From the Claghbane Papers.
Document No. 127.
The following documentsthe originals of which are in the Manx Museum Libraryshow that seven Christians of the one family served as Parish Clerk of Kirk Maughold, beginning with the date c. 1548 to 1688. They are:
c. 1548 Ewaine Christin.
1593 Robert Christin, son of Ewaine.
1593 John Christin, son of Robert.
1648 Robert Christine, son of John.
? William Christian, grandson of Robert.
? Robert Christian, son of William.
1688 Robert Christian, son of Robert.
Henrie Earle of Derbie Lo: Stanley and Straunge Lorde of Manne and thyles Knight of the most honorable order of the Garter Lord Lieutenante of the Counties Palantine of Lancaster and Chester and the Citie of Chester, and Chamberleine of the sayd Countie Palantine of Chester and one of the Lords of her Mats most honorable Privie Counsell, to my Lieutenante Captaine Receivers Comptroller Water-bayliff and all and evrie other my schyeffe officers of and wthinn my sayd Isle of Man greeting:
Knowe yee we the sayde Earle for divas good causes and consideracons me moving and especially for ye sume of fyve poundes of good and lawfull money of Englande to me payed by the handes of Robt Christin of the pish of St. Maghalde in the sayde Isle, To have given graunted, demised left and sett ovr to the sayd Robert Christine and John Christine sonne of the sayde Robert the Clerkeshipp of the sayd pish of St. Maghalde togither wth all Gleebes Comodites and Profiles any waye thereunto apteining, To have and to horde the sayd Clerkeshipp wth all maner Comodites Gleebes, P'fittes liberties and easmentes whatsoev' "hereunto belonging in as large and beneficia!l maner as any heretofore occupying the sayde Clerkeshipp have had, used and enjoyed the same to the sayde Roberte Christin and John Christin during the natural! Iyfe of the sayde Robert from and immediatelie after the deceasse of Ewaine Christine father unto the sayde Roberte: willing as well you my sayd officers to be ayding and assisting to the sayde Roberte and John as also all and evrie the pishioners of the sayde pishe in the due execution of the sayd prmisses.
Geven under my hande and seale at my Manor of Lathom the three and twentieth daye of June A° dni 1593.
Henry the Fourth Earl of Derby is said to have died on 25th September, 1592, but the date 1593 is quite clear on the MS. in the Museum. Henry was one of the peers on the occasion of the trial of Mary Queen of Scots.
Md [memorandum]: That in regarde of the sufficiencie for good competent measure I finde in John Christyn the sonne of Robert Christyn above namyd I doe admytte him as substytute for his sayd father accordinge to this honorable graunte, duringe his sayd father's lyffe, provided allwayes tree doe hyt accordinge to the lawes and Canons ecclesiastical!, in wytnes whereof I have subscrybed my name the 14th of Januarie A° dni. 1605 . . .
John Meryk was the Lord Bishop (1576-1599.)
To the right hobo James Lord Straunge
Lorde of Man and the Isles.
The humble petition of the prishioners of
KK. Maughauld.
Whereas on [e] Robt. Christine of the sd prishe now houldeth the clarkes place thereof by the election of the sd prishioners and the approbation of yor hot (as all the House of the sd Robt by the like election and approbation have houlden and continued the same wthout the compa8 of the memorie of man) and the sd Robt by the good likinge and consent of the sd prishioners haith assigned his terme of the sd clarkes place to Willim Christine grandchile to him the sd Robt.
They the sd preshioners whose names are underwritten, doe humblie pray that yor her would be pleased after the expiration of the sd terme to approve theire election of the sd Willm in conferringethe sd clarkes place on him before any other either duringe lieffe or for such terme of yeares as other shall hould the like place by yor hots graunt or confirmation. So shall they as ever bound pray for yor hor happiness.
