[Yn Lioar Manninagh Vol 2 pp 83/84]


Leader, Rev. J. KEWLEY, M.A.

Leaving Ramsey by 8-45 train for St. John's, Members proceeded by car through Foxdale, Rushen, and St.. Mark's, a stoppage being made at the latter place to visit the old earthwork known as the Black Fort, and mentioned in "Peveril of the Peak." The field was under corn, but the outline of the circular fortifications could be easily traced — about 24 yards in diameter by 2ft. high. South of this, by the side of the little stream, Awin Ruy was the site of "Godred Crovan's Stone," as marked on the Ordnance Map. The whole neighbourhood was strewn with Boulders of the Foxdale Granite, many of them broken, their average size about 2ft. cube. Lower down were the. foundations of a Gorse mill, and S.E. of it a larger boulder of Foxdale Granite, 5ft. by 5ft., by 4ft. 6in., which the Rev. C. S. Kroenig, chaplain, said had been pointed out to him as the celebrated Godred Crovan's Stone.

The cross road was taken to Ballamodda, and, at Athole Bridge, another short stoppage was made. The Red Conglomerate was here seen to form the left bank and bottom of the stream (Silverburn). The way was next taken past. Ballahot to Arbory village, where the party was met by the leader, Rev. J. Kewley, with some members from Castletown.

Mr. Kewley conducted them first to a large burial mound on Ballanorris, called the "Round Table," standing on which he, pointed out the bounds of his parish, and various places of interest within view, of which he gave a graphic description. Bimaken Friary was then visited, the old archways over some of the doors and windows being almost all that remained to show that the present barn had formerly been an ecclesiastical building. The Ogam stones found here had been removed for safety to Castle Rushen where they were seen at the meeting held in At the Church, the "Sumner's Pillar," Cregeen's monument, and other things of interest, were pointed out; and, within the building, the Old English inscription to Thomas Radclyf, Abbot.


At the Vicarage, members were received by Miss Kewley and hospitably entertained. A short meeting was held, the following were elected ordinary members : - Mr. W. R. Twitchett and Mr. G. Kay, Ramsey. On the recommendation of the General Committee, Dr. Herdman, F.R.S., etc. (who has been a corresponding member of the Society since 1885), was unanimously elected an honorary member as a slight recognition of his services to natural history in the Isle of Man by the establishment of the Marine Biological Station at Port Erin. Among communications was a letter from Mr. W. J. C. Joughin with respect to a supposed nightingale at Peel. The writer, who knew its song well, considered the notes unmistakeable. But the note of the Sedge Warlbler, Acrocephalus phragmitis, which frequently sings at night, has often been taken for that of the Nightingale, a bird not yet identified in the Isle of Man. Mr. Kennard (Kent) sent some bird notes, mentioning among others the Lesser Whitethroat, S. curruca, only seen by him at Laxey aul Peel; the Spotted Flycatcher, of whom he found one egg on the 31st May. Mr Lamplugh, of H.M. Geological Survey, wrote to call attention to"the dry double ravine forming the head of Glen Cam under the south slope, of Barrule," which would be passed on the return journey. He considered it "proof of heavy flood-waters having descended from Barrule with great erosive force, probably at the very close of the Glacial period, when snowfields melted rapidly every spring." Dr. Herdman wrote that he would be glad to receive members at the Marine Biological Station at Port Erin, about, the second week in August, and give a short address on the objects and methods of Marine Biology. It was left for the Secretary to make arrangements for the excar,ion. A rote of thanks to the leader, andl to Miss Kewley for her kind hospitality, concluded the meeting.

The rain having cleared off, seats were resumed in the car, about three p.m., and the road taken past Bellabbey, where the Leader pointed out the site of the Fair, and of St. Catherine's Chapel and Well, to Lingague, where the Standing Stones (probably remains of a large circle of huge unhewn monoliths) were visited, and the site of an ancient Fort pointed out. Returning to Colby; the road was then taken up the glen, a short stay being made at Ballagawne near Greyney Mooar, where the site of an ancient chapel and burial ground were visited ; and on to Ballayelse, where the ruins of the old Treen Chapel were pointed out, but the rain being extremely heavy, and the chapel in the middle of a field of oats, it was only viewed from the farm road. Castletown members now turned back, the rest continuing past Cronk-ny-Geayee and the head of Glen Cam, where was seen the dry ravine referred to by Mr. Lamplugh, past the burnt forest of young trees, to Foxdale, St. John's, and Peel, in time for tite 6-45 p.m. train home.


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