[note a major part of this volume was taken up by the first version of P.M.C. Kermode's List of Manx Antiquities - the latest 1930 version is available elsewhere on my site] - note also not all of the entries in the index are at present cross-linked
A Contribution towards a Coleopterous Fauna of the Isle of Man.
Dr. J. W. Ellis, 45.
ADDRESS of Retiring President, 1893. A. W. Moore, M.A , 78.
1894. Dr. F. S. Tellet, F.E.G.S., 210.
AGE of Manx Rocks, 220.
AN Ancient MS. Account of the Parish of Marown, written by John
Christian, Vicar (about 1776), for Thomas Pennant, Antiquary. A.W.
Moore, 29.
ANDREAS, List of Antiquities, 153 ; Earthworks, 153 ; Keeils and
Chapels 153 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 154 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
ANNUAL Meeting, Douglas, March, 1893, 59.
Ramsey, April 11, 1894, 141.
ANTIQUITIES of the Parish of Arbory. Rev. J. Kewley, M. A., 103.
Summary of, 193.
List of. P. M. C. Kermode, 153.
ANTS, Ant Nests, Beetles (larvae, pupae), wanted, 59.
ARBORY, Meeting, June 28, 1893, 83.
Excursion to, June 28, 1893, 83.
List of Antiquities. 177 ; Earthworks, 177 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 177 Loose Antiquarian Relics, 177 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
177; Wells, 177.
Corruption of " Kirk Cairbre" as Onchan of Conchan, 104.
ARCHEOLOGICAL Section, Report of, 1894. P. M. C. Kermode, 149.
ARAGON-MOOAR, Santon, Rock Earthworks, 149.
BALLAQUEENEY Crook, The Clagh Ard, or Crosh Ballaqueeney, and the
Cronk-how-Mooar Hy. Kelly, 10, 47.
" BALLAS " or " Treens," Features of, 42.
BALLAUGH, List of Antiquities, 190 ; Earthworks, 190 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 190 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 191 ~ Pre-Christian Burials,
190 Wells, 191.
BALLINGAN Keeil and Font, Marown, 3.
BALLURE, Composition of Igneous Rocks, 27.
Glen, Boulder Clays at mouth of, 25.
BEMAKEN Friary, Ruins of, 103.
BIRD Catchers, with decoys and traps, 204.
Life in the neighbourhood of Douglas. P. G. Ralfe, 254.
Notes. Supposed Nightingale. Peel ; Less Whitethroat at Laxey
and Peel ; Spotted Flycatcher, 288.
BLACK Redstart, First example recorded in the Island, February, 1895,
BOTANICAL Section, 1894, Report of. Rev. S. A. P. Kermode, 201.
BOTTLENOSE Whale (Hyperoodon Rostratum), in the Isle of Man, Dec.
1894. P. M. C. Kermode, 271.
BOULDER Clay Cliffs, Cranstal, 26.
Bows and Arrows, Parish Matches, 31.
BRADBURY, Dr., Rhullick-y-Keeil Khallane, Lonan, 115.
BRADDA Head, Stone Circle, 149.
BRADDAN. List of Antiquities, 167 ; Earthworks, 167 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 167 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 168 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
167 Wells, 168.
BRIDE, List of Antiquities, 155 ; Keeils and Chapels, 155 ; Loose
Antiquarian Relics, 156 ; Neolithic Settlement, 155 ; Pre-Christian
Burials, 155 ; Wells, 156.
BRIDGMAN, Rev. A. A. , M.A., The Place-Name " Lezayre," 92.
BRITISH Association at Edinburgh, August, 1892, Delegates
Report. P.M. C. Kermode, 34.
Plants, Collection presented by G. A. bit, 201
BURIAL Ground Ballaqueeney, 49.
BUILTCHYN, or Cattle Folds on the balks, 43.
CAIRNS R., List of Mollusca collected in the Isle of Man, 249.
