Quayle Bridge House Papers.

Document No. 206.




Lib. 1688. Douglas.

Robt. Hudleston for being Drunk on Sunday, &c. To acknowledge his fault in Ecclesia.

Lib. 1691.

Tho. Saint for not Receiving ye Sacramt at Easter. To be Comitted untill he give Bonds, & receive the Next Comunionn

Lib. 1699.

Mr. Turner Calcot Balla : Lough, for Cursing Mr. Chas : Moore of Balla : Salley & calling him a son of a Bitch. To make 7 Sundays penance, or wear a Bridle.

Lib. 1702.

Edw". Corris for Working on St. Stephens Day. Censured.

Lib. 1711.

John Hartley Soldier order’d to St. Germans for Disobedience, in not appearing whn charg’d.

Lib. 1712.

Charles Ratcliff Drunkeness on Sunday & abusing Several persons ffin’d.

Lib. 1713.

Nicho : Leech & Tho. Mollineux for Cursing & Swearing, presentd & Censur’d.

Lib. 1716.

Tho. Dawson. Quarrelling on Sunday. Charles Ratcliff Censur’d for Swearing in Court.

Lib. 1717.

Nicho : Christian Jun’. Censured for Slandering Anne Kneen.

Lib. 1719.

Turner Calcot. Drunkeness, Cursing & Swearing. Fin’d 2s. 6d ad Usum Dnt.

Lib. 1720.

Nich : Leech, Edwd ffleetwood, & Francis Wolfenden for absenting fro : Divine Service. Fin’d — 1s Each.



Lib. 1601. Pro Ecclesia St Germani. 21 of Jan.

Hugh McYlchreest enjoyn’d 15 Days to St. Germs prison, & to penance one Sunday in KK Michael &c. Releas’d from prison, giving towards repairing ye Chappel in Castle Town at ye Discretion of ye Officers of ye Court.

Pro Eccia Sct. Patricii, 4th Augt. 1602.

Tho. Callin Adulter". cum Alis Quirk. He Comuted giving to ye repairing of the Chappel afforesd. (or erecting of the Bridge of the Peel-burn) 3s 4d

KK. Braddan. 3 Die Feb.

Robt. Quayle 3s 4d to the repairing of Castle Town Chapel.

18 Oct., 1602.

A Court held in Castle Rushen by Sr Phillip Leigh Chancellor under Bp Lloyd to hear a Controversy betwixt 2 Clergy Men, viz. Nich. Thompson & Chris. Young.

Pro. Eccia. St. Santani. 12 Die Oct., 1603

Sylvester Taubman enjoyn’d to St Germs. prison, beside penance in ye Xch. He requiring his penance to be Comuted, tis granted, he giving as Tho. Callin has done to ye repairing of ye Chapel or Bridge.

Lib. Caus. 1669.

John Norris &c. for Chiding in Doors during Divne Service, Ordered penace. Castle Town Cap’. &c.

1682. K Lonan.

Bessy Kissag Incest wth her Uncle Ewan:

penance in all Xchs & Chapels [in] Island.


Eliza Calcot for A Slandr. penance here.


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