From the Diocesan Registry in Rolls Office.

Document No. 65.


ARTICLES AGREED UPON BETWIXT VICAR GENERLL HARRISSON PARSON OF Kk BRIDE and JOHN CURGHEY OF Kk CHRIST LEZAYRE in the presence and by the consent of Henry Bopp of Sodor & Mann december ye 12th 1678.

Imprimis : The said parson maketh choice of the said John Curghey to bee his Curate at Kk Bride dureing ye sd parson his naturall life, soe longe as hee shall bee there allowed to officiat by the said Bpp and his successors.

For his Sallary hee doth agree to allow his sd curate yearly and every yeare dureing the tearm aforsd his chamber in the said parsons own house where hee himselfe use to lye with Locke and key, with all the surplice ffees write-ing of wills, and legacies to bee left by the deceadent pishonrs wch hee computes to ye valew of xxs annum.

The said parson alloweth him competent dyett yearly in the same house, wch hee computeth to ffour pound p annum.

He alloweth him ye yearly sallary of three pounds due for the English schoole there, out of the kinges royall gift of one hundred pounds. And also libertie to teach a lattin-schoole for wch the children of ye pishonrs are to pay- qterly, the richer sort twely pence p qrter, and ye poorer sort sixe p qrter at lest, wch the parson computeth to bee ffortie shillings, and if it shall fall short therof, the sd parson promisseth to make it upp vijs et modis.

The sd parson obliedgeth himselfe to preach there once a month at lest, p. se aut p. alium (`himself or another') during the sd time.

All which is by us computed to be worth ten pounds p annum.

In consideracon of wch allowance the said John Curghey prmisseth for his pt diligently to officiat the sd cure, and schoole, and ... plure of the Bpp.


Ricx FFox Episcop: Regist. Joan HARRISON JOHAN ALLEN, A Secretis. JOHN CURGHEY. Fiat Registrum H SODOR

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