CAPTAIN Quilliam at Trafalgar, 104.
CARBONIFEROUS Sandstone, or, basement conglomerate, Ronaldsway,
CASTLE Rushen, Meeting, May 24th, 1893, 82. Rushen, 227.
CASTS of Manks Crosses, Subscription List opened, 7.
of Manx Crosses, 151.
CELT, Polished Stone, Glencrutchery, 1.
Stone, from the Chasa, on Conchan Glebe, 61.
CELTIC Land System, 40.
" CHAPEL, Site of," Glencrutchery, Conchan, 5.
Treen, Upper Sulby, Conchan, 5.
CHALICE, Pre-Reformation, from Jurby, 232.
CHARM in Sheep-Shearing, 89.
CHIEF Characteristics of Zoophytes, 12.
CIST and Stone Circle, Ballakelly, Santon, 227.
CIRCLE on the Braid, Marown, 30.
CLAGH-NY-DOOINEY-MAROO, " Dead Mans Stone," 87.
CLARKE, H. S., Report of Entomological Section, 1893, 72.
H. S., F.R.S., The Rhopalocera of the Isle of Man, 100.
H. S. , Report of Entomological Section, 1894, 206.
COINS, Saxon, Ballaqueeney, 49.
COLEOPTEROUS Fauna of the Isle of Man, A Contribution towards. Dr.
J.Ellis, 10, 45.
COLOUR CHANGE in Virbius, 247.
CONCHAN, Excursion to, July 26, 1892, 4.
Site of Old Parish Church, 4.
Crosses, 4.
List of Antiquities, 165 ; Earthworks, 165 ; Keeils and
Chapels. 166; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 166 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
165 ; Wells 166.
COPPER Pyrites and Peacock Copper Ore, Langness, 24.
COW-PARSNIP, "Arrens," good for fits, 201.
CRANSTAL, Erosion of Cliff, Record, 26.
CREGEEN, Buried at Arbory, 105.
CRELLIN, J. C. Report of Zoological Section, 1893, 70.
J. C., Report of Zoological Section, 1894, 203.
Miss A. M., Report of anthropological Section (Folklore). March, 1893,
Miss A M., Folklore Report, 1894, 194.
__:Miss A. M., Curious Discovery in Kirk Michael ; Horse and Human
Remains, 121.
Miss A. M. , Some Antiquarian Notes in the Parish of Kirk
Michael, 122.
Miss A. M., On Some Things Manks, now obsolete. 265.
CRIFFEL-GRANITE Boulder, Shellag, Bride, 25.
CRONK-HOW-MOAR and Ballaqueeney . H. Kelly, 47.
Skyhill, 86.
CRONK Sumark, Fort, 219.
CRONK-Y-BERRY, Conchan, Earthwork, 5.
CROSBY, Meeting, June 30, 1892, 3.
CROSS, Found at Bishops Court, 123.
CROYN, or Sheep Pens on the balks, 43
CUMBERLAND and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological
Visit of, September, 1894. 226.
CUPMARKED Rocks, Michael, 188.
CURIOUS Discovery in Kirk Michael, Horse and Human Remains. Miss A.
M. Crellin, 121.
DHOON, Composition of Igneous Rocks, 27.
DISTRIBUTION of the Hydroida of the District of Liverpool Bay,
DOUGLAS, Meeting at, November 28, 1892, 7.
,, November 29, 1893, 89
,, . May, 1894, 217.
,, December 14, 1894, 233.
Treasure Trove, 221.
DOUGLAS, Bird Life in the neighbourhood of. P. G. Ralfe, 254.
DRYDEN, Sir Henry, elected Honorary Member, 225.
EARLY Land System of the Isle of Man. A. W. Moore, M. A,, 40.
EARTHWORK, Cronk-y-Berry, Conchan , 5.
on Cronk Sumark, Sulby, 219.
