From the Diocesan Registry.

Document No. 63.

Circa 1679.


[Mr. David Craine, M.A., has kindly supplied the copy of the following poem. He is of the opinion that it may refer to the death of Governor Henry Nowell, who died in 1677. As Mr. Craine remarks, there is so very little verse of Manx origin of the 17th century, it is worthy to be put on record. Several other lines which were an attempted variant on the last lines are not copied. Ffox died in 1679, having expressed a wish to be buried under the altar of his church.]

This is thy Tomb and lyes thou here below
And takes thou here thy rest for men to know
This was thy lott my friend to rest soe neere
These ffriends who had affecion for thee deare,
Whose memory thy work shall still retaine
And it it were not wee were too toe blame.

This makes mee recollect my thoughts too shallow
To comprehend thee; in this tract doth follow
Some little observacons but I will
First begg excuse, t'excuse my rustick skill
I am a stranger to thy good degree
I'll cease on that but this I knowe to be

Most true a true and Royalist thou was
Wittnes thy valour, no feight was lett passe
But thou concern'd thy selfe, th' renowned Earle
Whose comands thou embrac'd that purest pearle
That was thy chieftaine and my Mr too
All way too little wee could for him doe.

When that unhappy war did force thee, and
When thousands more (by times) did ghore this land
Thou r'entertain'd was by that noble Race
As a domestick servt put in place
Of care and trust wch thou didst manage well
Wittnes thy actions : who can better tell.

Them, I who was so fequent [sic] to behould
Noe I thinke noe man dare be halfe soe bould.
In that most noble service thou and I
Join'd hand in hand (p'moting constancie)
Both wh Impplemts wee did undertake
Thou here has done, I have my gel [ ?goal] to make.

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