man    139
Truce between Man and Scotland, 1343 . . .    162
Tumulus at Ballahott    64
Tumulus, Herristal, Malew    74
Tynwald, Keeill Abban    66

Union Mills, origin of the name    207

Vikings in Gaelic tradition    87
'Vixen', the, of Peel    16

Ward, Bp. (1827-1838)    30
Welsh and Manx blood, ancient    214
Wilks, Laura, of Kirby    123
Wilks, Col. Mark    124
Wilks, John, first known Manx coiner . . .    140
Wilson, Sir Arnold    32, 52, 158, 190
Worthiest men in the land (the Keys) . . .    143


Absentees from Church, presenting, 1659. 54    128
'Academick ‘ Money, recovery of. 35    69
Anderson, David, Bishopscourt. 48    98
Atholl, Duke of, letter to Keys regarding war against France, 1744. 53    127
Balladoole in 14th c. 67    168
Ballaugh Parsonage, 1609. 61    132
Ballaugh. Presentments for charming, 1664. 92    219
Barrow, Bishop, Academy, 1668. 29    62
Beck, Antony, Lord of Mann, 1414. 6    21
Ballaugh, clerk, for not ringing three bells, 1699. 97    221
Bennett, Mrs. Hannah. Petty School, Ramsey, 1681. 82    201
Bishopscourt. 48    98
Braddan, pew in the chancel of, 1698. 85    202
Brandy, seizure at Douglas, 1736. 78    187
Breach of Sabbath by Kirk Maughold fishermen, 1764. 84    202
Brew (Robt.). Petitions to Bp. Wilson, 1748. 57,58    129,130
Bridgman, Bp. Commission to Robert Parre, 1681. 70    182
Bridson, Capt. Paul, as to gunpowder, 1759. 77    187
Brown, T.B.. Estate of his great grandmother, 1770. 81    198
Brown Cow, the seed of, 1677. 64    149
Brown, Margaret, Widow of Capt. Robt. Brown, T. E. Brown’s great—grandfather, 1770. 81    198
Cadwell, Mathew, Govr.. 9    27
Cannell, John. Sabbath breaking. 16 .    37
Castletown old chappel & school, 1708. 30    63
Castle Rushen clock, 1764. 27    60
Castle Rushen storehouse, 1634. 11     31
Castle Rushen Inventory. 4    9
Castletown Chapel, purchase of organ for, 1806. 37    72
Chaloner, Govr. Commission to Parson Robert Parr, 1660. 62    148
Chaloner, Govr and Iliam Dhone, 1659. 68    170
Chaloner, Capt. James. His Company. 1    1
— Imprisonment. 2    1
— Hearing of cause at Bishopscourt. 3    3
Charming. Ballaugh presentments, 1664. 92    219
Churchwardens' Charge. 86    203
Cistercian Order, 1414. 6    21
Clock in Castle Rushen, 1764. 27    60
Convocation, precept for, 1781. 80     190
Convocation of the Clergy, 1680. 82     201
Cross y Caley. Jo. Kewne, 1634. 9    27
Curghey, John, and Vic.-Gen. Harrison, 1678. 65    150
Dawson, Col., Volunteer Company, 1797. 94    219
Deemster, election of. 5    14
Derby, Earls of, Governors and Officers, 1417-1570. 36    71
Education, compulsory, in 1704. 26    60
Education. The Schoolmaster’s Oath, 1664. 90    218
Export, right of the Lord to, 1691. 75   185
Fishing of Santan-burn, 1693. 20    44
Foster, Bp., visitation of Kirk Christ Rushen. 8    25
— Arborie. 10    28
— S. Sanctan. 13    33
— Kirk German. 14    35
— Michael. 15    36
— Conchane. 18    41
— Malewe. 21    51
— Braddan. 22    56
— Bride. 32    67
— Christ Lezayre. 33    67
— Marown. 34    68
Fox, Ricard, elegy by, c.1679. 63    149
Furness, Abbot of, 1511. 6    21
Galloway, Manxmen raiding, c.1513. 12. 32
Gunpowder, a thousand barrels at Douglas, c.1775. 41    85
Harrison, Henry. Ordination, 1660. 62    148
Hathorne, John, prisoner at Castle Rushen. 2    1
Harrison, Vicar-Gen., and John Curghey, 1678. 65    15C
Illiam Dhones estate seized by Govr.Chaloner, 1659. 68    170
Illiam Dhone Inventory, 1663. 69    170
Joyner. Fee for teaching the trade, 1692. 95    220
Keig, John. Sabbath breaking. 17    38