EARTHWORKS. Andreas, 153 ; Arbory, 177 ; Ballaugh, 190 ; Braddan,
Conchan, 165 : German, 185 ; Lezayre, 157 ; Lonan, 163 ; Malew,
173 ; Marown, 169 ; Maughold, 159 ; Michael, 188 ; Patrick, 181 ;
Rushen, 179 ; Santon, 171. Summary of, 193.
EGGS, Imported from abroad, 1894, 222.
ELLIS, Dr. J W., A Contribution towards a Coleopterous Fauna of the
Isle of Man, 10, 45.
ENTOMOLOGICAL Section, Report, 1893. H. S. Clarke, 72.
,, 1894. ,, 206.
EPI-DIORITE, Ballure Glen, 28.
EROSION of Sea Cliffs, Bride, A Record for, 25,
ERRATIC Boulders, Glenville, Conchan, 5.
Boulders, 200.
ETHNOGRAPHICAL Survey of the United Kingdom, Communication
concerning, 9.
EXCURSION to Marown, June 30, 1892, 2.
Conchan, July 26, 1892, 4.
Foxdale, October 20, 1892, 6.
Arbory, June 28, 1893, 83.
Port Erin, August 14, 1893, 85.
Glen Auldyn, October 5, 1893, 86.
Sulby, July 18, 1894, 219.
Port Erin, September 4, 1894, 224.
EXHIBITION of Newspapers, &c. , Brussels, 11.
EXPLORATION of our Coasts. Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. , &c. ,
FEATHER Ore (Plumosite). W. H. Kitto, 33.
FENCES, Absence of, in Celtic Land System, 40.
in Jurby made up for the summer only, 1770, 44.
in the Isle of Man made lawful in 1442, 43.
FLAIL, 269.
FLINT Implements from Glen Wyllen, 218.
FLINTS, From the Isle of Man. Mr. C. Roeders collection,
in Meayll Circle, 118, 119.
FLORA of the Isle of Man. Rev. S. A. P. Kermode, 273.
FLOWERING Plants occasionally found, not indigenous, 290.
FOLK LORE, Cronk-How-Mooar, 48.
Report, 1893. Miss A. M. Crellin, 68.
Report, 1894. Miss A. M. Crellin, 194.
FONTS, Marown, 2.
FORT ISLAND, Igneous Rocks, an object lesson 24.
FOXDALE, Excursion to, October 20, 1892, 6.
Granite, Composition of, 25.
Meeting, October 20, 1892, 7.
Mines, Historical Account of. Capt. W- H. Kitto, 7.
Mines, Note on the History of. W. H. Kitto, 32.
" FRICTION conglomerate," Carrick, Sulby Glen, 219.
FULLERS Earth, Glen Wyllen, 200.
GENERAL Committee Report, April, 1893, 61.
, 1894, 143
GEODEPHAIA and Hydradephaga Presented by Major Stephen, ~08.
GEOLOGICAL Excursion to the Isle of Man, Easter, 1892, Notes on.
J.Lomas, F. R.S. &c. , 1, 22.
Photographs, Album of, taken by Dr. Grossman, Easter, 1892,
Section, Report, 1893. Rev. S. N. Harrison, 69.
, , 1894, ,, 198.
GERMAN, List of Antiquities, 184 ; Earthworks, 185 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 185 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 186 ; Neolithic (?)
Settlement, 185 Pre-Christian Burials, 184 ; Wells, 186.
" GIANTS Quoiting Stone," Rushen, 228.
GILL, Deemster Report of Delegate to British Association, Nottingham,
1893, 109.
GLACIAL Shells from Shellag Brooghs, 82.
GLEN Auldyn Excursion, October 5, 1893, 86.
GLENCRUTCHERY, Polished Stone Cdt, 1.
"The White Lady" Stone Cist and Pottery, 4.
Boulder Clay on, 4.
