[From MM10192 book of Allowance].

Peel Castle Garrison 1607

Labelled on front cover "The Book of Allowance for paymts disbursemts given to Officers, Souldiers and Srvants at the Castle Peele... ending at the feast of St Michaell the archangel in Anno Dmi 1607"

[uniquely this is arranged as a table with entries for 4 qtrs tho for nearly all soldies only the 1st 3 columns are entered with the 5s
here I have just included the 1st column with notes of any difference]

A few names still to be determined

My Ld Garrad [Captain] £5
Robt Molyneux deputy 50s
Wm Radcliff Recvr 33s 4d
Edw Moore comptr 10s
Henry Radcliff constable 23s 4d
Phillip Crosse steward 15s
Rich: Halsall gunr [gunner] 13s 4d
the chririgin [surgeon] 6s 8d
the scholemr [school master] 5s
Mrke Conoly mort[dead] then Jo S[] 5s
Jo Holland 5s
Tho Clarke
Danold Cobin
Otes Crayne
Jo Gawen
Hugh Lamb
Jo Crellin
Rowland Whinrow
Bryan Woods
Wm Corrin
John Lamb
Jo Samsbury
Jo Carrett
Henry Thomasson
Raynold Highan
Jo []kin
Jo Bankes
Rich: Fisher?
Gilbt McNameere
Tho Otes
Wm Sumpter?
Wm Bridson
Tho Radcliff senr
Jo Colbin
Jo Leese
Henry Radcliff
Tho Garton
Wm Saynt
Michaell Contch?
James Tayler
Rich: Hunter
Tho Radcliff junr mort then Henry Radcliffjunr
Michaell Whitehead
Henry Mc Cer
Jo Woods - all entries blank
Tho Crellin
Henry Billing
Tho Casemt
Sill Crosse
the capt servant
the Rcr? servant
the comptr servant
Willm Quay
John Tubman
Joseph Gerrard [5s in 3rd qtr]

Ewan Christin demster 7s 6d
Henry Halsall atty 2s 6d

Tho Dawson gunr at Dugls 10s
Rich Hawarth soldier there 2s 6d
Wm Corleod soldier there 2s 6d

the porters 10s
the two watchmen 10s
the armourer 5s
the drummer 2s 6d
the keeper of the conys [rabbits]5s
the wright 5s
the sclater 5s
the smith 10s
the boteman 15d
John Hunter 3s 4d
Deonishe? Hunter 3s 4d
Tho Hudgeson 3s 4d


Ewan Christin 30s
Henry Radcliff 5s
Tho Bruckfield 32 5d
Tho Barry 15s
Roll? Edwards 25s [removed to the waterbalf office in 4th qtr]
Tho Crayne 25s


for the soldiers some 25s per qtr [see the list for 1593]



Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
HTML Transcription © F.Coakley ,2017