Ellesmere Papers.
Document No. 155.
HENRIE, Earl of Derby, Lo. Stanley and Strange, Lo. of Manne and the Isles, Knighte of the noble Order of the Garter, one of the Lordes of her Maties most honourable Pryvye Councell, Lo. Lieuctenante of the counties of Lancaster and Chester, and of the Cytie of Chester and countye of the same, and Chieffe Chamberlyne of the Countye Pallatyne of Chester afforesaide. Whereas I understane that one Robert Mack Neven, uppon stealthe, to the value of ten pens, was (accordinge to good order and the lawes of that my Isle for the due execution of justice by a jurie beinge charged and sworne to enquire after the same facte,) evicted of fellonie and thereuppon abjured my Isle; the which notwith standinge, knowe yee me, the said Erle, of my mere motion and accorde, and at the earnest sute and humble petition of the said Robert Mack Neven, to have pardoned, remitted, and released, and by these presentes (for and on the behalfe of me and myne heires) do pardon, remitt, and release the saide Robt. Mack Neven, by what soever name, surname, addition or tytle soever he be otherwise termed, of and from all judgementes, executions, paynes of death, paynes corporall, imprisonmentes or banishmentes' due in any wyse or lyable uppon his bodie onely by the lawes of that my Isle, for or by reason of the saide fellonie; soe as from henceforth he the said Robt. Mack Neven shall in noe sorte be chargeable therewithall by me the saide Erle, oi myne heires, but shall and maye live in peace and quyetnes within that my Isle as thoughe this fellonic hadd never bene done or committed by hym, he usinge hym selfe in suche honeste and orderlie sorte hereafter as apperteignethe. Willinge and cornmaundinge all and everic of you my cheiffe officers afforsaide, accordinglie to allowe and accepte of this my pardon and clemencie extended towards the saide Roberte Mack Neven.
Geven under my hande and scale at my Mannor of Latham, the [...] of Februarie, in the twoe and thirtythe yeare of the reigne of our moste gratious Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Defender of the Faithe, &c. 1589.
Blackstone, in his Commentary, 1829 ed., gives an account of the separate rights of the King's and Lords of Man, and refers to the disputes which arose after the death of Ferdinando Earl of Derby in 1594, between his three daughters and William, his surviving brother. His materials he derived from Camden.
The above is a copy of a pardon granted by Henry Earl of Derby as Lord of Man and the Isles to a felon of the name of Mack Neven (at present Kneen), and it was probably used as evidence during the contest which arose subsequent to 1594.
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