GLEN Darragh, Glen Auldyn, and Battle of Scacafell, 86.
GLENVILLE, Conchan, Erratic Boulders, 5.
GLION-NY-BILLEY-GORRYM, Blue-Trees (Holly) glen, one of the last
haunts of the fairies, 87.
GOB-NY-MEAYL, Glen Aldyn, 88.
" GODRED Crovans Stone," 83
" GOLD Coin Found," Slegaby, Conchan, 5.
GOLDEN Eagle, Sulby, 1894, 204.
GROSSMAN, Dr., Album of Geological Photographs taken in the Island,
Easter, 1892, 1.
HARRISON, Rev. S. N., striated Rock Surface in Maughold, 52.
. Report of Geological Section, 1893, 69.
,, ,, 1894, 198.
HAS Climate Changed ? A. W. Moore, F.R.M.S. 237.
HEBRIDEAN Land System 41.
HEDGE Sparrow, Boght keear becoming scarce, 1893, 71.
HERDMAN, Prof. W. A., F.R.S. , Objects and Methods of Marine
Prof. W. A., The Exploration of our Coasts, 246.
Dr. W. A. , Elected Hon. Member, 83.
HILLBERRY, Conchan. Sites of Tumuli (?), 5.
HOLT, G. A., Collection of British Plants, 202.
HOLY Well, near Bradda, 224.
HYDRADEPHAGA and Geodephaga. Collection presented by Major Stephen,
HYDROIDA Found off the Isle of Man, List of. G. W. Wood,
A.K.C., 15.
Table of Distribution in the District of Liverpool Bay. G. W.
Wood, A.K.C., &c., 20.
HYDROID Zoophytes of the Isle of Man, with notice of species not
hitherto reported from the District. G. W. Wood, A.K.C.,
&c., 20.
ICE-Striae, Claughbane Quarry, Ramsey, 91.
IGNEOUS Rocks at Ballure and Dhoon, The Mineral composing 27.
" IMMYR," term for ploughlands between the Clachyn " Immye vane" when
in corn, and "Balk" or " Immye glass" when in grass, 43.
IRON Candlesticks (kainleye shuin), 266.
JEFFCOTT, J. M., Only Report of Commissioners of
Prehistoric Monuments, 78.
Resolution of Regret on the loss of, 1.
JOUGH, or home-brewed Beer, 267.
JURBY, Pre Reformation Chalice, 232.
List of Antiquities, 192 ; Keeils and Chapels, 192 ; loose
Antiquarian Relics, 192 : Pre-Christian Burials, 192 ; Wells,
KEEILS and Chapels, Andreas, 153 ; Arbory, 177 ; Ballaugh, 190 ;
Braddan, 167 ; Bride, 155 ; Conchan, 166 ; German, 185 ; Jurby, 192;
Lezayre, 158 ; Lonan, 163.
KELLY, H. , Ballaqueeney Cronk, The Clagh Ard, or Crosh Ballaqueeney,
and Cronk-How-Mooar 47.
KERMODE, P. M. C., Delegates Report of Meeting of British
Association, Edinburgh, 1892, 34.
The Meayll Circle, 117.
Provisional List of the Antiquities of Michael other than
Crosses, 127.
Report of Archaeological Section, 1894, 149.
List of Manks Antiquities, 153.
Bottle-Nose Whale, Hyperoodon rostratum (Chemnitz) in the Isle
of Man, 271.
KERMODE, Rev. S. A. P. , Report of Botanical Section, 1894, 201.
The Flora of the Isle of Man, 273.
KEWLEY, Rev. J., M.A. , Antiquities of the Parish of Arbory, 103.
KITTO, A. , Treasurers Statement, 1893, 67.
,, 1894, 148.
KITTO, Capt. W. H. , Member of the Institute of Mines and Minerals.
Historical Account of the Foxdale Mines, 7, 32.
Memoir on Plumosite or Feather-ore, 7, 33.
