From the Archidiaconal Registry.
Document No. 62.
Bipps Corte ye 26th Mar. 1660. It is Refferred unto Parson Robt. Parr and Sr Robt. Allen joynetly to examine, trye, and Inquire into ye abilities judgemt and conversacon of Mr Henery Harrisson, whether he is com-petently quallified to be addmitted unto ye degrees of Deacon and minister, and to certifye me thereof without delay; Dated ut supra JAMES CHALONER. Hoble Govenor: all Due respect p'mised &c. I have sevrall times since Mr. Henry Harison's return from- the Colledge, examined, tried, and enquired into ye Abilities and judgmt of him and conceive him to be as competently quallified to be admitted unto ye degree of Deacon and minister as any of or nation, his conversacon evr since, answerable to ye said Calinge.
That wch doth most encourage me to comende unto yr Hour Mr Henry Harrison above named, is not his schollershippe : for wch I holde him to be ablre then some that have taken that callinge of the Ministery of ye Gosple, that Greate worke spoken of by St. Paul 2: Cor : 2 : 16 (alreadie) : but that wch doth most Enbolden me (I say) is the testimonie of his own mouth, wch he saith hath pceeded f rom a good, & intire conscience: that he holdeth him-selfe quallified & called by God, & that he doth intende by the helpe of the Almightie for to discharge the same as that his whole endeavour shall be, as much as in him lieth to advance the Glory of God, & to bringe home many sheepe-to his holde, many soules to his Kingdome, wch I praye that he may doe; & if otherwise, I must, & will laye the sin to his owne charge. This Sr wt' my Humble, & due Respects I Recoinende unto yr Hon'' acknoweleginge myselfe
Yr Honrs in all Xtian & Ministeriall dutie & Service
March 27th, 1660.
I am very well satisfied wtn ye testimonie herein had, and doe ordr yt ye Regr doe Record these testimonialls.
Mar: ye 27 dear. 1660.
Hoble Governor : We of the Clergie of this Isle whose names are subscribed being mett this day at the Hip'' Church of K Marowne in reall obedience to yor hours comands to the ordinacon of Mr Henry- Harrison Deacon, and Preest, in regard yor hors Comission is directed to all ye Clergie and none appeared but orselves under favour of yr hor wee have not attempted to pceed in ye Ordinacon being a worke of soe high a calling- untill all or ye major pte of the Clergie meet upon that service craveing yor hors pardon herein we roast
Yor hors humble servants
Ro. Parre
Will: Oats
Tho. Harrison
Patrick Thompson
John Crellin
Ed. Crowe
Tho : Parr
John Woods
March 4th, 1660.
The genrall Sumnr hath appeared to sweare that all the Clergie had notice and charge to appeare this day.
Keepe this upon Record
To ye Register Thos. Norris.
Insula Monae
Bipps Court May 9th 1660 Thease are to require and injoyne any three of the Ministars on the North side of this Isle, to conveine themselves upon the 15th day of this instant may by the hour of tenn of the clock at the furthest in the aforenoone of the same day of which Number, parson Sr Robt. Parr is to be one, for the ordaineing of Mr. Henrey Harrison Deacon and Preist for wch this shall be your Warrant; given under my hand and Seale of Armes the day and yeare above written. JAMES CHALONER. Wee whose names are subscribed a select number of the Clergie of this Isle required, and injoyned by or hoble governors comission (bearing date 9th of May) to conveine or selves upon the 15th day of the sd month for the ordaininge of Mr. Henry Harison Deacon, and Priest in obedience unto his hors comission, and in case of necessitie to supplie the cure of Kk German of Peele (voyd by the abnegacon of Mr. George Harison) Wee have this day prfixed met in the High Church of Jurby and in solemlie manner after examinacon of the said Mr. Henry Harisons abilitie and sufficientie for Liffe, and doctrine to undertake the Cure of souls we have Ordained him deacon and full minister by exhortacon prayinge and imposition of hands according to the Apostles rule desiring that the said comission and or pceedings'thereupon be recorded for or Discharge. Dat May 15, 1660. Ro. Parre
John Harrisone Ed: Crowe
Job : Huddlestone
Let ye Comission and ye proceedings there-upon bee recorded: 15 May, 1660.
Exd. R. Brown A.R.
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