[From Home Office File HO 98/63]

Aust to Lt Govr Dawson re Letters sent to him and that given to Duke - 8 July 1788

Whitehall July 8th 1788

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Dear Sir

I have this moment seen Mr Nepean, who mentioned to me the guarded manner in which Lord Sydney's Letter to You respecting the Duke of Atholl was worded; but finding that his Grace had been furnished with a Letter in stronger Terms from the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr Nepean has authorized me from Lord Sydney to explain to you privately that it is by no means the intention of Government to invest the Duke with any Authority or Controul in the Island; but it is left to your Discretion to give him such Assistance and show him such Civilities as are not incompatible with His Majesty's Service: and in case the Duke should attempt to convene the Keys it will rest with you to judge how far it may be proper for You to consent to it. In short Mr Nepean desired me to assure You, that You would have the Secretary of State's Approval in resisting any improper Applications which His Grace might make, and which You might judge derogatory to His Majesty's Government in the Island.

Lord Sydney to Lt Govr Dawson - Whitehall 3d July 1788


The Duke of Atholl having acquainted me that he intends to visit the isle of Man in the course of this summer for the purpose of making an Enquiry into the situation of his affairs, and thereby to be enabled to make a farther statement to Government on the subject of his property in that Island; I am to desire that you will give His Grace every information in your power and every proper assistance on this occasion

I am your Sydney

A Copy of the letter carried by Atholl

The Duke of Athole having signified to me his Intention of Visiting the Isle of Mann this Summer for the Purpose of making a Statement to His Majesties Ministers upon the Subject of that Island you will give His Grace every Information and Assistance he may require.

You will likewise give every Assistance to Mr George Steuart an Architect the Duke carries with him to Inspect the Court Houses, Castles and Goals [gaols] and report the State thereof that an Estimate may be made of the probable Expence that may attend putting these Buildings into proper Repair.


At this time the Duke had no formal position in the governance of the Island, nor any proprietorial interest in these properties which were transferred to the Crown by the Act of Revestment.

On the 3rd of July 1788. Robert Frazer, then an agent for the Duke, wrote to John Taubman, Speaker of the Keys stating that Governor Smith earnnestly recommended to them unanimity and cool deliberation and cautious deliberation adding "may I be permitted to add that it is now on the eve of the arrival of his Grace the Duke of Atholl, who is entrusted by Administration with full Authority and Controul over all the Affairs of this Isle".

Taubman passed a copy to Dawson, with this and several other passages underlined - Dawson include it in his complaint to Lord Sydney.


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