LAMPLUGH, G. W., Diversion of Sulby River at the close of the Glacial
Period. Friction-Conglomerate, Carrick, 219 ; Age of Manx Rocks,
LAND Animals, Origin of, 107.
System, Early, of the Isle of Man. A. W. Moore, M.A ,
LANGNESS, Conglomerate, but query limestone, 23.
" LEZAYRE," The Place-Name. Rev. A. A. Bridgman, M.A. , 92.
LEZAYRE, List of Antiquities, 157 ; Earthworks, 157 ; Keeils and
158 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 158 ; Neolithic Settlement, 158;
Pre-Christian Burials, 157 ; Pre-historic Settlement, 158 ;
LIAS, Fossils from, in Boulder Clay, Conchan, 218.
LIBRARY, Additions to. 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 59, 63, 81, 82, 85, 88, 90,
91, 141, 146, 217, 221, 224, 233, 235.
LIMESTONE, Example of Quaquaversal dip near Ronaldsway, 23.
LINTEL Graves, Ballaqueeney, 51.
LIST of Antiquities. P. M. C. Kermode, 153.
of Hydroida found off the Isle of Man. G, W. Wood, A.K.C.,
FI.C., 15.
. of Members, 1893, 4, 54.
,, 1894, 35.
of Mollusca collected in the Isle of Man. Robert Cairns,
of Officers. Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian
Society, 53.
of Officers and Members, 1894, 5, 134.
LITTLE Auk, Peel, December, 1894, 203.
LOMAS, J., F.G.S., A.R.C.S., Lond., &c. Notes on a Geological
Excursion to the Isle of Man, Easter, 1892, 1, 22.
LONAN, List of Antiquities, 162 ; Earthworks, 163 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 163 ~ Loose Antiquarian Relics, 164 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
162 Wells, 163.
LOOSE Antiquarian Relics. Andreas, 154 ; Arbory, 177 ; Ballaugh, 191
Braddan, 168 ; Bride, 156 ; Conehan 166 ; German 186 ; Jurby 192 ;
Lezayre 158 ; Lonan, 164 ; Malew, 175 ; Marown 170.; Maughold, 161 ;
Michael, 189 ; Patrick 182 ; Rushen 180. Santon, 172
MAGHER-NY-HOAGHYN Field of the Graves, Skyhill, 86.
MALEW, List of Antiquities 173 ; Earthworks 173 ; Keeils and Chapels,
174 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 175 ; Mediaeval Remains 175;
Pre-Christian Burials, 173 ; Wells, 175.
Pre-Reformation Plate, 227.
MANX Antiquities, Summary, 193.
MARINE Biological Laboratory, Port Erin. Establishment of, 1892,
Laboratory at S. Andrews 38.
MAROWN, Excursion to, June 30, 1892, 2.
Account of, by John Christian, vicar, for Thomas Pennant,
antiquary. A. W. Moore, M A., 29
List of Antiquities, 169 ; Earthworks , 169 ; Keeils and
Chapels 169; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 170 ; Pre-Christian Burials,
169; Wells, 170.
MASONIC Rooms, Ramsey, Collection of Manx Antiquities, 2~1.
MAUGHOLD, List of Antiquities, 159 ; Earthworks 159 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 160 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 161 ; Neolithic Settlement
159 : Pre-Christian Burials, 159 ; Wells, 161.
MCWHANNELL, Dr. Ll., Treasurer. Resolution on the loss of, 235.
MEDIEVAL Remains, Malew, 175 ; Patrick, 181 ; Summary of, 193.
MEETING, Ramsey, May 28, 1892, 1.
Crosby, June 30, 1892, 3.
Tholt-y.Wiil, July 26, 1892, 6.
Foxdale, October 20, 1892, 6.
Douglas, November 28, 1892, 7.
Ramsey, December 27, 1892, 9.
