Castle Rushen Papers. Document No. 221.

(Parr's Abstract, circa 1690, p. 29.)


If any man draw blood upon another, the person offended is forthwith to repair to the Moar of :he parish and show him the blood. The Moar Summons the defendant on the Sunday before the Court Day, the summons being made at the Church Cross.

A jury of the neighbouring holders is formed, and if the defendant is found guilty he is fined xiid and if a woman vid, as well as a fee to the Coroner and to the Moar of vid each, and ivd to the porter of the garrison.

But if the man pleads guilty he can and places xiid on the Court table before the jury is sworn, he can be freed from paying the fees to the officers.

If any Coroner or Moar draws blood upon a Court day in the Lord's service he could not be presented for the same.

Also, one coming to persons fighting to put them asunder, and if he happen to draw blood on either party he is not to be presented because he came for the best and doth not engage in any malice.

Also if two persons challenge one another to the field and happen to draw blood out of one another there is no fine. . . .

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