From the Diocesan Registry.

Document No. 13.



Note.- According to A. W. Moore's " Diocese of Sodor and Man," the connexion of Bishop William Foster with this diocese seems to have been confined to his having a Court in Douglas in October, 1634. His information is derived from " Lib. Scacc." He was only Bishop from 1633 to 1635. He was buried in Cheshire in 1635.

In 1634 he sent out to the Clergy and Church-wardens of each parish a series of searching questions, under the title of " Bishop Foster's Visitation."



Wee the foure churchwardens and four sydmen of S. Sanctan doe answeeare to the sevrall Articles p[ermission of] the (Right Revrde) ffathr in god Willm by devyne pm[ission] Lord Busshoppe of Sodor and Man, and required from us [upon] his first visitacone beinge in ano dni 1634.

1. To the fyrst we answeare that the Incumbent is no puplique preacher, but useth payn-fully to exhort the people in the time of service of God, and doth cathechise our children, and is a manteynr of true religione accordinge to the Church of England. and doth dayly praye for the Kinge, Queen, and there Royall Issue and state.

2. To the seconde we answeare, that we nevr knew, or hard any prcher in this Island admitted to preach but by the Busshoppe therof.

3. To the third, wee have noe such heresies, poperis, or scishmaticcall erroris amongst us.

4. To the 4th wee answeare, that svice is Read distinctly and revrntly one Sondayes and holly dayes in our church, and the sacramts administred zealousley and receaved wthout Idolatry accordinge to the Church of England, etc.

5. To the 5th our mynistr doth usually weare his surplices in the tyme of Comon prayer and at the administration of the Sacrament and doth use the signe of the crosse at baptisme etc.

6. To the 6th, our Incumbent did nevr Receave any to the church who were excom-municate or notorious offenders etc. and hath admitted none wthout his princibles of religion. Our ancient people doe receave twise, or thrice a yeare, and all the rest of the pish capable, onest or twise at the least.

7. To the 7th, our Churchman hath married none [this is crossed out and the word " some" is interpolated] wthout baynes or lycense not observeinge time, and place for any thing we knowe.

[Note : The words in italics are written in a different hand.]

8. To the 8th, our Curat hath no other meanes but the poor Vicer [. . . .] and that wch he hath in lease confyrmd by the Lor[d].

9. To the 9th Article is is not fully pformed by the Incumbent for he hath refused to vissitt the wyffe of John Quay and Donold ffarkar.

[Note : The words in italics are crossed out.]

10. To the 10th, wee have observed that same hollyday, [and] will keepe yt more stryckly then formrly hath been accustomed.

11. To the 11th wee nevr knewe or hard by any that our viccar obtaynd his vyccaridge by symonie but he is somewhat disordered, but [afterwards altered to "and"] doth not behave himselfe honourable to his callinge.

12. To the 12th our vyccar hath his tymber ready to put the [vicarage house] in order, and repaire, but only stayes for the answeare of a jury who are to fynd out wher the fyrst tymber theroft lyeth, and howsoever yt shalle buyld up anew before Allhallowtyde.

13. To the 13th wee can saye nothinge against the viccr genrall, archdecacon, or officiall for none complaynes in our pishe.

14. To the 14th, our Churchman doth and will willingly Read, and publishe in the Church the Constitucons, and canons comanded accordinge to his Ma ties Iniunctions agreed upon by the whole clergie of both pvynces.

For the Laitye.

1. To the fyrst Artycle we answeare wee have all thyngs in good and decent order and the ten comandmts are defaced one the wall.

2. ffor the second we have lykewise as is there expressed.

3. ffor the third, we have noe such houses as are ther mentioned.

4. for the 4th our Curat doth babtyse in no other vessell but the font, and that in the church, and the rest of that article is formrly answeared.

5. ffor the 5th wee have none in the pish that unbehave them selves in the church, nor goe out of the church in tyme of devyne svice but in extremitye.

6. To the 6th wee answeare that wee have noe such psonne in our pish, nor any that keepes scoole wthout lycense.

7. To the 7th wee answeare that wee have no such absurdity in our pish, nor any of such lewd behaviour.

8. To the 8th wee answeare that wee have no such offences amongst us.

9. To the 9th wee answeare that wee have neither [beare] nor bulbaytinge or any other assemblyes hinderinge the [worship] of God on Sondayes, or Holydayes, and to the rest of this artycle we say that we have no such supsticions as are there expressed.

10. To the 10th wee saye that we have a register booke of all things contayned in that article, wth one coffer and locke.

11. To the 11th we say that we know not the fees of theare Court (havinge noe cause to complaine) till we bee further advised by the statut e.

12. To the 12th wee answere that wee have no such )III, in ()III- pish

13. To the 13th we answeare that wee noe such cryme unpunished in our piste, lykewise not favoured by the Viccar GenraL

14. To the 14th wee say that there are that refuse to pay their taxacons or dues the repayreinge of the church and other saryes etc., and the wardens lykewise di their places when tyme requires.

15. To the 15th wee say that we nevr any man intermeddle wth the goods of anv man wthout lawfull pceedinge.

16. To the 16th wee say wee nevr kn churchmen comytt any such offence.

17. To the 17th wee answeare that knowe no offender in any cryme against Canons, Institutions, Ecclall.

The Churchwardens names

Jo : Quiny his mrke
Wm. Kissag his m''ke
Xpor : Brewe his mrke
Jo : Moore his mrke

The foure Sydemen

Robt. Hampton
Tho : Brydson ,
Jo : Moore
finlo ffargher

The names of such Churchwardens as exhibited his prsentmt

John Quinie
Willm Kissack
Christopher Brue ) Churchwardens

Thomas Bradshawe
ffindlow ffarghar Sidesmen

further wee say yt the Vicar doth not goe onhis pambulacione as he was accustomed for ye space & tyme of these three years last past; the reason wherof to bee related. Wee leave this to you Lop. to give you intelligence. Wee say the parishioners are soniwt slow in cominge to eveninge praier on the Sondaies and other Holy Daies.

The other things hearafter shalbe presented on further delibaracions & knowledge.

[Note All the lines italicised are written by another hand.]

Sr John Cosnahan was Vicar of Kirk Sanctan from 1618 to 1656. He was buried under "the Great Stone" in the churchyard. The inscription states he "departed this life the 24th of June, 1656, and was buried the next day following in the yard under the Great Broad Stone, for he left in his last Will that he "should be buried there."

Three Vicars named Cosnahan were buried under the Great Stone.

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