Michael, January 31, 1P93, ii.
(Annual), Douglas, March, 1893, 59.
Ramsey, April 26, 1893, 81.
Castle Rushen, May 24, 1893, 82.
Arbory, June 28, 1893, 83.
Douglas, November 29, 1893, 89.
Ramsey, January 30, 1894, 90.
Michael, February 28, 1894, 91.
(Annual), Ramsey, April, 1894, 141.
Douglas, May, 1894, 217.
Tholt-y-Will July 18, 1894, 221.
Port Erin, September 4, 1894, 224.
Douglas, December 14, 1894, 233.
Ramsey, January 30, 1895, 235.
Michael, February 28, 1895, 235.
METEOROLOGY of the Island. Dr. Tellet, F.E.G.S., 210.
MICHAEL, List of Antiquities, 187 . Cup-marked Rocks, 188 ;
Earthworks, 188 ; Keeils and Chapels 188 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics,
189; Neolithic Settlement, 188 ; Pre-Christian Burials, 187 ; Wells,
Meeting, January 31, 1893, 11.
, February 28, 1894, 91.
,, February 28, 1895, 235,
MINERALS composing Igneous Rocks, at Ballure and Dhoon, 27.
MOORE, A. W., M.A., The Early Land System of the Isle of Man,
Address of Retiring President, 1893, 78.
Has Climate changed ? 237.
MUSCOVITE in Foxdale granite, 25,
MUSEUM, Additions to, 3, 7, 9, 59, 66, 81, 82, 141, 146, 224, 233,
"NASSA KERMODEI" (new species described by P. F. Kendall), Boulder
Clay, Shellag, 91.
NEOLITHIC Settlement, Bride, 155 ; German (?) 185 ; Lezayre, 158;
Maughold, 159; Michael, 188 ; Patiick, 182 ; Rushen (?) 179.
NOTES On a Geological Excursion in the Isle of Man. J. Lomas, F.G.S.,
A.R.CS., &c., 22.
OBJECTS and Methods of Marine Biology. Prof. W. A. Herdman,
F.R.S.. 106,
OGAMS, Ballaqueeney, 49.
OGAM, Pictavian, embodying Manks forms, 10.
OLD English Inscription, Arbory, 104,
OLIVINE-Dolerite Dykes, Scarlett, 22.
ON Some Things Manks, now Obsolete. Miss A. M. Crellin, 265.
ORTHOCLASE with Viridite, 28.
PATRICK, List of Antiquities, 181 ; Earthworks, 181 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 181 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 182 ; Mediaeval Remains, 181
Neolithic Settlement, 182 ; Pre-Christian Burials, 181 ; Wells,
PEARLS in the Dhoo (black river), 31.
PHENOLOGICAL Observations invited by Dr. Ihne. Friedberg, 9.
PHIGALIA Pilosaria. First Record in the Island, Feb. 1893, 73.
PHOSPHORESCENCE of Zoophytes, 13.
PHYNNODDERRE in Glen Auldyn, 88.
PLANTS, Occasionally found, not indigenous, 290.
PLUMOSITE, or Feather-ore, Foxdale. Capt. W. H. Kitto, 7.
PORT ERIN, Excursion to, August 14, 1893, 85.
,, September 4, 1894, 224,
Meeting at, September 4, 1894, 224,
PRE-CHRISTIAN Burials. Andreas, 153 ; Arhory, 177 ; Ballaugh, 190;
Braddan, 167 ; Bride, 155 ; Conchan, 165 ; German. 184 ; Jurby, 192 ;
Lezayre, 157 ; Lonan, 162 ; Malew, 173 ; Marown, 169; Maughold, 159 ;
Michael, 127, 187 ; Patrick, 181 ; Rushen, 179; Santon, 171 ; Summary
of, 193.
PRE-HISTORIC Settlement, Lezayre, 158.
PRESIDENT, Address of Retiring, 1893. A. W. Moore, M.A., 78.
