[From MM100071/3/1 Lib Scac 1593 p21].
William Radcliffe | Constable |
to keep watch & ward & to have £8 a peece for? ther dyet & 20s wages accustomed | |
Petter? Vause | chyrngony? |
John Lambe | |
William Leabricke? | |
William []ister? | |
Hughe Lambe | |
Juan Cannel? | |
Roger Barrow | |
[]ese[]he Cocknesertee? | |
Thomas Tunman | |
William Leoneard? | |
William Rimmor | |
Richard Halsall | gonner? |
Hennery Ratliffe | |
Phillip McCarran | |
Mark Conneley | |
William Brydsonn | |
John Colbyne | |
Phillip Crosse | |
Thomas Radcliffe jnr | |
John Crellin | |
Leawes Johnes | |
John Balwin? | |
Richard Fisher | |
Thomas Cleark | |
Oates Crayne senr | |
Rowland Whinroe | |
Hugh Quay | |
Donald Christen | |
Thomas Caryne jnr | |
Thomas Postel | |
John Mawdsley | |
Donald Coulbyn | |
John Holland | cook |
William Coopr | |
John Cleter | |
Servants to be alowed to keep the house? to have £3 [] & dyet |
Richard Fasakerley | brewer |
Donald Callam | maltman |
Donald Precott | boatman |
Formers | |
Dollin Gawen | |
John Standish | |
John Lace | |
Richard Atkinson | |
Thomas Crosse | |
Thomas Radcliff senr | |
Aged men and unservisable and to th[] theire pencions to have 40s pencion a yr? apeece |
John Richardson | |
John Tunman | |
John Twates | |
John Bateman | |
Wm []nsel | |
Gilbert McNamere | |
Wm Shirlocke | |
John Cawston? | miller |
Thomas Donson | almesman |
Henery Qui[] | kitchen boy |
William Radcliffe | " |
Henery Kerrold? | []wn?eaid |
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received
The Editor |