Kewley, Isabel, German, her will, 1708. 83    202
Kirk Braddan presentments. 47    98
Kirk Christ tythe, 1678. 43    96
Kirk German juryman too communicative, 1609. 88    217
Kirk Malew. Playing bowls on Lord’s Day, 1753. 98    221
Kirk Marown. List of strangers, 1798. 72    183
Kirk Maughold Vicarage House, 1757-1761. 87    216
Kirk Michael, clerk of, comes into Church with sword and dagger, 1616. 100 . . . 222
Kk. Michael presentments, 1677. 66 . . . 150
Kk. Michael, Convention of Clergy, 1683. 76    185
Lezayre, Bp. Wilson’s treatment of C.P., 1706. 89    217
Lezayre. Library of a vicar, 1658. 96    220
Library. Keys’ proposal for building library and repairing St. John’s Chapell, 1706. 49    111
Library of Vicar of Lezayre, 17th c., 1658. 96    220
Library (Castletown), 1706. 49    112
— 1710. 50    113
Library, Castle Rushen, 1703. 51    114
Manx Language, slander in, 1706. 23 . .    58
Manx language. Arbory schoolmaster fails to preach in, 1674. 91    218
Merchants. Twenty-four Keys choose four, 1502. 74    185
Measures and weights. Precept to Coroner for, 1666. 99    221
Military. Return of infantry to bear arms, 1797. 93    219
Morysone, Dr., and Robert Caesar. 59 . .    130
Murray, Bp. Attempt to tithe potatoes, 1826. 79    187
Nowell, Gov. Henry. 63    149
Oates, Michael. Pew in Braddan Church, 1698. 85    202
Ordination. Mr. Henry Harrison, by Parson Robert Parr, 1660. 62    148
Organ. Inhabitants of Castletown petition for. 37    72
Pann, the tale of a, 1660. 39    73
Parre, Robert. Commission of Bp. Bridgman, 1681. 70    182
Payne and Sprotton, Bps., 1511.    21
Peake, Rick Nayler, to Earl of Derby, 1672. 40    85
Peel Barracks, 1811. 101    222
Peel Castle Inventory, 1694. 4    9
Peel. Prophaning the Lord’s Day, 1753. 73    183
Players. Lord Vause’s, 1603. 28    60
Playing at ball on a Fast Day. 45    97
Precept for a Convocation, 1781. 80 ..    190
Prescott, Cuthbert. A father-in-law s petition. 25    .59
Prophaning the Lord’s I)ay by playing bowls, 1753. 98    221
Quayle, Mr. Jon. Kirk Christ Tythe, 1678. 43    96
Rebells from Mourn 1642. 7    21
19    42
Rushen, Monastery of, 1511. 6    21
Sabbath breaking. 16,17    37,38
School, in Ramsey, 1681. 82    201
Shimmin, Thomas, Peeltown, prophaning the Lord’s Day, 1753. 73    183
Slander. John Corlet, Ramsey, and Jane Johnston, 1756. 44    96
Slander. John Cottier and Isabel Gawne, Rushen, 1706. 23    58
Sorcery. Slander concerning, in Rushen, 1699. 38    73
St. Conchan, Church of, 1414. 6    21
Stevynson, John, Balydoyll, 14th c. 67 .    168
St. John’s Chappell, hearing of causes at. 3    3
St. John’s Chapel, 1706. 49    112
St. Mary’s Chapel in Castletown, 1697. 42    85
St. Mary, of Douglas, monastery of, 1414. 6    21
St. Oran, Kirk Arbory, 1743. 52    115
St. Trinion’s Baron Court, 1785, before John Quayle. 71    182
Tithe on potatoes, Bp. Murray’s, 1826. 79    187
Trade of a joynor, fee for, 1692. 95     220
Tyldesley. Wm., 1717. 24    59
Vause’s, Lord, players, 1603. 28    60
Volunteer Company, the ‘ Stranger,’ at Douglas, 1797. 94    219
Wattleworth, John, C.P., of Lezayre    217
Whetstones, the little Close, Ballagilley, 1659. 60    131
Whithorne, Priory of, 1511. 6    21
Will of Isabel Kewley, The Rennagh, 1708. 83    202
Wilks, Rev. Jas., Mission to Dublin. 35    69
Wilson, Bp. Charge to churchwardens, 1700. 86    203
Wilson, Bp., and the Captain of K. Christ Lezayre, 1706. 89    217
Wilson, Bp. ‘ His Bagg,’ 1708. 30    63
Young, Christopher (clerk). Right of Ballaugh Parsonage. 61    132

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