,, 1894. Dr. Tellet, 210.
PROVISIONAL List of the Antiquities of Michael, other than Crosses.
P. M. C. Kermode, 127.
QUAIL, Almost extinct, 1893, 71.
Abundant, 1894, 204.
QUARTERLANDS, About 80 acres ; four to a Balla or Treen, 42.
QUARTZ Crystals, most interesting, Foxdale, 24, 25, 33.
Diorite, Rhenab, 27.
QUAQUAVERSAL Dip in Limestone between Ronaldsway and Santor Burn,
QUINE, Rev. John, MA., The Douglas Treasure Trove, 242.
QUEDIUS tristis, Gray, Port Erin, 45.
RALFE, P. G., Bird Life in the neighbourhood of Douglas, 254.
RAMSEY Brooghs, Fragments of Urn, 1.
Meeting, May 28, 1892, 1.
,, December 27, 1892, 9.
,, April 26, 1893, 81.
,, January 30, 1894, 90.
Annual Meeting, April, 1894, 141,
Meeting, January 30, 1895, 235.
Reception of Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and
Archaeological Society, 1894, 230.
RANGE of Temperature in the Isle of Man, 215.
REDSTART, Black, First Record in the Island, February, 1895, 236.
REPORT of Anthropological Section (Folklore). Miss A. M. Crellin,
of Archaeological Section. 1894. P. M. C. Kermode, 149.
of Botanical Section, 1894. Rev. S. A. P. Kermode, 201.
of Delegate to British Association Meeting, Nottingham,
September, 1893. Deemster Gill, 109.
of Entomological Section, 1893. H. S. Clarke. 72,
,, 1894. ,, 206.
REPORT of General Committee, Douglas, March 23, 1893, 61.
,, April, 1894, 143.
Geological Section, 1893. Rev. S. N. Harrison, 69.
,, 1894. " 198.
Zoological Section, 1893. J. C. Crellin, 70.
,, 1894. " 203.
Lonan. Dr. Bradhury, 115.
RIDGEWAY, Sir J. W. , Lieut.GOVERNOR, invited to become honorary
President, 217.
ROEDER, C. , Collection of Flints from Isle of Man, 82.
RULES, 129.
RUSHEN, List of Antiquities. 179 ; Earthworks, 179 : Keeils and Chapels, 180
; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 180 ; Neolithic (?) Settlement, 179; Pre-Christian
Burials, 179 ; Wells, 180.
S. PATRICK'S Chair, Marown, 2,
S. ANDREWS Museum, Marine Station, Cathedral, 38.
SANTON. List of Antiquities,171 ; Earthworks, 171 ; Keeils and
Chapels, 171 ; Loose Antiquarian Relics, 172 ; pre.Christian Burials,
171 Wells, 172.
SAXON Coins, Ballaqueeney, 49.
SCACAFELL-Scafel.Skyhull Battle of, 87.
SCANDINAVIAN Land System, 41.
SCARLETT, Disappearance of Striated Surface, 22.
SEA Slugs. 108.
SHELLAG, Bride, Large Boulder of Criffel Granite, 25.
SHELLS from Boulder Clay, Cranstal, 26.
SITE of Chapel, Ballaqueeney, 49.
of Keeil on Gramma, Rowany, 224.
SLEGABY, Conchan, " Gold Coin found," 5.
SLIEU-NY-Clogh Foxdale. 6.
SOME Antiquarian Notes in the Parish of Kirk Michael. Miss A. M.
Crellin, 122.
SPINNING Wheel and " Quiggal," or distaff, 265.
STAINED Glass Window at Bishops Court, 123.
STANDING Stones, Lingage, Rushen, 84.
STONE Celt, from Conchan Glebe, 61.
Celt, Earey, Slieu Whallin, Patrick, 89.
Circle, Bradda Head, 149.