Robett Christian lewaig |
John Christin |
Rychard Cottingam :Henry Christin
Wm Quartin Pat Corkill
Rychard Callan Wm Christin
Wm Corkill Robett Christin
Doncon Co-westen John Stoll
Donold Codin ? Donold Kerish
Donold Cowesten Evan Christin
Wm Callowe Phillip Cowell
Donold Joughen Ed: Christin
Pat Cowell Edman Corkill
Thomas Callowe James Corled
J ohn Woods Wm Food
Donold Callowe Nycholas Christin
John Christin Pat Kerishe
Donold Curmin Evan Christin
[Kermeen] Robett Kerishe
~Wm Christin Wm Kerishe
"Christopher Callowe Donold Calline
John Kerish Robett Kerishe
Wm Callowe . Donold Corkill
John Kerishe Wm Callow
Edward Christin Pat.Corkill:
:Donold Kerish John Cannan
John Christin Robert Corkill
Wm Knakill Wm Clucas
:Donold Cowell Wm Lowney
Madman Callowe Wm Quarke
Wm Christin John Quarke
Edman Christin John Curmine
John Cowesten Edward, Corkill
John Corkill Phillip Coleish
Donold Corkill [Quilleash
John Gellin Wm Quartin
Donold Corkill Donold Cottingam
John Corkill ~ Wm Corkill
Pat Cowell Donold Corde
Donold Kneale John Ke'rmode
Wm Stoll Wm Christen
Robett Cowell Donold Christin
Wm Casment Robett Callow
Donold Casement Wm Christin
Pat Callowe James Coleish ' ':
' Almost all of the above signed with their marks.
I doe hereby testifie yt ye Forenamed Will: Christin is a man fitt to discharge ye saide Clerks place and doe like of him and for what it belongeth to me allowe of him.
Aprill ye 4th
1648 Ro: Allen.
In Manx Soc. Vol. xxix, Robert Allen is set down as commencing in 1660. It would appear from this document that he was vicar of Kk. Maughold in 1648. He died in June, 1666.
c. 1688.
To the Right Revel father [ . ]
devine permission. Ld [ . . ]
The humble Peticon [of the Parishioners of ] KK.
Shewing unto yor Lordship how that in July [ . . . ] almighty God in his wise providence to take [ . . . ] soule of one Will. Christian our late Pish Clerk [ . . . ] comported himselfe most his life time humbly and [ . . . ] sight of all his neighbours; dischardged the duty to our very great content and satisfaction; and [ .,. . ] told that his Father and grandfathr before him [ . . . ] same Imploy successively well nigh one hundred [ . . . ] Inclines us to believe that they have not onely [ . . . ] of honest conversacon; but very well though of [ . . . ] reverend Bishops in their several! Generations.
And now there is one Robrt Christian of the [ . . . ] age. Heyre to the Sd Will; and betwixt thi [ . . . ] yeares of Age; that from his youth we have [ . . . ] have Lived a sober Life, and we believe [ . . . ] fyed to succeed his Ancestors; if it may pi [ . . . ] ship to thinl: well of him.
To yor benign candour we humbly recommend [ . . . ] earnestly requesting yt yor Ld-ship may be [ . . . ] him a Collation for the Sd Clearkship; v[ . . . ] to our Contents and obliedge us to pray that [ . . . ] may long Live our wise guide and ghostly ff[ . . . ] God's grace wee shall comfort our selves, yor m[ . . . ] sons and servants.
Edward C [ . . . ] Edwd [ . . . ]
John Ch[ . . . ] D [ . . . ]
John Ch [ . . . ] Jo [ . . . ]
Will [.] J [ . .]
The edges of the above document are badly broken.
My Lord
The pson recomended is very fitt both in respect of his situation and qualification to be Clearke of Or Parish and his acceptance will oblige My Lord yor Ldships must humble devout and most faithft' serv'S
Nich Christian Thomas Aisco[ugh]
Thomas Allen John Quay[ . . .]
John Martin John W[ . . .]
Robert Kerish William [ . . .]
Euan Kerish
To all Xtianpeople whom it may concern and more particularly to the parishionrS of K k Maughold and Inhabitants of the Town of Ramsey in the diocese of Man, Baptist by divine pmission Lord Bop of Sodor and Mann sendeth greeting.
Know ye that the sd Bishop having received a Certificate of the good life and Conversation of Robert Christian of the parish of K. Maughold afforesd and of his Sufficiency for reading and writhing, and alsoe of his Competent skill in singing wch qualifyes him for ye Capacity of a parish clerks office, and also haveing received from St Thomas Allen Minister of the sd place a recomendation or nomination of him the so Robt to be parish Clerk of the parish and Church qf K. Maughold. Doe hereby approve and ratyfye the sd nomination, and doe confirm his continuance in the sd office of Clerkship, requiring all the parishonrs of the sd parish hereby to take notice of our sd approbation of their Parish Clerk so nominated, Canonically Chosen and approved of willing them to pay unto him all the antient wages without fraud or diminution at such times as hath been accustomed as the Ecclesiasticall Laws of this Island doe in that behalf require.
Given undr our hand at Bops Court and Epal seal this fifth day of Octobr in the year of our Lord 1688
Baptista Levinz, Bishop 1684 to 1692. He was installed in St. German's Cathedral 5th August, 1685. He was buried in Winchester Cathedral. aged 49.
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Editor |