[From Atholl Papers - AP 33B-6]
My Lord
Your Graces most acceptable favour of the 18th ult came to hand on the 30th. And yesterday I made it my business to go to Douglas and communicate its contents to the merchants there, who rejoiced greatly upon the occasion. That your most gracious inclinations towards this Isle might be generally known, I also gave intimation thereof by letter to the captains of Peel & Ramsey, and notifyed the same to the gentlemen in this town, and it is to be hoped that the merchts now freed from their apprehensions of a revolution will order matters so, as to make a sensible alteration in your Graces revenues
Next week the Comptr and I have appointed a collection at Douglas, and then propose making a remittance to your Grace
I am with the utmost duty
My Lord your Graces most obedient and most humble servant
Dan Mylrea
Castletown 1st August 1764
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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