[From Atholl Papers - AP 49(4th)-40]

[James McCrone to Duke - 24 August 1827]

Castle Mona 24 Aug 1827

My Lord Duke

I have been remiss in not ere now acknowledging the receipt of your kind letter brought to me by Mr Carrington, but Your Grace will have been aware I must have been very much occupied with the Arbitrators Valuators Surveyors &ca and I left it to Mr Carrington to keep you advised of all that was going on

I have been every where, in the Vallies & on the Mountains with Mr Courtenay, Isles &ca and have had much free and confidential communication with him, and without giving the smallest hint on the subject, I have received a formal commission from the Office of Woods & Forests appointing me Receiver of the Quit Rents and all the property transformed or about to be transferred to the Crown, allowing as is usual, me to deduct 5% for my trouble - While I have to thank Your Grace for this, which I do most gracefully, I may observe that it is, as honorable for me as it is reproachful to my enemies, and is the best possible answer all their caluminies - I beg your Grace will communicate this to the Duchess, and when I have a little time to spare, I shall thank her Grace for all the kindness she has shown & expressed towards myself & family.

Mr Courtney is packing up to leave us tomorrow, and though he has not been long in the Isle, I am sure he carries away in his head & portfolio, more information, as to the laws & their administration - and as to property & politics than any individual on the Island possesses, and while he has been looking right & left at every thing he has not neglected the main object of arbitration - Fulljames was here and is away, but on many points Mr Courtney tried to come more decidedly as to facts than what is stated by any and all of the valuators and this he has done in a variety of ways, such as directing special fields to be measured & the quanity of grain ascertained - by examining practical farmers within the Isle, natives & strangers, and last of all he has brought a Mr Norman from near Carlisle, valuator for the late Bishop of that diocese, who is to go along with Mr Pettman and make a valuation & field book of 5 parishes. vizt Andreas, Braddan, Malew, St Anne & Lonan - He has given this man written instructions, a copy of which Mr Carrington will send by this mail - they appear to me to be fair & judicious, and the man himself has a very prepossessing appearance and looks like a respectable farmer - I have no doubt however that he has been named by Mr Curwen or the Deemster, and probably the suggestion originated in that quarter, and Mr C. agreed to it, as well for information to himself as to put it out of the power of the adverse party, through Curwen to rise up in the House and say that justice had not been done to the Crown - Your Grace need not be alamed at this, for it is idle for me to say, it is impossible you could be in better hands, and I have no doubt the result will be quite satisfactory.

I am nailed to my chair by a severe lumbago, so I hope your Grace will excuse me for not saying more at this time. Mr Carrington is to write & to him I refer

I have the honor &c...




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