Circle, Braid, Marown, 2.
Circle and Cist, Ballakelly, Santon, 227.
STRIATED Rock Surfaces in Maughold. Rev. S. N. Harrison, 52.
SULBY, Excursion to, July 18, 1894, 219.
Treen Chapel, Conchan, Ruins of, 5.
River, Diversion of, at close of Glacial Period, 219.
SUMMARY of Manks Antiquities, Earthworks, Keeils and Chapels
Mediaeval Remains, Pre-Christian Burials, Wells, 193.
SUN Dial, Arbory, 104.
STEPHEN, Major, Small Collection of Hydradephaga and Geodephaga 1894,
TELLET, F. S., F.E.G.S. &c., Address as Retiring President,
1894, 210.
THE Douglas Treasure Trove, Rev. John Quine, M.4., 242.
Plot-a of the Isle of Man (1900). Rev. S. A. P.
Kermode, MA., 273.
-- Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society.
List of Officers and Members, 1893, 4, 53.
" Meayll Circle." P. M. C. Kermode, 117.
- Rhopalocera of the Isle of Man. H. S. Clarke, F.E.S.,
Survival of Palaeolithic Man. H. H. Walkey, 94.
THOLT-Y-WILL Meeting, July 26, 1892, 6.
TREASURERS Statement. A. Kitto, 1893, 67.
,, ,, 1894, 148.
TREASURE Trove, Douglas, 221.
TREEN of Edremony, Rushen, The Chapel of, on Ballaqueeney 51.
TUCK Mill (Myllen Walkee), 265.
TUMULI, Sites of, Hilberry, Conchan, 5.
TYNWALD, Deemster Gills Account of, 229.
UPPER Sulby, Remains of Treen Chapel, 5.
URNS in Meayll Circle, 117, 119.
. " The White Lady," Glencrutchery 4.
. from Cronks on Skyhill, 86.
URLEIGH, Cronk, an old Tynwald, 128.
VENUS Casina, in Boulder Clay, Shellag, 26.
VISIT of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and
Archaeological Society, September, 1894, 226.
VIRBIUS, Mimetic Powers of, 108, 247.
VUGGY Quartz, Plumosite in, 33.
WALKEY, R. H.. The Survival of Palaeolithic Man, 94.
WAXWING (Ampelis garrulus), Ramsey, January, 1893, 61, 71.
WELL, A Consecrated, to each Treen Chapel, 29.
WELLS, Arbory, 177 ; Ballaugh, 191 ; Braddan, 168 ; Bride, 156 ;
Conchan, 166 ; German, 186 ; Jurby, 192 ; Lezayre, 158 ; Lonan, 163;.
Malew, 175 ; Marown, 170 ; Maughold, 161 ; Michael, 189; Patrick, 182
; Rushen, 180 ; Santon, 172 ; Summary of, 193 ; near Bradda, 224.
" WET-MY-LIP " (Quail), Abundant, 1893, 205.
WHALE, Bottle-nose, Stranded at Maughold Head, December, 1894.
WHITE Stones in Graves, 118.
WILD Birds Eges, 36.
WOOD, G. W.. A K.C., F.I.C., Collection of Manx Mollusks, Hydroids,
&c., 11.
The Hydroid Zoophytes of the Isle of Man, with a notice of
species not hitherto reported from the District, 12.
XANTHOLINLTS Glabratus Gray. , and linearis, Ol., Port Erin, 46.
YOUNG of Marine Fishes, S. Andrews, 38.
YUCCA, very hardy in the Island, 215.
ZANNICHELLIA Palustris, Horned pond-weed, 290.
ZIRCON in Foxdale Granite, 25.
ZOOLOGICAL Section, Report, 1893. J. C. Crellin, 70.
, , 1894. ,, 203.
ZOOPHYTES, Hydroid, of the Isle of Man, 12.
ZOSTERA Marina, Grass-wrack, 290.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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